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Re: Broadband Porn Movies

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 10:56 am
by itfilm
Just a note on the subject 2mbps speed.

I use BT "superfast 2Mb broadband"

But over the last 2 weeks of testing I have found the fastest it's been is 1.1 mb and most of the time ur getting around 870kbs.


Re: Broadband Porn Movies

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:30 am
by Phil mCc
Thats normal the optomiser sees this and sorts it out. The speed will go up. most of the problem is people have not encoded their footage to match the system. we are encoding at 1500kbs so the quality will be high. The ATI/Matrox chips are superb and the quality will be great.

Phil McC

Re: Broadband Porn Movies

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:47 am
by itfilm
Right but what bt means is up to 2mbs not 2mbs. Its still fast but not as fast as the little icon in the right hand corner tells you.

I just wish to point that out.


Re: Broadband Porn Movies

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:15 pm
by one eyed jack
My, what fray goes on here then. I'm a bit suspicious why my site is coming under attack for its DRM use. As Matt pointed out, and he is also my partner and terchnical advisor on this site, a lot of my gear has been pirated on the internet and other mediums and I felt DRM was the best option to protect myself from the pirates but still give the customers something without losing the shirt off my back doing so.

I gave Matt the go ahead after listening to his advice. Yes we have changed the rule and now you can keep the scene you paid for on your hard drive as long as you want to but the fact some of you still moan about it is beyond me and I can only think of one thing and that's the very thing I am trying to protect myself against. If you don't understand that then tough titty mate. Those that do will understand I am not a charity to cater to people who burn discs and pass them off as their own on p2p and other file sharing formats. You cheap bastards should make your own videos and put it out on the internet in a manner you see fit and don't you dare complain if you get shafted by pirates for doing so.

Re: Broadband Porn Movies

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:21 pm
by Matt - A-W-D
You need to be conected to the internet when you first attempt to play a movie so the licence can be issued - which takes 2 or 3 seconds. Once you have the licence for that movie, you don't need to be connected to the internet to view that movie again. We changed to the lifetime licence in early 2005.

Re: Broadband Porn Movies

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:22 pm
by malcom
Please bare with me as I have no technical knowledge on this subject...So..

I don't have broadband yet and am somewhat confused about what is and is not possible with DRM.

It's said that a scene paid for can be kept on the hard drive!! Ok. What happens if the hard drive fails or a change of computer is made. Do you have to pay again for the items once held on a spent hard drive......???

Re: Broadband Porn Movies

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:52 pm
by Matt - A-W-D
malcom wrote:

> Please bare with me as I have no technical knowledge on this
> subject...So..
> I don't have broadband yet and am somewhat confused about what
> is and is not possible with DRM.

You can play a DRM movie regardless of your connection speed/type - it will obviously take longer to download any file type if on 56k.

> It's said that a scene paid for can be kept on the hard drive!!
> Ok. What happens if the hard drive fails or a change of
> computer is made. Do you have to pay again for the items once
> held on a spent hard drive......???

You can back up your licences whenever you choose and import them again if needed very easily from within Windows Media Player. You can play them from another 3 machines in total. If your hard disk dies your gonna loose everything anyway including other movies/music/data etc!

Re: Broadband Porn Movies

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:38 pm
by BillBXD
It seems the problem is if one man can make it another man WILL break it and DRM is the latest challenge for the hack generation.
A brief google search throws up

It?s the age old problem of if a bloke wants it then another bloke will get it and the PIRATES are making too much money to be jiggled by machine code. I can remember Macrovision and later the trusted Laser Lock programmes being hailed as the end to video and CD copying. And for about a month they were until the DRScart and Anti-Lock was created at which time the copiers once again copied. Far too long ago I worked for WHSmith and they would have stuff nicked like crazy. One day we had a visit from head office about the tea leaving and we suggested iron bars and machine gun nests and then the head office boffin pointed out that shop lifting could be wiped out rather easily but it would make life difficult for the law abiding customers who would then just choose to use a competitor.

It?s a mad world

Bill (BXD)

Re: Broadband Porn Movies

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:28 pm
by Phil mCc
I think thats where IPTV has the edge, why bother to pirate it. A new movie will be released on IPTV first so everyone can view it world wide at same time. Why bother with DVD. I won't the next series of FT will be part live with you able to give direction via a forum, then the edited version only available on IPTV so to nick it then burn it to DVD and sell it seems pointless when it would be cheaper just to watch it and pay. What makes pirating easy is DVD. And for the guys who know about my sex toy, yes I can transmit DVD-MX through the set-top box so you will be able to sit in your lounge with your plasma and your sex toy on having jollies with whoever you choose. No downloads just streaming is the way. The biggest UK adult company worth millions is going this way with 2 channels.

Phil McC

Re: Broadband Porn Movies

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:06 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Just a coincidence OEJ,your onemanned banned site happened to be the last site reviewed

I just thought this review would be a useful example of the different types of DRM out there that are in use.Useful info for a newby to broadband i would have thought

If you read my first post carefully I was only attacking DRM that is being used for the dual purpose of protection of content AND membership retention.

I agree that protection against piracy is your given right as a content owner
