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Re: Enemy at the Gates-farcical

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 6:14 pm
by jj
How much?
In dollars, you mean?

Re: Enemy at the Gates-farcical

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 6:22 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Not the worst I'll grant you

I can put up with history being re-worked to suit the script
but I won't put up with the wrong accent

Even dubbing with subtitles would have been better than this pile of baloney
Only Bob Hoskins attempts an accent

No idea how much american hollywoofd referencewas a stab in the dark at the culprits...they do seem to take these kind of short cuts....Tony Curtis & Kevin Costner being the 2 I remember vividly

When is a 'Star' so big he/she need not ACT the entire part?


Re: Enemy at the Gates-farcical

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 7:19 pm
by The Last Word
When is a 'Star' so big he/she need not ACT the entire part?

When he/she is capable of giving their studios, investors and increasingly themselves a $30m opening weekend by merely being themselves, presumably.

Next month Brad Pitt is Troy - though judging from the trailer Troy is Brad Pitt.

Re: Enemy at the Gates-farcical

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 8:18 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Most of those Movie viewers wouldn't know the Story of Troy anyway

The type that say I've seen the film and one day might read the book

Epic tales are great but todays efforts with few exceptions don't hold a candle to yesteryear efforts...I'll take a cast of thousands over computer generated images anyday

To much reliance on special effects & mindless violence IMO in films of the past 25 years

Troy Looked like the next big project after LOR...when I see an Aussie like Eric Bana(at least he's not attempting an American accent this time) in the cast I know their taking the mickey and like you say riding on
the Big Name to make it a success


Re: Enemy at the Gates-farcical

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 2:55 am
by mart
What is all accents business. Are you telling me that Enemy at the Gates was a bad movie because they didn't have Roooshian accents?
