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Re: Anal

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 10:40 pm
by Pianaman
Hey no-ones saying we don't like it at all - and I know many women that love it myself. It's just the focus seems rather disproportionate at the moment - its like vaginal sex has been relegated to foreplay and anal (or to use that nice french word - sodomy) is now "the main event" - in many movies you don't see anything other than anal (hence my admittedly ironic orientaion jibe). It's true that I am a lover of a beautiful vagina though :)

It's just the anal gaping that really leaves me cold - that and the fact that the fine art of foreplay, not to mention afterplay (and any other sort of play), seems to have been forgotten as well in many movies, particularly from across the pond. Really does make me wonder - are these "studs" really woman lovers or what?

Re: Anal

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 11:29 pm
by Officer Dibble
"On a professional basis though, its something companies and clients demand as they believe it sells the product more"

Ah, now we're getting to it, hey Tel? So, who might these misguided divs be, and what do they base their assumptions on?

I believe this anal business it's nothing more than a sexual myth, a sexual myth that has become lodged in the narrow minds of those engaged in porno distribution and production. A myth that has become, to them, received wisdom. If you ask any of these delusional sorts about specific evidence of the porn consumer's anal cravings they'll suddenly go all vague on you (they have never really stopped to think it out, or examine it rationally in their own minds) "Well, like everybody knows porno customers are gagging for anal, don't they?" Er, do they? So, which customers do you mean precisely, and who says so? "Er, well, you know, like everybody, innit"? Yeah, right.

Fact is, this anal craving malarkey is a total mirage - You yourself Tel recognise that a non-anal series sells just as well, if not more so, than an anal series. I deal with some of the people at the coalface that buy video erotica, I know what they buy, I know what they want to buy. I now know that the anal craving myth is a load of old bollocks. The consumers I know do not buy movies on the basis of their anal content, they never ask for it, indeed it may even put them off. The "companies" you mention that are requesting it are sometimes run by folks who do not understand porn, they've never really been into it, their priorities are commercial, all they may know or understand about porn are the ideas, myths, and prejudices that have circled round 'respectable society' since time immemorial. They have neither thought about these suppositions nor questioned them; they've simply swallowed them whole. So, they just assume the average porn buyer is a vile, filthy, rain coated perv, in the best News Of The World tradition. A perv separate from the rest of humanity, to whom normal fucking and sucking is anathema, and who instead expects a constantly flowing stream of industrial strength filth and human degradation, in the form of anal, bukkake, DP, ATM, cream-pie this ?n? cream-pie that, from their erotic video supplier.

This is not an anti anal rant - on the odd isolated occasion I have found it stimulating too. No, this is a rant against the tossers who set the agenda, both here and everywhere else. Tossers who don't really know what day it is and set an agenda (an agenda that might affect us all) as here, solely on the basis of received wisdom and not on the basis of actuality and reality.

Officer Dibble

Re: Anal

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 5:51 am
by steveuk
Donna is an expert at dirty talk. God bless her!

Re: Anal

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 2:47 pm
by quiff
Having been a buyer of porn for many years, I have always craved the anal movies / pic. However now it does seem that every movie is anal and it has taken the whole mystique out of it for me.
There is nothing like anal sex, but it has to be part of the sex, not the be all and end all. I now search for the movies that profess to the 'first time anal'. You no the sort, actress known or unknown to the business is persuaded into anal for the first time. After some foreplay and pussy fucking its on to the main event, captured sensually and leaving the actress having fully enjoyed the experience.
I take no enjoyment from watching three cocks forced into an overly stretched out arsehole.
Perhaps I'm just an old porno romantic!!!!!!

Re: Anal

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:00 am
by BobbiEden
To be honest,. there are days that I really enjoy anal and like it more then getting fucked in my Pussy.
But thats my opinion. Also Iknow for a fact that there are many girls that really like to do anal and dont have problems with it. ;-)

Bobbi Eden

Re: Anal

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 5:24 pm
by Snake Diamond
Your Profile pic doesn't work, something is wrong with it :(

Re: Anal

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:45 pm
by pheonix
'When the river runs red ...... take the dirt track!'

Personally im not a big fan of anal, but it seems to be a major thing in the porn industry. I cant wait till it goes out of fashion!

Love Pheonix

Re: Anal

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:49 pm
by Snake Diamond

I love your Analagy :))