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Re: Old Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:34 pm
by Tomp
Just discovered I've got one of the BD dvd's with her in. I saw the original documentary and felt very sorry for her. She's stunning in the BD footage though. Her and knicker wetting were made for each other!

Re: Old Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 4:06 am
by Frazetta
A 25 year old mother travels from her UK home of Canvey Island to get into porn in America having done some UK videos with Ben Dover and others. She meets her agent Richard (aka Dick Nasty) and starts to meet the movers and shakers doing some films with fellow Brit Laya Jade. However the documentary follows her journey further into the business and watches as she is forced continually to exceed the limits she had set herself.

When Stephen Walker set out to do a documentary on porn he knew he wanted to avoid the tacky worthless stuff that gets made for cable etc ? ie they use plenty of porn clips to get the audience but have no substance to speak of. Originally he was commissioned to make a documentary about a male porn star but when he heard about Felicty (Leeanne's stage name) he decided to follow her on her first trip to the US, keen to see how motherhood fitted with porn. He has said himself that the final film isn't the one he set out to make ? he had no hidden agenda or particular dislike of porn.

The true nature of the business for many girls comes out quickly. Richard continually starts to talk about what Lee-anne COULD be doing and what she COULD get paid, despite the fact that she had already laid down what she was prepared to do and how far she was prepared to go. However he continues ? taking her onto the set of a gang-bang with one girl and a very large group of men to show her the potential. Even she is disgusted by what she sees and continues to refuse. She does several scenes ? some with girls and some hardcore movies but the tension continues because she still draws a line.

The film gets most disturbing when Richard takes her to Max Hardcore to meet him and talk about work. Max meets her to interview her ? a process that involves him simply putting baby oil on her hands to help her help him get wood and then taking her standing doggy ? without even looking her in the face once. Lee-anne clearly doesn't feel comfortable but is all alone and just laughs unconvincingly during it. She is talking into doing a shot that day, but she soon runs out of the studio crying ? Max had forced his penis so deep into her mouth that she had been unable to breathe. Max first tries to calm her and then gets abusive attacking her as a failure, letting the whole crew down over something so minor ? Lee-anne is so distraught that she eventually begins to crack and agree to carry on. At this point the crew (who have watched her shoot hardcore before) feel that what they're about to shoot is tantamount to rape and they escort Lee-anne from the house and take her back to the hotel.

This scene in particular and the whole film is very bleak. Yes some girls may do well in porn and have the star power to have great success, but there are lots of girls who come and go, who make scenes here and there. For them the potential for abuse or misuse is greater. Richard treats Lee-anne like a pimp treats a whore ? he occasionally seems to have her interests at heart but really it's not about what she wants. One director refuses to have his face shown on screen but talks openly ? when asked why he doesn't want people to know what he does he replies `because (this business) is f***ing shameful!'

The film interviews Lee-anne in her UK home and we find a woman with a childhood hurt by her father amongst others. It is disturbing to see her pushed to the limits. True she makes hardcore movies and does anal, oral etc but that still doesn't mean she shouldn't have limits based on pain or standards.

Overall all porn lovers should watch this. I'm not a porn fan but I do tend to ignorantly think that it's a business like any other and that the women aren't open to abuse (after all ? they all get paid more than the men). This film opened my eyes and at times was very hard to watch. Where some porn documentaries will use clips and sounds to get viewers by offering cheap arousal dressed as a documentary, Hardcore will turn your stomach and leave you limp with disgust. It's a rare thing for porn actresses to let down their barriers to the extent that the hurt and fear shines through so clearly.

Re: Old Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:57 pm
by LaylaJade
I felt that the documentary makers were extremely manipulative themselves, yes she did have a bad experience and that is a shame, but hey people have bad experiences in all lines of work it's just that it get's a lot worse when sex is involved, the reason I am embarassed to have been involved in that program is because it made the industry look so bad when really i feel a lot of those scenes were carefully edited and some situations were even engineered by the documentary makers themselves. Honestly the whole thing was shoot so long ago that I can't remember the exact details but I do remember that on meeting stephen i smelt a rat.

Originally they wanted to make the documentary about me, but when the came to my house in England and interviewed me i feel they realized that I was not a 'victim' of porn nor could they exploit me into becoming one so they moved on to somebody else they could.

Also here is some additional food for thought, before Felicity went to to do the shoot Stephen and his crew spent over two hours interviewing me in my hotel room, specifically asking me about Max and trying to get me to slam him on camera, the end result of over 2 hours of footage was that they managed to get one tiny clip that they threw in there where I said to the effect of 'yes I worked with Max and he cut the inside of my mouth'.

Over two hours interviewing me and they only used that. Also because of the interview with me an discussions held off camera and knowledge they had gained while talking to others in the states they knew full well what Felicity was getting herself into, and about Max's style of video's BEFORE she went to do the shoot ,, that they so kindly intervened on, my point is that it was a set up, they knew what the deal was and they could have told Felicity about Max's style of work at anytime, but they didn't they just went too the shoot and let the cameras roll.

Luv Lay xx

Re: Old Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:24 pm
by Jock Strap
It's amazing we're still talking about this programme. When was it aired? 2002 or something like that? It did have an impact, that's for sure.
I think the main thing that stood out for me was the apparent difference between the UK and US industry. It's one thing doing a movie here with Ben Dover but across the pond in porn valley I guess it's a different ball game. My heart sank when it was decided to take Felicity to Max's house. Here was a girl who was clear about her work levels (up to b/g but no anal or beyond) being taken to the most extreme porn producer in the world. It was bound to end in tears and she shouldn't have been taken out to Max's in the first place.
Just my opinion.

Re: Old Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:49 pm
by marcusallen
I knew her and she was a somewhat gullible and naivie kid. Which is exactly was Max Hardcore needs and uses.
Sure, the TV crew were only interested in sensationalism, the "shock Horror" syndrome - News of the World type stuff.

However, if it were not a seller, he obviously would not produce it and the public who buy his rubbish are largely to blame. I wonder just how many of the great British Public are REALLY horrified and ASHAMED by such -and allied filth-

What the hell is is to you?
Abuse? Violence?.......I see posts now re fisting, double fisting, double anal etc, etc. What the fuck kind of perverts are you?

Sex between consenting adults is an exciting and beautiful thing.
ABUSE? where does it end - what you want ? Snuff vids with proof of death?

Personally, I would bury you in the nearest canal.

Anyone who disagrees knows nwhere to find me. I am an open book.

Re: Old Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:54 am
by Robches
>I knew her and she was a somewhat gullible and naivie kid.

I think Lay has made the point very well that the whole film was a set up. The film maker knew exactly who Max Hardcore was and what he does, but let her go through with it, because it would make good telly. That's the bottom line, he wanted to make good telly. Filming Lay with Max would not have made good telly, but letting a "gullible and naive" girl do the same thing would.

This is not so much a problem of the porn industry as it is a demonstration of the cynicism of the TV industry. They set this girl up to take a fall. If you had put a seven stone weakling in the ring with Mike Tyson what would the result be? That is pretty much what this film crew did, then they filmed it and made money out of it. Who are the real pimps here?

Re: Old Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:03 pm
by nasty
It did seem to make a impact though, everyone seems to vividly remember it. Seems more Dick Nasty's fault than the docu makers, I feel.

Re: Old Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:32 pm
by LaylaJade
Quote: 'Filming Lay with Max would not have made good telly, but letting a "gullible and naive" girl do the same thing would.'

Exactly Robches, you get the point exactly. So they filmed Felicity instead.

See here is where the problem lies, here we all our with either our connections to the porn industry or being a fully fledged porn-star like myself or producer etc and we are indeed still talking about this situation, but with knowledge of the situation and industry to debate with. What about the 'straight' people of the world who saw the damn documentary? What about the impression it gave them of our world ? of our big, bad and 'treacherous' industry ? To us that program was bad, but what about to a 'normal' person watching it, it make the entire industry look horrendous and reenforced every single awful stereo type or idea that people have ever pictured when they think about the porn biz.

We can't have a public debate with them, or shed light, or information, or knowledge on them about the truth of felicity's journey so instead they go on about their live's thinking that what they have seen is an accurate portrayal of how the entire adult industry is! And there isn't a damn thing that we can do to change that.

It's a shame.

Luv Lay x

Re: Old Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 7:38 am
by sleepingboy
I'm with you on this one Layla,

I got the impression that Max Hardcore was still "in character" whilst the scenes with Leanne were being filmed, perhaps with the intention that a whole new audience would see him at work and potentially like what they saw. This documentary certainly hasn't seemed to done his profile or business any harm. I hadn't heard of him before seeing the film, now he's all over the place, put his name into any search engine and you'll find photoshoots & free trailers galore.

It seems that everyone involved in that doco came out a winner, except Leanne, where's she now and what state is she is in after a nationwide broadcast of her vulnerability?

Re: Old Channel 4 Documentary

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:19 am
by qwerty
This documentary was a good publicity for Max Hardcore and I think he made the most of it.

By Good publicity I mean that before that documentary was shown not many people in England had heard of him, but afterwards everybody into porn knew his name.

I remember that soon after the programme aired all of a sudden most of the porn suppliers had Max Hardcore Videos and DVDs in stock, where as before they had none.