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Re: George Dubya Bush

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:18 pm
by User
>Why doesnt someone explain to him that its more complicated than that?

Because he is truly a moron of incredible proportions. Explaining it to him would really be a waste of time. This is a man, remember, who openly believes that America is God's chosen land; therefore he probably thinks 'his' policies (his in name only really) represent freedom by default. The big chimp.

Re: George Dubya Bush

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:47 pm
by jj
So 'a small minority' would run to to what: hundreds of thousands, or perhaps into the low millions? Talk about numerical relativism- reminds me of Stalin's 'a single death is a tragedy: a million deaths is just a statistic'.
The complexities of race and religion are a side issue: the point is tolerance for others' beliefs (or indeed lack thereof): these turkeys have the same currency worldwide: that of hatred for all who do not share their narrow viewpoint.

Re: George Dubya Bush

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 6:47 pm
by Boring Bloke
Unfortunately a huge chunk of the American population themselves seem to have just as odd a view of freedom. Just look what happened when one of the girls from the group The Dixie Chicks said she was ashamed that Bush was from Texas. In any other country no one would bat an eyelid if you slagged off the Presindent or the Prime Minister - in fact, it would be pretty normal - but in America the reaction to this was amazing. The group's songs were banned from 1000 radio stations, people stopped buying their music and there were even mass burnings of their CDs. And all this just because they dared express a different opinion.

And the totally mad part is the people who backed all this banning seemed to be the same ones who kept saying they support freedom! What total fuckwits.

Re: George Dubya Bush

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 7:22 pm
by php
The way they worhip the flag, it worries me. Errr errr and clever clogs Bush too errr...

Clinton I thought represented his people well, he was a good man, it's just a pity the Bushmen fixed the election because if Al Gore won I don't think we would be in this 'war on terrorism' era now.

Re: George Dubya Bush

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 11:35 pm
by jj
No, we'd all be bored comatose.
Which, I suppose, would be an improvement of sorts........