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Re: Computer problems

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:36 pm
by mart
Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude bfu but you have to put some effort into sorting computer problems. It's not rocket science but its more complicated than adjusting your vcr. I have a mate in the UK who can't even set the controls on his central heating.


Re: Computer problems

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 1:13 am
by Deuce Bigolo
We were all beginners once

You might find helpful in this respect

Back to the problem at hand...removing the 2 programs

I'd try running Adaware from for starters

Then Spybot from second

If it still persists you might try the forums at
Every known bug to computers seems to be under discussion there


Re: Spyware Forum Link above -wrong

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 1:17 am
by Deuce Bigolo


Re: Computer problems

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 3:16 pm
by stallion
Further to what Deuce said, after downloading Adaware and Spybot try updating them straightaway as the downloaded files may not be the newest versions. I had the exact same problems but both these programs have fixed it and since then I've had no more trouble (touch wood)

Re: Computer problems

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 1:15 pm
by Carl Pulley
Thanks to everyone who posted on this thread.

I installed 3 programs in 1/hijacker browser program ad aware version6(Which has worked,quick crack open the beer and celebrate).well at least it got rid of that awful annoying homepage i was getting from fastsearch and coolsearch.(at least i got Bt main page back from using the IE icon)

I also done spybot installation(bloody hell good job i did,i just done it and it found 201 computer faults so now i fixed them)But i still got to read more on this program.(but at least i'm sorted now)

the 3rd one was just a bonus and i liked the look of it (Spy sweeper version 2.2) which deals with spyware files,but again i got more to look in to that.(not really sure how good this program is,i chose it because it said it was good helping you out on trojan viruses).

Now the only problem i'm still getting and it doesn't do it as much as it used to but it crops it now and again is this pop up i'm getting, the but like i said i still got to look into more of spybot and the spy sweeper programs(hopefully one of those 2 will sort it out,if not i can always look at lizard locker sometime next week or weekend and see if there another program to get rid of that pop up that occurs.)

anyway thanks to all of you.(i'm not into the tech side of computers but glad of the help).

Carl Pulley

Re: Computer problems

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 5:23 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
If you do a search in under ""
you'll see

CW Shredder from
has solved this for some

As for adaware

Go into right....2nd from left....hit customize....and by ticking you can increase the area of your computer that is scanned

As for get the best coverage you'll need to be in advanced mode which I found by accident by following

start....programs....spybot...then selecting advanced

When in spybot select Immunize....a 2nd layer of protection

Go into tools and select hosts file.....blocks hundreds of internet service providers that are known to allow spyware

They both have uninstall keys if you experience any problems


Re: CW Shredder Above Link Wrong

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 5:35 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Try the homepage it comes with explanations for any error messages when downloading CW Shredder
