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Re: livexxx a few facts

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:57 pm
by Jonone
You want the chapter and verse Milly? What is this .. a test ?

Is there anything to stop you showing dolls being penetrated? How about good taste .. ratings .. ?

Re: livexxx a few facts

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:41 pm
by rgb
Broadcasting Act 1990

6.?(1) The Commission shall do all that they can to secure that every licensed service complies with the following requirements, namely?
(a) that nothing is included in its programmes which offends against good taste or decency....

and Ofcom is allowed to decide what is good taste and decency...whether we agree or not.

Re: livexxx a few facts

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:21 pm
by Jonone
Is it reasonable to suppose that if a film like '9 Songs' is shown on tv it would create a precedent that would support stations like livexxx ? Or would the rule of quite arbitrary interpretation still apply ?

Re: livexxx a few facts

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:28 pm
by rgb
It would be the old BBFC argument, wouldn't it. 9 Songs is "art" and therefore defencible; but LiveXXX is just a "sexwork".

Re: livexxx a few facts

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:42 pm
by Jacques
But the ECHR have stated that "A broadcast licensing system cannot be used to suppress any legally avaiable material". R18 is legally available material. Which means that Ofcon and the Government are breaking ECHR Case Law which has to be applied to all UK legislation and applies to all public bodies.

Re: livexxx a few facts

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:57 pm
by rgb
Governments can get away with breaking the law. It's up to us to hold them to account by not voting for them - but then no party would support our point of view, so it's frying pan and fire. The alternative is to take it to the ECHR ourselves, but a bit beyond my pocket, I think...and is it really worth it, with porn easily available from other sources?

Re: livexxx a few facts

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:31 pm
by Jacques
I don't disagree rgb. But the broadcasters pay the fines as ofcon would threaten to or even remove their broadcast license if they didn't.

If it does go to court there would be all the publicity of how you can legally see much stronger material than they are being fined for from European broadcasters. Subscriptions then drop as people go to European channels.

Better for them to pay a fine and stay as they are.

The end result being we can't afford afford to do it and the broadcaster won't do it not because they can't afford to (don't tell me playboy don't have that kind of money) but because it is not in their business interests.

Re: livexxx a few facts

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:43 pm
by rgb
I agree, but no business can afford to pay fines all the time. All that would happen is the the Playboys and LiveXXX type channels would close down. The owners could afford to let them close down because they have other, more profitable interests.

I think most casual porn lovers know about the European channels, but can't be bothered with the hastle of getting them installed, possibly because they have a partner who'd say
"What's that new dish on the roof?"
"Its for porn"
"Aren't I enough for you?"

The thing about Sky is it's easy and you can get a quick softcore fix - which is enough for many people.

Re: livexxx a few facts

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:35 am
by Arginald Valleywater
Have we gone soft or what? Britain used to stand for free speech and freedom of expression. We have fought abuse of free speech for years and promoted democracy, comedians like Pete and Dud pushed the barriers, as did Punk Rock so now what? PBTV gets one fine and whoooaa lets all run for cover. The live shows are a pale imitation of what they used to be. Karina, no offence but I have no intention of watching the show on the net when I have paid for it on Sky. Test thew waters, run the risk, do or die etc..........the current lack of action is likely to ruin your viewing figs and end up with the show being cancelled.

Re: livexxx a few facts

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:54 pm
by NeilUK
If its not "in their best interests" why would they do it????

Would you do something if it wasn't in your best interests

Everyone just needs to get over it, its not happening, simple as that.

Anyone who knows Karina knows that she will do whatever she possibly can and take it to the limit that is allowed.

Also, someone mentioned that Playboy can afford to keep paying the fines. Maybe they can but they cant afford to be taken off the air which would happen if they constantly broke the rules.

As someone mentioned before hardcore porn is easily available if you want it.

Live XXX gives us stunning UK Glamour and Adult models so thats fine by me.

Karina, great news that the old format is coming back, I'll be watching and texting again. A good week really, Live XXX returning and Yvette is back on Babestation/Babecast
