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Re: Scotti Andrews - aka Claire Kiernan

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 6:48 pm
by alec
Thanks for the link - how do you get on to the rest of the site?

Why is she spelled Kiernan there and Kieman in Whitehouse? Are the Whitehouse editors eyes as bad as mine?

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2001 5:50 am
by John
Pasta wrote:
"A lot of the comments in RAME are like this, they treat Europe almost as another planet, never mind another continent."

Which is why Imperator was trying to encourage more people to use rame (rather than lurk) and put them right when they make this kind of mistake.

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2001 10:06 am
by Pasta
Which is what I have been trying to do, without much success. Possibly my posts are not going on all servers due to having to use the Deja service because my paid for ISP does not carry RAME on their news server.
Maybe they just ain't interested, who knows. I will still be trying.

Re: Scotti Andrews - aka Claire Kiernan

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2001 1:46 pm
by joey
The "front page" seems to have moved to Once there, click on the "models" link on the right of the page, then "girls" on the left. An interesting site, but very poorly designed and written, "imho".

Re: Scotti Andrews - aka Claire Kiernan

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2001 1:57 pm
by alec

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2001 3:12 pm
by Hootsmon

I have never heard of RAME b4, could someone enlighten me as to how I get access to this newsgroup(Is that whatit is?), I have Cable Internet, so does anyone know if I can access it from my cable provider(Telewest)

Thanks to all,

Hootsmon aka Kris

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2001 3:22 pm
by joey
rame = rec.arts.movies.erotica (a USENET newsgroup)

As it doesn't carry pictures, you can get pretty good coverage of this one via - and look! They're discussing Sperma Klinik (though it seems to be the wrong one) and bgafd gets a mention (in Lattara's post.)

There's lots to find out about USENET ... deja isn't such a bad place to start.

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2001 5:09 pm
by Pasta
seeing as it was probably me that dropped the name...
You can sign for the very easy Deja service as suggested. you can use it to read and post.
Or use a newsreader such as Outlook Express.
You will need to find the name of your ISPs new server, and then open up Outlook, go to tools, accounts, news and add a new account. Add the details you are asked for, and then download the list of newsgroups.
Hopefully your ISP will carry rec.arts.movies.erotica (that's the full name) on their news server.
If not, use a free one like
you can't post but you can read.
Hope this helps.

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2001 5:44 pm
by crofter
yes this is claire kiernan matches the pictures on score and if you read the review of the video it says she could do with a good trim downstairs, hence the video hisute claire, cannot wait to get my hands on this one cheers pasta!!

on the subject of scottish girls how about ...
nikki kennedy
stacey owen
rebecca jordan

Re: Scotti Andrews - addendum

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2001 5:52 pm
by alec
Didn't know Rebekah Jordan was Scottish.