Vanessa Freeman, murdered

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Re: Vanessa Freeman, murdered

Post by steve56 »

she was xpensive christ 2 grand for a night?Marino wrote:

> Trudy was a dear friend of mine, and she was booked to do the
> test bed shoot with me on last Saturday I was calling and
> texting her but this terrible thing had happened. It was only
> the week before Christmas that I shot a scene with me and her.
> I am absolutely devastated she was one of the good ones. A real
> kind lady with a heart of gold. She will be sorely missed.
> I can't believe it I have been shaking since I heard last
> night. R.I.P. Trudy.
> You had a lot of friends and we miss you.
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Re: Vanessa Freeman, murdered

Post by Tony__T »

Truly shocking - only saw her in one film (the Ben Dover one), but she came over really well. Deepest sympathies to her family, little girl and those on the board like Marino & Kirstyn who knew her well.

And appalling coverage by The Sun as well but hey what do you expect from that disgusting rag.
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Re: Vanessa Freeman, murdered

Post by middee »

This could happen to anyone and sadly it?s a regular occurrence in the UK. The tabloid is also scum due to fact of picking up on what she done for a living.

A recent similar example was the 5 girls killed in Ipswich before xmas. It seems that you can have a dignified death if you live a normal life.

Alternately by bedding over 1000 men including celebs never gave her a chance.

Whether you work on the streets or in high class apartments. The nature of the game still puts you within a higher proportion of offenders.

This industry will always claim life?s as will prostitution.

All get wrapped up in what in simple terms is the SEX INDUSTRY. And sadly sometimes it can have terrible consequences. Combine that with HIV and potential for wrecked lives is tenfold.

There is now a family and child missing a loved one. Pray for their future and peace.

As for the SUN. Their whole operation should be shut down. Disgrace.
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Re: Vanessa Freeman, murdered


... further to that - anyone who contacts them with a story should be hunted down, have THEIR past raked through with a fine tooth comb, and then have all their skeletons exposed for one and all to see.

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Re: Vanessa Freeman, murdered

Post by vila »

Terrible news.

Hard on the heels of the recent tragedies in Ipswich our sympathy must go out to another bereaved family who have lost a daughter who worked in the sex industry.

I have no particular liking of the way the Sun does things but we shouldn't condemn the media out of hand. Without media interest we would never have heard any of the human story behind what happened in Ipswich. Her friends might be able to help tell us of the real human being and mother behind the 'escort girl/pornstar' stereotype. Trudy deserves that.

One final thought: this is being treated as murder but Trudy has been described as being up for anything in her sex life, so we don't yet know that this wasn't another 'asphyxiation sex' accident.

one eyed jack
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Re: Vanessa Freeman, murdered

Post by one eyed jack »

I wouldnt purport to know the girl at all but was still shocked after having met her briefly through a mutual friend who was very good friends with her. She struck me as a warm friendly person without any pretensions and I took to her straightaway.

I feel really bad that this should happen to such a pleasant person and my thoughts are with the little girl she left behind. The person who did this was so vicious and callous and had no thought for those who loved her....Was anything she did that bad to warrant an act like this? Given what I know I hope this guy roasts in the flames of his own guilt thinking about what he has done every day for the rest of his life with the picture of the daughter he has denied the guidance and love of her mother.

Nothing this girl might have done deserved this. The guy is a fucking punk.
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Re: Vanessa Freeman, murdered

Post by middee »

Yes but remember there are alot of punks out there. In all walks of society.

OJ Simpson is a prime rage example.

We dont know the details surrounding this case? But it appears she was into something that maybe this guy just couldnt handle. And he snapped.

How many female pornstars on here have understanding partners? Some are good as we know. But some change over time and maybe something in him did and nastly.

Maybe the relationship was violent?
Maybe she was in a situation that she couldnt get out of and needed money. Similar to the Ipswich girls who put their lives on the line for quick cash.
one eyed jack
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Re: Vanessa Freeman, murdered

Post by one eyed jack »

All valid points middee but like I said, any bloke that insecure, there is nothing to justify committing such an act. Nothing he couldnt have walked away from with his tail between his legs if he was disgruntled about anything. Nothing makes anything like killing some one excusable. Nothing
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Re: Vanessa Freeman, murdered

Post by middee »

Owe yes that?s true.

But we can?t ascertain the state of this persons mind. What does go through the mind of a killer? Until you or I have committed such an offence we can?t answer that.

What could make someone hate that person so much that they want to kill them?

This person also tried killing himself so its clear to see that he was not stable. A calculated controlled killer knows what he?s doing and trys to evade the law. Aka Serial Killer type.

The emotional crime of passion killer is the remorseful type. Often after committing a solitary act against a loved one they try to take their own life. They are unstable people who cant live with their actions.
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Re: Vanessa Freeman, murdered

Post by stiffoak571 »

she was a lovely girl - met her a few times and she would always talk animatedly about her daughter - real waste of a life
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