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Re: I Hate The Current State of the Porn Industry

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 6:56 am
by miker
lol, what a load of bullshit.

Why don't you put your money where you mouth is and give away all your ?500k flats to all the performers who have suffered the wrath of this terrible industry. Then go shoot yourself.

Re: I Hate The Current State of the Porn Industry

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 7:07 am
by Officer Dibble
?I don't want to be putting any of my money into your pockets.?

Why not dude?... By spending money with Officer D you will be contributing to the fight to neutralise the unerotic, cheap, chavy, crap porn that Tomsk has alluded to. A goal I believe we both share?

Officer Dibble

Re: I Hate The Current State of the Porn Industry

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 7:15 am
by Officer Dibble
Don't have anything to show you at the moment Ben - any associated websites are temporarily down, or undergoing redevelopment. But as soon as I have something to offer, you can be sure, that, as in the past, I'll not be shy about letting people know.

Officer Dibble

Re: I Hate The Current State of the Porn Industry

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 7:35 am
by Lizard
Tomsk wrote-:

"What will I do now...I will go to sleep in my ?500k flat and think about the other 3 flats I own in the same road that I purchased on peoples sorrow....

Here was me thinking you lived in a nice area.

Re: I Hate The Current State of the Porn Industry

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 8:01 am
by Phil mCc
Wanna know the reason for porn's demise, I spend a few days with two big distributers VPS & Orion, they are both 20 years friends. It pretty god damn simple. It has two sections first is kind of obvious tecnoligy, DV, DVD, Internet, Viagra its so easy for anyone to make a movie, a web-site be a model agent online, be a photographer TFP, be a producer the whole thing is now so easy.
DVD came around making all the big guys like Cabalero/Sin City/Metro etc look at their back catalogues so why bother spending money on new productions when you have 2000 films to transfer onto DVD, Market flooded. Many of the guys who used to troll round the photo studios taking naughty picts for fun became producers because digital made their stuff good enough for hungry satelite stations who would buy anything as long as its cheap. Many other punters looked a film production as cheap sex like I usualy spend ?500 on a hooker so if I book an actress for ?300 then I can sell the tape for ?200 I save money.... Basically Tecnoligy f*CKED it up.

Now for the second and the most radical part. Porn was bought by sad, lonely guys who never had a girlfiend if they were even more unlucky they had a bitch for a wife who fucked them once in a blue moon lights out etc. They spent all their spare cash buying porn they wanted to get nearer to the actresess who they held up as gods, they would send me letters every week asking how the girls were what new films I was making, they were faithfull to us and buy everything, we gave the punter a personallity and a new girlfriend Stacy, Charmaine etc etc. We gave the same punter new mates McCavity, Ben, Rem we spoke with them wrote to them and again they were faithful to our stlye and lables.
Well truth is there is no lonley, ugly guys with no personality left they are all piolet's or international buisnessmen they fly all over the world doing million pound deals and landing their private jet's just in time for mum to serve tea. The internet has gave anyone who needs it a personality and a new identity, You can go on chat rooms and forums and be anyone, you can write to anyone in the world you can even travel the world in virtual reality. Something this simple has wrecked the industry the sad lonely guys who spend all their money on a fantasy now get the real thing for free,
O and who do these guys spend hours chatting to on forums etc, 25 stone page 3 girls because the girls are at it as well.
I am sure Dibble and some of the more educated guys will sort my punctuation and spelling out and if someone fances it they can refrase my words and send it back to me so I can put it in the new magazine which is about 2-3 weeks away from printers.......One last thing most of you all know my loyalty has always lay with the punter because I am one so don't feel bad about getting called lonley there is a few who don't fit the rule,

As for the degrading and violence that's cause the money is not there anymore and most people will do anything to pay a morgage producers and models. Reality is I am afraid its over make the best of it and be friends so like in Edinburgh we can all share a few drinks and laugh about the old days.

My accountant is on his way in to talk me out of investing more money in porn

Re: I Hate The Current State of the Porn Industry

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 8:21 am
by Lizard
The bottom line is, all things must pass Phil, technology has been a blessing and a curse (as in my business) it,s all about choice, you can still buy your fav films, be it DVD or Video etc, and I believe there will always be a market, just not as big, so the good days have gone for some people, where for others it,s just starting, if you made money and invested it or whatever, good luck to you, I like the idea of meeting for a drink and talking old times, that sums up a philosophical(sp) way of life, and is truly the best way, instead of bitching, everything has a shelf life including us! it,s just a shame Tomsk has to live in a cheap flat, and be forced to rent out the other 3, maybe we could have a whip round!

Re: I Hate The Current State of the Porn Industry

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 8:31 am
by Officer Dibble
"Reality is, I am afraid its over"

My accountant is on his way in to talk me out of investing more money in porn"

Cheer up Phil, where there's life there's hope. Most things porno are petty shit at the mo, but I don't feel to under the weather - putting the boot into chavy porn has given me a new purpose in life. I feel a cruel, but intoxicating, glee in twisting the knife.

Take you accountant's advice, sounds like he's got his head screwed on right. I would suggest milking your back catalogue, if it's still available to you. Make the most of it (any early 90's stuff is now classic and well sought after). But don't waste any more money on scraggy chav models as no one is really interested in them and you'll just end up peddling faster and faster to maintain the same financial position.

You'll have to come round one day; we'll go for a beer and balti and toss ourselves off down memory Lane. Or, next time I'm down at Jason's we'll come over and do lunch in Brighton, there's a tasty Tapas bar near the Pavilion...

Officer Dibble

Re: I Hate The Current State of the Porn Industry

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 10:42 am
by BlueRaa
At what point did a ?500,000 flat become cheap and not in a good area? Bloody southerners! ;)

Re: I Hate The Current State of the Porn Industry

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 10:56 am
by R18 DVD Shop
"...there is no lonley, ugly guys with no personality left..."

really? I would beg to differ and this is personal experience speaking - probably explains why I have so much porn!


Re: I Hate The Current State of the Porn Industry

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:12 am
by Phil mCc
Yeh Jay but you are starting a shop on-line multi national etc etc, the internet has made this reasonably easy.

Phil McC