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Re: The Shame Of MacGroyn

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 9:26 am
by Holden MacGroyn
By the way, I never denied shagging her, just tried to find a half decent reason why my pecker went mutant hunting.

Re: Drunks As Girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 10:10 am
by Dissident
Sounds like agood idea, but drunkard women are just painful to be with and no fun in the long run.

Better off with a tea-total god fearing christian to gently defile than a drunk aud hoor

Re: Drunks As Girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 7:35 pm
by sandie
hmmmmm. interesting.
especially in the light of the question over on the other forum about pornstars as girlfriends.

did u know that someone has made an amatuer video - it is produced by one of the main players but cant remember his name - called drunk girls. its shameful. they get the girl pissed up then she has sex in a drunken stupor. sure this cant be legal. did see the vid but am pretty damn sure there was no bbfc mark on it.

well since i no longer seem to be able to hold my drink in a lady like fashion i have decided to call it a day. im not going tee total but lets just say id rather not be making a prat of myself in future.
haha...just wait til next bgafd party, it will all go to pot then u know.

i can but try tho.

Re: Drunks As Girlfriends

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:08 pm
by marcusallen
Its easy.

(1) I always know when a girl is drunk - her face(and the rest) gets blurry.
(2) I have nothing more to do with her for several hours.(That'll teach her)
(3) I REFUSE to make breakfast
(4) If she persists on returning, I insist she brings her jammies(Cause I cann't stand the sight of naked drunks of the female persuasion.

Trust this helps, if not I have more drastic suggestions.(e.g. getting The Chairman to SORT HER OUT!!!!!!

Re: Drunks As Girlfriends

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 4:09 am
by Ace
I agree Sandie that this type of video has no place in anyones collection. Whoever made this wants blacklisting from the industry

Re: Drunks As Girlfriends

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 11:40 am
by sandie
might be hard cos as i say its one of the biggests sex store owners in the country. still cant remember his name tho. u might find to blacklist him for producing this, whats left of the porn industry in this country will disappear.

Re: Drunks As Girlfriends

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 1:16 pm
by Ace
Its a sad state of affairs when it comes to this. Porn should be good fun to make as well as watching. Anything 'untoward' gives the anti-porn brigade something to bang on about.......which maybe a good thing sometimes, especially with torture/drunk/rape scenarios....and other very unsavoury sides to an otherwise great industry