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Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 3:42 pm
by goldenballs
i agree. i'm not really into rugby but i was still happy that we won.

too many people in this country have got chips on their shoulder.

Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 3:58 pm
by goldenballs
i think golf gets a hard time. if its not your thing, then do something else, but some folk really attack it (sounds like what EJ was saying regarding rugby, if golf was accessable to more, maybe it would have less of a stigma).
I don't want to get into an argument over golf, i've heard it all before, 'good walk spoiled, waste of countryside etc...' the line someone said comparing golf to freemasonary was just ridiculous, try telling that to tiger woods!
golf can be exciting, both to play and to watch. it is also a great way to spend time socialising. how often to you spend 3 or 4 hours with friends or colleagues except for down the pub getting drunk? or sitting in front of a computer like we all are now. wow, healthy pursuits they are!
As someone pointed out, it can also be very frustrating, so you may ask what's the point? pardon the cliches but as is often heard, golf is like life. you might have a bad round or hit a bad shot, but you've always got two options: storm off the course and give up, or go back out the next day and try harder.
I play golf and i love it, after having played for about 15 years, i've just had the best golfing year ever, beat all my best scores. even played my local course in level par (for those that care). and i know i'll still be enjoying playing golf when i'm an old codger, while everyone else is stuck indoors using internet chat forums.

Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 3:59 pm
by woodgnome
in my experience, most people are far less fussed about other peoples wealth and status than they were twenty years ago.

maybe there is an excluded section of society for whom resentment against those with cash to spare HAS intensified but generally speaking, i would say that most citizens are considerably more relaxed and laissez-faire about such matters than was the case when red robbo stalked the land.

and, for the record, i went to a comprehensive where the union code was played with enthusiasm and it was definitely not posh.

Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 4:11 pm
by steve56
take my tip watch this sporting life starring richard harris the forerunner of del henneys fallen hero,its a mans game i was too weak to play,lol.

Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 4:11 pm
by goldenballs
'Sorry but golf is complete pants and a sad sad activity, much less sad than going on the internet '

you won't be saying that when you have a stroke due to lack of excersise!

Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 4:30 pm
by The Last Word
'in my experience, most people are far less fussed about other peoples wealth and status than they were twenty years ago'

Twenty years ago Herr Thatchler was making impressive progress in gradually disenfranchising the working classes, so you perhaps have a point. Dark days indeed, and a far cry from the makeover/designer label/celebrity-stricken/self-image-obsessed society we have today, of course. No wealth and status there, surely?

"Let's do it..."

Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 5:32 pm
by nosey
When you said that you played your local course in level par was that after or before you brought any handicap into the equation?

Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 7:01 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Golf to me is like any other sporting activity-good exercise but it should be remmebered that swinging a golf club isn't natural-anybody suffering from a bad back will know what I mean

I've long given up playing any kind of ball sport and taken up walking,cross country running,weight lifting,swimming and cycling

Very litttle equipment required and bugger all training

Immediate access and no waiting/frustration

One aim-fitness


Re: I hate Rugby! Are you sure?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 7:05 pm
by nosey
Weight-lifting can't do your back much good. Can it??. And surely cycling makes your ass sore!!!!!!!!!!