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Re: Apologies

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 6:32 am
by nachovx
Usage Note:

The past tense and past participle of pass is passed: They passed (or have passed) our home. Time had passed slowly. Past is the corresponding adjective (in centuries past), adverb (drove past), preposition (past midnight), and noun (lived in the past).

Re: Apologies

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 8:09 am
by jimslip
The reason they concentrate on the "Smelly" classes is that no middle calss family or individual would be caught dead allowing a camera crew to invade their personal lives.
What pisses me off generally about "telly folk" is that they are all recruited from this narrow class. This is why our telly is such shit! Especially our situation comedy, which is dreadful, all twee, shallow and uncontroversial. This is because the writers know of no other world, than tweeness. Their route to TV is public school, Cambridge (ideally), Footlights, pal at channel 4, instant job and commission to make a programme about property renovation.

Re: Apologies

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:17 am
by Charlotte
Perhaps it would be fair to offer information about myself if I'm expecting people to open up and come forward to speak to me.

I lived with my mother in Southend until I was 8 when she decided to go her own way and I then went and lived with my father. I was kicked out of there at 16 but a couple of years later got a grant to go to college. With the help of hardship funding I went to uni but didn't go to film school. It's been a real struggle to get to here so I get a bit prickly when it's rubbished. Which is probably how you all feel about your industry and work.

There are people from all sorts of backgrounds working in media. I know a director who used to be a rent boy. So really most of us aren't as judgemental and exploitative as you'd think.

Re: Apologies

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:33 am
by Ned
You may have the very best of motives and want to make a totally honest film that won't harm the industry, but it has been done over so many times in the past that hostility is inevitable.

Somewhere in your other thread, someone (I think davewells) said that maybe hiring someone like him to make a film about the industry would be the way to go. So how about it? The teenager thing is something I doubt would work, even with a daytime audience. It would attract too much attention, of the wrong kind in my opinion. If that's your intended angle and the only film you want to make about porn, perhaps it's best left alone.

But if you want to make a film about the porn industry, try involving the film makers themselves in a way that isn't just pointing a camera at them and judging them. :)

Re: Apologies

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:55 am
by davewells
We are discussing things !

Good news! (nt)

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 12:37 pm
by Ned

Re: Apologies

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:14 am
by Jock Strap
Are Nachovz and I the only ones who have noticed that, for a journalist, Charlotte has a slightly dodgy grasp of grammar?
Doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

Re: Apologies

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:45 am
by Charlotte
Is this the passed /past debate? I'm using it as a phrasal verb... but I am terrible at grammar so maybe wrong. Used to be an english teacher too, shocking.

But at least you aren't having a go at me and assuming I'm 'just out of film school' and 'haven't done a day's work' and am middle class or a 'telly toff'!.



Re: Apologies

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 7:10 am
by jimslip
Don't take it personally Charlotte, its just that most Telly Folk, do get savaged as a matter of course on this forum. It's mainly their presumption that all of us would crawl over their dying grannies to get on TV.