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Re: live xxxx

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:25 pm
by djnes
We have a large number of girls and every one of them i have worked with are extremely good at what they do. Ok its your opinion and thats fair, but all the girls are great and are exceptional people and i cant praise them enough for what they do, for if they didnt do what they do i wouldnt have a job! We are always mixing the girls and the shows reflect on this. Take yesterday for example we had laura jane and a couple of shows previous Morgan. Dont just make a reaction to one show, watch for a week or two and the shows are always getting spiced up with the surprise appearences of girls. And remember your imput makes the shows different its fine channel surfing but all you have to do is make an imput and boom the girls have turnt into totally different people and have got your blood flowing. Success just tune in more often and watch magic at work.

Re: live xxxx

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:54 am
by hustler buyer
so this means your going to get the lookers on a regular basis?