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Re: Harry Redknapp ... top geezer!!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:40 pm
by eduardo
I think it's quite funny and Redknapp has made himself look a right twat and contary to previous dealings then I think Lowe has played the game of poker with Portsmouth brilliantly.

By refusing to accept Redknapp's resignation then he is still in their employment and so they are entitled to compensation. If Pompey don't pay up and appoint someone else then he surely has grounds to sack Redknapp for gross misconduct.

So he can sit tight and wait and see if Portsmouth pay what he wants or he can dig his heels in and wait for Portsmouth to appoint someone else and then sack Redknapp.

I'd guess the latter but with this soap opera then you never can tell.

Re: Harry Redknapp ... top geezer!!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:01 pm
by David Johnson
Heard an interview on Five Live with Harry tonite. He came out with the "I felt I was just keeping the seat warm etc. , all sorts going on without my knowledge etc etc" routine. I think this would have been a little more convincing if I didnt recall him saying exactly the same thing before leaving Portsmouth.
Or maybe just as some people are unlucky in love, Harry is unlucky in management. This was followed by an interview with a director at Kettering explaining that he had sacked Paul Gascoigne for being drunk at work and then complaining about decisions being made without him because he was too pissed to remember.
Blimey, who needs EastEnders if you want soap in your life!

Re: Harry Redknapp ... top geezer!!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:37 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
I can't imagine what the appeal of managing a team like Portsmouth would be,apart from the money

Who in their right mind would want to manage a team thats won 2 of 15 games

Laurie Sanches(N.I.)apparently does,but only part time

Championship here we come ;-)


Re: Harry Redknapp ... top geezer!!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:54 am
by eduardo
What gets me over this is that alot of managers still have a go at players for lack of loyalty when they break there contracts to go to another club for more money but there's alot managers that do exactly the same.


Re: Harry Redknapp ... top geezer!!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:49 am
by Deuce Bigolo
Wouldn't make any difference anyway given that its Business not Sport

Managers definitely get the wrong end of the stick 5/10 IMHO
Perfect example George Burley at Hearts

I suspect its a combination between more money,higher division/bigger challenge & meddling idiots upstairs who think they know it all and really know nothing that are the main reasons for management moves mid-season

You'd think they should be brought into line with the players and have a transfer window instead of this merry go round that sees managers sacked or resigning whenever

Will be interesting to see who takes up the poison Chalice position at REAL MADRID

Win everyhting but Europe and your a shoein for the sack
Then again win europe & spain 2 years in a row and still get the chop
No understando?


Re: Harry Redknapp ... top geezer!!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 12:34 pm
by eduardo
I always remember the Leo Beenhakker situation at Real Madrid in the late 80's and early 90's where he won 5 consecutive League Titles only to be sacked for not winning the European Cup.

I found that absolutely incredible.

It may have been poetic justice that Barcelona (and Cruyff) then went and won the Spanish Lge for the next 4 years which served Madrid right.

Re: Harry Redknapp ... top geezer!!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:25 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Madrid have always sacked winning managers for reasons only known to themselves

Dress it up anyway you like and its down to the Ego of the Owner IMHO

I think it was del bosque that won almost everything available in 2 years
but still got the boot with no real reasons given
You just don't change winning formulas

Not every Manager has won the Euro Champions League

The notion that you can buy all of the talent and make them jel at the drop of a hat is laughable but shows the stupidity of those upstairs


Re: Harry Redknapp ... top geezer!!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:30 am
by eduardo
I don't think Madrid or Barcelona are actually owned by one person. I think they are clubs that are run by members and the Presidents are elected by the members hence el presidente is the man with all the power.

At these presidential elections then the candidates look to make a big splash and proclaim that they will sign world class stars so as to get votes etc.

The problem with that is these people have no understanding of football at all and therefore decisions are made that shouldn't be made but then that is not too different to the EPL as there's alot of chairmen in place there who know absolutely nothing about football either.

o/t Re: Harry Redknapp ... top geezer!!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:12 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Your right Madrids decisions come via the Board,which having some ex-madrid players present has become very shortsighted IMHO by the financial stability that buying the big name attack minded superstars has brought

I think Camacho summed it up best in this article

So the rumours about the Man City & Tottenham Hierachies being bound & gagged must be true then,given their results I mean?


Re: Harry Redknapp ... top geezer!!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 4:03 pm
by Heathray
Cerkney Wanker. Who the fuck would hire anyone so disloyal? He stoops to new lows in the nasty manager club, along with Docherty, Allison and Souness.