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Re: Does Gilly Sampson fuck Ben Dover?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:09 am
by m100
Every two girl 'soft' scene that Ben shot ended in the same manner as the gilly/teresa scene so there's nothing to suggest anything happened after the camera stopped - unless any of the three people involved have ever said it did. If Ben has extra footage from these earlier videos it's about time he did something with it - though a hard version of gilly and teresa has never seen the light of day and probably doesn't exist.

Re: Does Gilly Sampson fuck Ben Dover?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:27 pm
by David71
Ben fucked Lorna Lace, Lucy (13), Miyah & Natalie Heck in his X Factor series in about 2005. Think he just did vag.

Re: Does Gilly Sampson fuck Ben Dover?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:21 pm
by maximo55
long shot, has anyone got any contact no's for Linzi Drew - only want a coffee with her

Re: Does Gilly Sampson fuck Ben Dover?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:46 am
by one eyed jack
I'm glad Rodders stepped in to comment because I wouldnt want to ruin the illusion for those who think every girl that does porn (including those who you thought wouldnt) are up for it.

I mean, it just sounds like a rape charge waiting to happen. Maybe not for those who were lucky but for someone else who believes what Bangkok Banger says is true.

I would say most girls would expect togs to be professional in their attitude. Its not like they need the work to get laid

Re: Does Gilly Sampson fuck Ben Dover?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:23 am
by one eyed jack
The suggestion that all girls are up for it is a dangerous one. Dont be silly by believing this is true.

If sex is your motive then there are other channels more direct you can go to where they are "bang up for it" because thats what it says in their job description

I heard a similar story of this happening where a bloke who made inappropriate advances get a hiding from the boyfriend later so I'd be very careful about believing this to be standard of all girls..especially ones you wouldnt think were up for it.

Unless of course they made the advances on you I rest my case.

Re: Does Gilly Sampson fuck Ben Dover?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:08 pm
by thebangkokbanger
Come on OEJ you know as well as I do what 90 percent of the girls are up for,please dont mention rape that is a different ball game but if u say to the model i will pay you x amount of quid for a fuck after the shoot and they say yes is that rape?NO I have seen your videos and reckon you are fucking off camera with modeLs that do not do HC porn.
That is fine but do not act all holier than thou most amateur togs want to fuck the girls they shoot and most models want to fuck togs for money cos its better money and easier work call me a liar if u want but its 90 percent true.

Re: Does Gilly Sampson fuck Ben Dover?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:23 pm
by one eyed jack
I admit that some, nay many fuck off camera because they like the people they work with or whatever reason they do it for I'm just saying its a dangerous assumption on a public forum to expect people to believe that because we have a thing called social intercourse at play and if a newbie producer fancies the wrong kind of girl and comes onto her believing what you say to be true then gets refused, he might take her "no" to mean a yes, so the potential for a rape charge still stands.

There have been a couple incidents that fall into this cateory in recent years. One of which as I said recieved a violent beating for his advances.

I sue the R word just to remind folks that the same rules in life apply to th eporn industry. i wouldnt even put a percentage on the girls who were up for it and the girtls that did shag me off camera and for free did so because they liked me over a period of time.

I dont personally do the offer of extra money for a shag after. Feel free to ask around. I aint no saint either. A lot of girls love to tease and I enjoy the flirtatious aspect of what i do but I like to keep my life simple.

There wont be no dna from me in a situation that goes south and one drunken girl once threatened to do that to me and I called her out on it. I've even had a girl threaten me that I got her pregnant. I always call those girls out on it because I hold myself always accountable for my actions. My conscience is clean so yes..I'm a play that whiter than white holier than thou card because I can.

I defy anyone here man woman or otherwise to prove me otherwise. Call me boring if you like but the movie always comes first.

Dont worry, many people are surprised to hear that.

Unlike some or many, I'm not in this business to get laid. Why'd you think I specialise in couples? Maybe I'm a voyeur...Best job for me then !happy!

That doesn't mean that I don't fancy the girls, you've got to to be dead not to, but the great thing about this business is that I've managed to curb my urges and not become a slave to it.

I've had my fair share of fun in my time

Re: Does Gilly Sampson fuck Ben Dover?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:30 pm
by one eyed jack
Bangkok, youre probably a really cool guy and the girls genuinely like you but dont go telling every guy on here that they're in with a chance because 90% of the girls are up for it because the chances are some idiot will pick the wrong girl in that 10% and regret it.

Men will try it on by their very nature and many may get lucky but some blokes think that the word "no" is a challenge just because a girl does porn she must be a whore by nature.

Not so

Re: Does Gilly Sampson fuck Ben Dover?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:36 pm
by one eyed jack
If I was into drugs and did alcohol I'd get laid a helluvva lot more thats for sure but I dont enjoy those things so it keeps me out of trouble

Re: Does Gilly Sampson fuck Ben Dover?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:11 am
by Toliverwist
'men will try it on by their very nature'

Not this one.

I agree a level for a session and then stick to it.