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Re: tvx going hardcore?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 4:42 pm
by Heathray
TVX is pathetic. It was the only channel not to push the barriers before OFCON took over. It has more emphasis on its male stars, all who come from the South East, have bad haircuts and love themselves more than Mariah Carey. It is to be honest, Chav TV.
And by the way the new show is fucking dreadful!

A question for Bokkie

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:03 pm
by righton

I take it you have read the replies to your question on what you saw on TVX.

What is your opinion on the feedback received? and does it give you some idea of what will be available under the new code?

P.S Did anyone else get the opportunity to view what Bokkie did?

Re: tvx going hardcore?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:28 pm
by Jayr
Or is this a backhanded way of getting people to subscribe to TVX?
Could bokie be a member of TVX staff?

You never know.... queue Twilight Zone music


Re: tvx going hardcore?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:39 pm
by righton
Jayr - seems you've guessed what I was thinking ;-)

Re: tvx going hardcore?

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:28 pm
by bokkie
No I definately do not work for tvx. As I said it was a brief glimpse on 2 occasions. Through the night there were tantilising little views that came as close to showing full penetration as possible without actually showing it. Why is everyone so quick to jump to conclusions?

Re: tvx going hardcore?

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:54 pm
by Jayr
Not jumping to conclusions at all!!!!

Some Adult Channels have had people posting on this forum using it to gain viewers by posting such messages as yours. Combined with the fact that once you subscribe your tied in for a year so most of us here are a bit cynical when it comes to these type of postings!

Re: tvx going hardcore?

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:54 pm
by mk13
Well said Jayr!

Re: tvx going hardcore?

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:43 pm
by righton
I back up what Jayr has stated.

There are certain posters on this forum who will back handidly state they have viewed something on the UK Adult channels that they haven't.

It is a sly way of conning unsuspecting punters into 12 month contracts and it really needs to be curbed.

Please take no offence to my request but you cannot be too sure.

In the meantime don't get hooked on the idea that R18 material will be available on Sky sometime soon as it is very, very unlikely. An appeal is pending at the moment whereas several R18 distributers have approached the BBFC VAC in appealing as to why 9 of their titles were certified R18 instead of 18 (I think this was on the back of the film "9 Songs" receiving an 18 certificate). If the appeal is successful it may have some bearing on what can be shown under an 18 certificate in the future but in the meantime there is no change to the code.

The Adult channels may decide to push the boundaries a little but that is as far as it goes and they aren't likely to do it too much as they are likely to get hauled over the coals by Ofcom or grassed to Ofcom by Mediawatch and fined for what they are doing!

It simply doesn't warrant a yearly subscription.

Re: tvx going hardcore?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:39 pm
by bokkie
I just don't understand why we can view R18 or hardcore on the internet, in magazines or on dvd but not on a television station which has got parental control. What do they base it on?
I personally think it is much easier for children to access it in the first three ways than on tv.