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Re: Thank you for the insults but someone has seen

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:43 pm
by seymourpussy
If shes gen your really doing a good job discrediting the business, if she's not your making a better story for the rags 'adult forum bully's young girl to do hardcore!'
Apart from that it costs nothing to be polite whether on a forum or in real life, you don't have to respond or even read posts if you don't want to so what's it to you if she asks questions for the next 5years! just ignore if you don't agree

Re: Thank you for the insults but someone has seen

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:45 pm
by Hayabusa
"Adult Forum is front for Recruiting teenage girls into Pornography"

You may be on to somthing there, has the board been attacked by the press before?

"her" pic makes her look about 32 not 18, it isnt evern a convincing fake.

Re: Thank you for the insults but someone has seen

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:00 pm
by claire
Why shouldnt sally ask questions???? the only reason most find her fake is because she hasnt given some a free show on her cam!
i say give the girl a break.....if she stopped asking questions and went to a shoot with some dodgy so called photographer and ended up being attacked would you all still call her fake?!
go for iot sally best of luck and ask as much as you like.
claire xx

Re: Thank you for the insults but someone has seen

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:04 pm
by mark cremona
Discrediting the business? for what, warning everyone to take care what they say in private to 18 year old girls wanting to get into porn? particularly when nobody on this forum has come forward with conclusive proof as to wether she is who she says she is, and I dont recall bullying anyone into doing hardcore !!

but your point is well taken.

If Im wrong then Im just a rude ignorant prat ....but if Im right ........there goes the neighborhood...

Re: Thank you for the insults but someone has seen

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:06 pm
by Lizard
When Sally first came on the forum, she had a Yahoo profile page, that has since gone. and I dont know where she can be seen on a web cam.
What web-cam? whats the url?

Re: Thank you for the insults but someone has seen

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:29 pm
by NeilUK
One thing I will say is that if Sally was genuinely thinking about getting into this business then the behaviour and some of the people in this forum she will probably think again. I too have my doubts as I have offered whatever genuine help I can give and it all went silent. After appearing really keen and her saying she would ring me to chat, nothing. I was intending to ask her if she wanted me to put her in touch with Karina Currie, who better to advise a new model. But as soon as actual help and agencies were mentioned Sally went very very quiet. Claire is right that Sally should ask plenty of questions but Karina would be able to answer any and all of Sally's questions and then some that Sally didn't even think of. But instead she keeps putting the questions here.
However I have to say even though I do have my doubts about how genuine she is, the insults on this forum are out of order. New models read this forum all the time, I am sure their eyes are opened by the way some of the photographers here speak about the models.
I think the truth with Sally is that she genuinely thought she wanted to do it but now the reality is kicking in. She is 18 and has plenty of time to decide whether to model or not

Sorry for the rant, but I think a few people on here owe her an apology whether she is genuine or not


Re: Thank you for the insults but someone has seen

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:41 pm
by mark cremona
For Insulting her IE: telling her to Piss off in another thread, I apologize unreservedly, that was out of order from me, but I make no apology for warning everyone to take care what they say off forum to teenage girls proporting to getting into Porn.
Im sure Im not the only person here smelling a Rat, but you are quite right there is a very good chance that young Sally is indeed genuine and if that is the case then I wish her every success, perhaps it is better that she take stock of the information and advice she has received from some of the best names in the business and decide what to do with it at a later date. I will not poke my nose into Sally's thread henceforth.

Re: Thank you for the insults but someone has seen

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 5:14 am
by steveuk
"I will not poke my nose into Sally's thread henceforth."

What will you poke into her... errrm... "thread"?

Re: Thank you for the insults but someone has seen...

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 5:39 am
by R18 DVD Shop
You dont HAVE to do anything you dont want to - its fair to say that the best money and biggest demand is for new girls who are willing to do HC BG BUT that means jack shit if YOU dont want to do it.

My advice is make your mind up whether this (being adult modelling in general, not necessarily BG) is the career path you want to follow - you have had a taster of producers, performers and porn buying punters in the last few days so now go away and decide if it is what you want to do and if it is then dip your toe in the water with a reputable photographer and see how it goes. As for how to define reputable ask any of the other models on here who have posted replies or advice in previous threads for recommendations - there are a lot of people now who have just gone down Currys and bought a camcorder or digital camera so make sure you get recommendations / references from people they have worked with before.

Also general advice is dont do anything, go anywhere or meet anyone you dont feel 110% comfortable with - if you only want to do up to GG then only do up to GG and dont let any photographer or promises of riches and fame and fortune sway you from that path. Also always take a (preferably male) chaperone with you to ANY shoot (some photographers dont like them coming along but your safety is paramount and any genuine photographers should be accomodating enough to make allowances).

As for the comments about proving you are genuine or not - quite honestly its no ones business. I suspect "some" people are just looking for a free web cam show but, at the same time, you need to start doing yourself some favours by listening to the (mostly good) advice you have been given and making some decisions and acting on them - in this business you cannot afford to make enemies or make people suspicious of you and quite a few of the top photographers and videographers as well as people in places of considerable influence in this industry post and lurk here so, while it may be diffcult, dont rise to the crap some people may give you and remain professional at ALL times. Already I suspect the posts about you being a fake are sowing seeds of doubt into the minds of some people who you may want to work with in the future - there is a big enough problem in the industry as it is with model no shows so if photographers etc believe you are a fake then you wont get any bookings.


Re: Thank you for the insults but someone has seen...

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:52 am
by fayerampton
until she shows us some good quality pics of herself in modelling poses i can not take her or him seriously !!!!!!
faye xxx