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Re: Hottest UK Porn Star?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:16 pm
by myson
Then pop over to the Promotions Forum randyandy and take a peek at the few pics I've posted from my shoot with Lolly :-)


Re: Hottest UK Porn Star?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:22 pm
by nachovx
I don't think there are any real stunners to meet the beauties thrown up by the US and Eastern Europe ... but that just reflects the poor gene pool the UK has to draw from, I suppose. Too much in-breeding is never healthy and probably accounts for the rise of the chav.

Re: Hottest UK Porn Star?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:34 pm
by Guy2
Alicia Rhodes is nice, but a bit too old for me.

Re: Girls Who Are Boys?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:19 pm
by Officer Dibble
"I don't think there are any real stunners to meet the beauties thrown up by the US and Eastern Europe ... but that just reflects the poor gene pool the UK has to draw from, I suppose. Too much in-breeding is never healthy and probably accounts for the rise of the chav."

Hmmm...Interesting. The thing is, we seemed to be doing OK up to the begging of the 90's. There were stunners all over the shop, in the media, in the street. Now, it all seems to have turned to shite (or to seed, if you want to keep with the breeding theme). Of course the chavification of British culture has an enormous amount to do with it - as birds act more and more like obnoxious, lairy, young geezers, they become less and less attractive to real young geezers - or any geezers, for that matter (when did you last see a bird wearing a dress in the street?) Simple socio biology. But, disturbingly, there also appears to have been actual physical changes as well. Birds in general, seem to be becoming more and more geezer shaped! I was walking up the High Street just the other day behind a couple of chav birds - who were resplendent in the traditional chav bird uniform of vest top and dirty jeans - but the thing that struck me like a ton of bricks was that both of them had no waists! The didn't go in at the middle like proper birds should. They just went straight down from the shoulders! And I?m beginning to see this distressing phenomena more and more. But, a few days later there was worse to come. Back in the High St I noticed another young woman (in jeans, of course), but the thing which grabbed my attention was the fact that she had a distinct 'V' shaped torso - like Charles frigging Atlas! Wide shoulders tapering down to the snakelike hips of a 70's (male) rock god! OK, she didn't have muscles, but it was a creepy sight all the same.

This is all very well, but the male brain (in general) is hard wired to find the hourglass figure sexually simulating (it's to do with fertility), so it's little wonder that ordinary Joe's nowadays are less than scintillated by the new breed of shapeless, charmless chav performers that are being offered up to them in modern porno. And little wonder that more than a decade after the peak of their careers porn fans are still clamouring for hour-glass honeys, like Teresa May, Stacey Owen, Charmeine and Adele Stephens.

Oh, and speaking of hourglass honeys ? there?s still a good selection over at ?

Officer Dibble

Re: Hottest UK Porn Star?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:35 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
As has been said said many times one mans fantasy is another mans nightmare so who's to say what gets anyone off

I used to choose porn solely by Looks & Bodyshape(mainly Euros) and from my experience its a sure fire way to become disillusioned

While looks & bodyshape are important,their not as important as the Performer really being into what their doing at that moment


Re: Girls Who Are Boys?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:19 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Generalising again Dibble

I can think of a few performers that fit that 'girls who are boys' description and they all had a legion of fans because they were into it,bodyshape isn't everything

Chav culture doesn't seemed to have stopped several British Websites from finding British girls with the hour glass figure to photograph or show in solo videos

Isn't the real reason for the supposed dirth of these types in porn more to do with the fact they can make better money elsewhere for putting out far less?


Re: Hottest UK Porn Star?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:49 pm
by Officer Dibble
For Christ sake, Deuce, you?re waffling again.

?As has been said said many times one mans fantasy is another mans nightmare so who's to say what gets anyone off?

Apart form that being a load of waffling, meaningless, cobblers, where does it take us? What?s the point of saying it? It?s not going anywhere is it? It?s the equivalent of saying. The glass is both half empty and half full. The world is as it is, it doesn?t matter much either way, and who are we mortals to question it anyhow? If you feel that apathetic about life and porn, why waste your energy typing waffle that no can agree with, disagree with or challenge?

?who's to say what gets anyone off? Well, Professor Devendra Singh, Ph.D, actually.

?Just as Buss (1989) found that his evolutionary psychology findings on sex differences applied in different cultures, so too does the work of Singh on waist-to-hip ratio hold up in different cultures (Singh, 1993a, 1993b, 1995; Singh & Luis, 1995). Singh has shown that there is a preference among men for a certain waist-to-hip ratio in females. A 70% waist-to-hip ratio indicates, apparently, health and fertility in the woman, and is the male ideal. This holds up across different cultures, suggesting, like the Buss (1989) sex differences in mate preferences, that it is a universal reality. Singh has pointed out that even women who look very different may have similar wait-to-hip ratios. For example, he says that the famous actress Marilyn Monroe and the current skinny model Kate Moss both have the ideal waist-to-hip ratio. Even though they look quite different, their having the ideal waist-to-hip ratio would help explain their appeal, and why they have become stars when other attractive women have not. There is also a female preferred waist-to-hip ratio for men, of 80-95% (Singh, 1995).?

?I used to choose porn solely by Looks & Bodyshape(mainly Euros) and from my experience its a sure fire way to become disillusioned?

More incoherent, meaningless, tosh. What, you mean you didn?t enquire after the bird?s academic qualifications, either, but just went on her looks? Tsk, tsk. I don?t know. ?Disillusioned? More like dazed and confused, I?d say.

?While looks & bodyshape are important,their not as important as the Performer really being into what their doing at that moment?

Looks might not be the be all and end all in porno, but body shape is. It?s probably the major sexual trigger for blokes. ?Performance? is a load of ball-bag. When I look at a stimulating porno I don?t want to see the protagonists ?performing? or endeavoring to be ?hot?. I just want to see them fucking, like normal. Anything else is synthetic, contrived, unnatural, superfluous, and a major turn off. So there.

Don?t take this tongue lashing to heart, Deuce. You know I luv yer. It?s just that your apathy can be so dam infuriating sometimes.

Officer Dibble

Re: Hottest UK Porn Star?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:15 pm
by sandie
isabel ice wins hands down.
who else has been pre nomintated for that many AVNs because she was genuinely that shit hot?
she stays true to herself, her fans and to the industry. a true porn star.

Re: Hottest UK Porn Star?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:38 pm
by nachovx
She's a bit too chunky for my liking .... but each to their own.