A Personal View on UK Porn

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Remington Steel

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by Remington Steel »

Thanks for the interest, I can?t speak for other producers but I am not moaning about what I make out of my product. Until now, and the resurgence of Strand as a production company I have been producing for others who have made a reasonable product from my productions. Now that the situation in the UK has changed I will be distributing my own product through whichever outlets possible and I would hope to do this on a making profit basis. If you as a consumer wish to purchase our product at a fair price I would ask you to buy it from our appointed agents and suppliers or direct from Strand. Once our first programs are on the market we will list these suppliers on our web site and make them known in any way possible. It is a sad fact that we have absolutely no control on prices once they reach the shops and a few people who also want to make a profit mostly control the shops. Unfortunately we as producers are in no position to dictate to these people, they have loads of choices of suppliers and can buy the sort of crap we know you don?t want for very little money. So the answer is, buy from the producer or his agents wherever possible.

On the piracy subject there are many reasons why it is difficult to protect the programs from unauthorised copying. You can kill this all by once again buying from the producer or his agents. You can guarantee that we always take action when we find pirates.

Distribution is at this moment a topic in itself. The video recording act makes certain types of selling illegal, I as a producer can?t directly sell you my product, that?s the law, unless I have a sex shop licence and then you have to come into the shop to make your purchase, I am not able to supply it by mail order. So, the irony is that we have a product certificated as fit for sale but unless we are one of the privileged few, we can?t sell it. Take a look at the situation yourself; if there is no sex shop in your area ask your local authority why, you may be surprised to learn that they will not grant any licences, on your behalf they will have decided that you are not able to buy a legal product in your own area. The plot thickens, now we have a product fit for sale in sex shops but the powers that be will not authorise any sex shops, censorship by another name? So you see all the advertising in the world won?t help. You can help though. Press your local authority to grant licences to those other than the super rich, more important ask your Euro MP what he is doing about this restriction on free trade; once again the UK is outside in the cold. We will be pressing for a change in legislation but everyone can help.

On the question of listening to what you want. Yes we do listen, mail me with your observations and when you have seen the product make suggestions. You have always to remember, we are making product for a mass market, and nothing else is financially viable unless you as the consumer are prepared to pay a lot of money. We have always to produce the product in such a way that it will appeal to the largest group, but we do listen to your ideas, I have made a number if films over the years from scripts supplied by customers.

I think that where companies trade from really is their business. I have always honoured the guarantee given with my product, we do have a viable contact address and we are contactable by e-mail or snail mail. Buy with credit cards from established companies, this way you have the maximum amount of security.

Thanks for your views they are always welcome. Like you all the views expressed are my own. I undertake to make the best product possible, sell it to you with as little fuss as possible at a fair price. Any help or advise which helps me do this is welcome.

By the way, I always spell the name Remington Steel, other do it as they see fit!!

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by Pasta »

joey wrote:
> > 4. Why are there no female UK producers of porn?
> Fiona Cooper, Delia Samuel, Amanda Charles, Viv Thomas, Paula
> Markham, Rosalind Woods, Kay Tease, etc. all excepted, of
> course
> :-)

Sorry to have to contradict you: Viv Thomas is a bloke I am afraid. And I think that Fiona Cooper, if she ever did make the tapes, is no more than an alias for a bloke. This was discussed in this forum a little while ago - it's Phil Sutcliffe or something like that.

On the other hand there's Anna Span (is that right) she is female.

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by Pasta »

NewAgent69 wrote:
> 3. Why do so many porn sites (and on occasion this forum)
> refer to the girls in porn as 'sluts', 'bitches', 'nasty' or
> other derogatory terms?

I don't know either - it's some kind of macho attitude. When you see what some of the girls have to do to earn a dollar, I think it is the last thing they need to have some insulting lanaguage heaped on them.

They are due some respect.

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by alec »

NewAgent69 wrote:

> 1. If the UK 'amateur' stuff is so amateur why do many of the
> girls who do it appear lots of times on the database. Surely
> a contradiction in terms unless they are all doing it all for
> free!?
This is not confined to the UK - the word amateur is now totally meaningless in US porn too.
> 2. Why the constant quest by producers for 'fresh meat'.
> (usually some 18 year old girl who couldn't shag/act if her
> life depended upon it)? Lets see some regular appearances by
> some of the more established ladies.
Some is right - some have made several videos and are very popular but some of their videos are difficult or impossible to obtain, Rebekah Jordan springs to mind.
> 3. Why do so many porn sites (and on occasion this forum)
> refer to the girls in porn as 'sluts', 'bitches', 'nasty' or
> other derogatory terms?
Such terms are greatly discouraged here and have not been evident recently.
> 4. Why are there no female UK producers of porn?
There are. As I'm sure woodgnome would tell you enthusiastically, Anna Span is one. Lisa James (not nearly as good in my opinion) and Linzi Day (Cameo Collection) are others (assuming Linzi Day is a female).

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by Anthony »


Many thanks for spending the time to answer a lot of the issues I bought up in my posting. But see below:

"I think that where companies trade from really is their business. I have always honoured the guarantee given with my product, we do have a viable contact address and we are contactable by e-mail or snail mail. Buy with credit cards from established companies, this way you have the maximum amount of security".

I understand that you need privacy and to not be easily found in the UK because of outdated "moral" laws, but your suggestion to use credit cards from established companies does not make sense. For example in the early days of Fiona Cooper if you bought by credit card the name of Passdata Ltd would come up on your credit card statement. I dont know if this is the same as I have not bought from them in the last couple of years. If I did a check on "Passdata Ltd" from companies house, it would come up as a dissolved company or has not declared its accounts in past years. When I queried this with credit card company saying I had never done a credit card transaction to this company I was told I would have to take this up with them not the credit card company. I asked for their trading address and credit card company refused to divulge any information.Secondly anyone can become a credit card trader as long as they have a business current account and are prepared to accept the approx 4% credit card surcharge on all transactions. With regards to your guarentee I cannot comment as I have never purchased from your selves, but I am sure that someone will!!!!

With regards to the distribution of products I totally agree with you on this one and I have asked my local authority in the past on this one to be told that there is one licenced sex shop in the authority area (Kingston upon Thames), but and a big but guess who owns it. The initials DS should spring to mind. Email me directly on the subject of distribution as I have some ideas to get round this situation which I think should be only discussed in private before open forum.

Yet again many thanks for spending your time and effort answering all queries.



Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by joey »

> Sorry to have to contradict you: Viv Thomas is a bloke I am
> afraid.

I didn't mean the list entirely seriously - hence the ":-)"

Also, "Paula Markham" is Paul Markham - I suspect he is that bloke with the long tongue and glasses that turns up in a lot of those shots. I suspect "Delia Samuel" is (at least fronted by) "Daryl Vaughan".

Really, I was just emphasising my point about "marketing by obfuscation."

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by PaulE »

Re. Anthony's comment about Fiona Cooper and Passdata reminded me that, in recent years, my credit card statement actually showed something like 'Fiona Cooper Sowerby Yorkshire' - certainly mentioned the name. However, I do remember it was 'Passdata' for a while but don't know when they changed it.

As for local distribution, I'm in the same borough as Anthony but I've never actually been in our local sex shop.

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by woodgnome »


Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by woodgnome »

annaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspanannaspan :-)

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn (proper one!)

Post by woodgnome »

whoops! went a bit bananas there folks!

re: the current erratic quality of much brit porn output - it's not suprising that after operating in a 'prohibition' environment for many years, there has evolved a culture of furtiveness in dealing with the public and a generally slipshod attitude towards customer service.

how many punters have felt properly entitled to legal redress when their rights have been infringed, due to inaccurate advertising, etc. someone whose intials may or may not be d.s. has made much of his fortune on the back of such calculated scammery.

the end result has been a relationship seemingly often based upon mutual contempt:- they charge us rip off prices for a substandard product and consequently, we have no compunction about purchasing pirated copies!

what is required is a more sophisicated business model, so that customer confidence can be restored and production standards can be elevated. the obvious candidates (imho) towards achieving this end are 'televisionx' and 'the adult channel'.

they have existing revenue streams via their softcore satellite services, which affords them a stability not readily available to smaller operations; they have established lines of production (studios, equipment, models, etc) which gives them potential economies of scale; the logic of their becoming lobbyists for h/c satellite channels which, via encrypted services, offer secure access to r18 material, is patent; perhaps most important of all though, they have established communications platforms through which they can promote new r18 material to a an existing clientele, which is far more effectively focused than any mail shot could be.

the most powerful means of establishing and developing a business in any market sector, especially one that has such a poor reputation for it's treatment of customers as porn, is a recognizable brand that ensures, in fact and in the buyers mind, a guaranteed level of service in terms of delivering what is promised.

p.s. i've had a few beers, so apologies for any repetitions, spellng mistakes, split infintives and general incoherencies, etc (hic). x-)