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Re: Arab Porn

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 10:44 am
by Fastbike
Ben , it made me laugh , look if they did not bring those petrodollars back the the West , we would all be f*cked ,( in the words of the great econimist Keynes ). So any girls who work the Dorchester should be given a Queens Award for Exports .

Re: Arab Porn

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 1:17 pm
by bungo
Oh monkey.
Get a fucking life mate.

If you want to take a trip out with me and see every arab I know they all behave exactly as Ben said.

I dont see any rascism in Ben and I have known him years.

But this is england and if we like to have a joke we will.

How many arabs do you know?
5 , 10, 15?
it maybe true the women in these arab states arent overtly sexual,
or indeed fronwed upon and scorned or worse by the male arabs if they
were ,buts thats there culture,Having said that
it would be niave to think the women over there arent as powerful as the women over here, purely based on what they wear:O) these british arab girls born here who choose to wear those these frocks or burkas?
there not forced at all and there far from repressed.

As much as i like to see girls walking down the street wearing next to nothing, forgive me for saying, but i do have respect for the women who
choose of there own free will to wear these dresses, exspcially in this day
and age, where everyone is too quick too judge.

Btw loved ya work in Ben Dover's Hot Spice Girls:O)
that stripper was something else;-)

Re: Arab Porn

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 4:27 pm
by Ben Dover
Bloody hell I was only having a laugh!! I know making their women cover up is their culture. That's the point. Part of our culture is taking the piss. Out of ourselves as much as anybody else. And, after last night it's a bloody good job frankly!! We've always had the ability to laugh at ourselves. Which is a good thing. As part of our 'culture' we used to burn women at the stake. We've moved on. Some 'cultures' [some African countries still actively condone the barbaric act of female circumcision on the grounds of 'culture'] haven't, and certain practises carried out or enforced on the grounds of 'culture' are just unnacceptable in the 21st century. If certain nationalities choose to behave in a way which the majority of people who don't still think we live in the 17th century find, at the very least distasteful, then I think a gentle ribbing isn't beyond the pale.

Re: Arab Porn

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 9:56 am
by Dace
The racial comment debate aside.

I would like to see some Arabic ladies doing porn.

Most of them I have met have been fit mon

Re: Arab Porn

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 10:16 am
by Spook
A stream of insulting generalisations about an entire race - but, hey, its just a bit of fun and not in the slightest bit racist.

Re: Arab Porn

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 12:37 pm
by Ben Dover
Oh Pur-leeeese.

Re: Arab Porn

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 3:52 pm
by Lizard
I was going to post about white males that drive flash motors, and watch pornography, go down the pub-get a bit pissed, then try and get thier end away in a nightclub, failing that go for a curry..............
Then I realised I was talking about me!, so nobody start or I,ll ave you for Lizard,ism.
Good post Ben! have you still got that gas guzzling car you were selling the De Tom?, or did you sell it to a wealthy Arab Gentleman...

Re: Arab Porn

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 3:53 pm
by steve56
reading this reminds me of rock the casbah-the clash.