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Re: erotica - wot happened ??????????

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 9:05 am
by videokim
It was nice meeting you at last Faye (one very horny girl) also Joe A, Nigel & Godwin from MAI, the beautiful little Brazilian girl & her partner & last but not least Terry who's a credit to the industry with his laid back friendly approach with people.
We'll have to arrange a good piss up in the near future where we can all get together.

Thanks for a great day everyone.

Kim & John

Re: erotica - wot happened ??????????

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:06 am
by Marino
Wow looks like I missed a good one, unfortunately I was shooting the twins at good old hadlow tower, for the fourth twin cheeks film.
I am definately going to tryt o have a stand there next year, f I survive that long.

Re: erotica - wot happened ??????????

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 9:09 pm
by fayerampton
nice to meet u too kim !!!!
also kym we are working together next week mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !!! yum !
my arse has 2 big bruises on it still from that nasty keira !!!!
faye xxx

Re: erotica - wot happened ??????????

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 4:53 pm
by Rommo
yes what did happen?
maybe I was expecting more,wasnt what i thought at all.most of it looked like a anne summers shop