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Re: Belladonna

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 2:08 pm
by steve56
lasagne today,i recall tight fit in the 80s doing fantasy island,that midget was a pita though,lol

Re: Belladonna

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 2:13 pm
by crofter
you turncoats, Maradonna is a personal salvation to every Scotsman living whether the ball accidentally hit his hand or not it was still an awesome leap from such a wee man, plus you all fail to mention his second goal where he beat 19 players and passed the ball into the net in this tremendous game, one of the best players ever to play, do not see why he should be ridiculed for one moment.

Re: Belladonna

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 2:15 pm
by steve56
hot pants,that takes me back 1983,lol.

Re: Belladonna

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 3:13 pm
by IdolDroog
i mean this with the greatest love and respect - but could u guys fuck off into ur own maradona thread :P lol ....we wanna trade belladonna links :P

Re: Belladonna

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 4:24 pm
by jj
But it wasn't one moment, it was loads over years.
Sublime talent shouldn't excuse blatant cheating (Rivaldo please note), especially when a gift like that subsequently is pissed up the wall (G Best please note).


Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 8:44 pm
by nosey
Is he still working on Saturday afternoons for Sky???????.