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Re: porn censorship R18s

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:42 pm
I think the most people would agree that someone who eats and covers themself in shit a la Sperrgebiet videos isn't all there.

Re: porn censorship R18s

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:52 pm
by woodgnome
Mikey wrote:

> But, apologies if I offended anyone. I thought I was taking a
> troll on at their own game...

please leave the deerstalking to the poor bloody moderators. the possibilites for life-enhancing discourse are not improved when forumites start labelling one another in a negative fashion.

Re: porn censorship R18s

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:15 pm
by DavidS
Broadly I agree with what you are saying, but we do things to animals which clearly if they were able they would not consent to, e.g. slaughtering them. Nevertheless bestiality is illegal in the UK and rightly so. Actually it was once a capital crime. It is banned in Germany. Most European bestiality seems to be made in Eastern Europe and the films are pretty awful. Animals cannot give consent and they certainly can't act!

Re: porn censorship R18s

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:18 pm
by DavidS
That most certainly is the case!

Re: porn censorship R18s

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 7:51 pm
by vila
"Animals are not people, . . ." - presumably by 'people' you mean humans. Quite so, like many others (some who should know a lot better) you have your head up your arse on this - humans are animals and behave and react just like any other animal would. Why do you think we indulge in the disgraceful practice of experimenting on other animals for medical and cosmetics research?

"You betray your own disrespect for humans by assuming animals are capable of human emotions." You show disrespect for other animals by suggesting they are not. Human emotions and the emotions of other animals are pretty much the same. The main difference is that most humans are too fucking ignorant/arrogant to admit the possibility.

If it were not being equally disrespectful to our fellow creatures I would tell you to crawl back under your stone.

Re: porn censorship R18s

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:43 pm
by booner
Just to point out animal porn is sold in both France and Germany as well as pretty strong rape s&m tapes. Have not been to Holland lately so could not give you the lowdown there.

My two pennies for what its worth, as long as it don't involve kids or non consent activities i'm fine with it. Everybody is different thats what makes people interesting.

Re: porn censorship R18s

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 7:49 am
by eroticartist
The reason for censorship is that politicians like to mantain a measure of control over the people. If you can control a person's sexuality (and porn is part of this) then you control that person. Control is control per se.

Pornography, its presence in a country, paradoxically as it may seem, maybe seen as the degree of authoritarianism, or liberalism in that country and if we look at the countries of the world with most censorship of pornography then we will see a direct correlation with the degree of civil liberty.

Countries with authoritarian left or right regimes or authoritarian religious regimes bear this out as does Holland for being extremely liberal.

Obviously there is no reason why legal sexual acts should become illegal by making images of them except to maintain an artificial device for censorshop.

Mike Freeman

O/T Re: porn censorship R18s

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 8:13 am
by woodgnome

still waiting... ;-)

Re: porn censorship R18s

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:49 pm
by joe king
'You dont see dogs fucking cats or horses fucking cows'

dog and sheep?

and let's finish with a well reasoned argument
'The bottom line is animal porn is sick. Its not as evil as kiddie porn but its not far off.'

And that concludes the argument for today.
In conclusion:
Animal porn is sick
Animal porn is evil.

'Bekoff says. But the broader implications of viewing animals with more sensitivity could mean dramatic societal changes, like stopping the factory production of meat for humans, or granting animals more rights.'

No more sunday chicken. No more tuna sandwiches. No more juicy porn sausages.