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Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:55 am
by one eyed jack
Furthermore Guilbert, why stop there? Why not go on about how british people seem to take the greatness of their own country for granted, spouting patriotism for which they don't even know the first thing about laying up in streets, too lazy to work, sponging off the state not getting an education so please don't get me started on the triviality of a colour issue when you have just as much to consider "with your own kind".

Living in a multicultuaral society in harmony with the indigenous (white) folk here is one of the things that made this country great. Maybe its people like you who should leave if you really don't like it.

Quit being part of the problem and do something to effect a solution.

Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:49 am
by Karl Kruz
Here, Here Terry.

Rational thinking.

Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 12:35 pm
by nachovx
I'm actually surprised that WMP put only ethnic faces on a page like that, especially in these PC times, where organisations usually bend over backwards to prove they're not racist. They must know that doing that is going to fuel the idea that all ethnics are somehow genetically drawn to be criminals. I don't know how often the page is updated, but assuming it's on a regular basis, then by the law of probability, at some point all the faces will be ethnic. You could also praise WMP for being honest, if these people are the most wanted and they published the page to reflect the facts, although they know they'll be either slated by rights organisations OR used by racists to back up their theories.

Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:29 pm
by one eyed jack
Nachovx, I see your point but I really couldnt give a hoot for pc. The fact that there is a bunch of ethnics listed on their website is not wrong. if they are bad they are bad and thats that but for people to use this as propoganda is out of order and misleading. It could just as easily be a mix of white and ethnic on there in a months time. I think Guilbert should rethink his views on immigration based on this.

I for one am not against immigration if you subscribe to this analogy;

You live on a house on a hill and there is a flash flood in the community. Being a decent person, you put up everybody in your house on the hill. Time passes and the flood won't go away and you can only house so many people. What do you do?

Thats right, you have to stop receiving people as your house can't hold any more people. Theres nothing racist in that. I didnt even mention the peoples colour. But there is only so much one can do before you say enough.

I back immigration if they are bringing people/ families into the country that are going to be bringing something to the table. We've already got too many people here on hand outs. We need to balance the equation a bit so we don't put any more strain on resources here.

Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:19 pm
by nachovx
I've got nothing against anyone coming here to live as long as they do it peacefully. The only objections I have are on grounds of their religion - that some then use as a lever to change the nature of the country and get special kid-glove treatment. This is a western country and that's the way it should stay , regardless of the ethnic mix. We could take a lot more people in areas outside of the SE. Scotland only has 5M people, that could be pushed up to 15M with no problems.

Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:23 pm
by eroticartist
One eye,

I was at Brixton paddling pool a couple of months ago with my two children. Children of all races played happily together unaware of any differences.
Here was beautiful metaphor for the human race.

We indigenous people who have stayed in London while millions of whites left, have learnt tolerance, understanding and found that living in a multi-cultural society is a rich and rewarding experience.

Londoners can said to be showing the rest of the world that it can be done.

Mike Freeman

Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:27 pm
by mart
"Scotland only has 5M people, that could be pushed up to 15M with no problems."
If only it was that simple.
Apart from the $64,000 question of jobs, infrastructure etc. how many people would want to live in Scotland? I'm not having a dig at the country but often immigrants want to live close to their existing communities.
The NZ government has tried to encourage immigrants to settle all over the country but still 2/3rds end up in Auckland.


Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:47 pm
by one eyed jack
I wouldnt mindliving in Scotlan save for the fact its a bit chilly all year round. Scotland i sone seriously beautiful place. I love those hills. The people are friendly too (not to sure about Glasgow though) bu teverywhere else is cool.

I spent some time there as a kid and remember it fondly.

Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 4:24 pm
by Pervert
Scotland has its faults and its good points, but much of the country is still undeveloped for good reasons. As Mart says, it's a question of jobs and infrastructure. You can dump folk in an empty place and tell them that's where they have to live from now on, but villages grew around farms; towns grew around ports and quarries and mines. Without jobs and amenities, there'd be no point.

It would also be like building homes on national parkland like the Peak and Lake districts, the Yorkshire Dales, Dartmoor. Lots of places are vital to the ecology of this island.

Thanks to Terry for bringing some logical sense into this cesspit of a thread. Every week we seem to get another immigrant-bashing topic started. There are those who are against immigration and, let's not be coy about this, in particular about people from Africa and Asia and the West Indies coming in. That's their choice, and they are free to express their views. But repeating them week in and week out is not going to garner any more support. So please find another lawn to put your burning cross.

Discrimination is an excuse for lazy thinking, for not using your brain. Instead of making up your mind on what you feel about people as individuals, you diss an entire group (by colour, creed, gender or sexual preference). Be adventurous, talk to people---you'd be surprised how amazing even the most stereotypical can be. Generalising is just a way of hiding the numbers of people you hate. For nationalities, you can bring to under 200, for race or religious belief, hey, I only object to about 20.

We learn from incoming groups, and they learn from us, and hopefully we evolve together. And if that sounds politically or socially naive, maybe it is. But it's how things were for centuries.

Re: Racism - how are we supposed to feel?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 4:34 pm
by Guilbert
I would just like to say that I did not go hunting for the site for "Most

I found it after helping my son do his homework.

He was researching "Black History Month", and that led me to a web site
for Black people, and that mentioned the "Most Wanted" website.

While I am not stupid enough to think that all black or Asian people are
criminal and all "white" people are good, you have to say that a "Most
Wanted" site featuring almost all Black or Asian people gives a very bad

One could argue that the police are being rather naive, or even racist, as I
cannot believe that there are no White/Chinese/"name your race here"
who are just as "wanted" as the ones pictured.