Crap blokes in UK porn

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: How can you say that?

Post by Marino »

Just a tought. Perhaps the good looking guys are for the female viewer. as i have a thiry percent female fan base.

Also i remember being short and skinny, and did not have such great luck with the ladies, so I read the bubblegum wrapper went to the gym and changed myself. Ever since I have had the best times any man could possibly want.

The old saying who looks at the mantlepiece when stoking the fire? Come to mind, perhaps it's the same for the girls who like a good boy and aint too sbothered about the face.

Also with some lumps and bumps in places, gives a lady more bits to slide their fannies over.

I see on this forum how you all love the beautiful girls of porn, so whats wrong with a few good lookers.
kitten kong
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Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Post by kitten kong »

You certainly have a hatred for poor old Jim! I guess his idea is that why does a stud have to be a good looking body builder? Wheres the story in that? Good looking stud gets to fuck beautiful girl.................who gives a shit? Give me a dirty 'ol git doing his stuff anyday. I think this is the point. Jim might not be the worlds greatest stud, but then what NORMAL guy is?
Anyway I looked at the scene with Eliz on his site and it was SHE who was slobbering all over HIM! The brazen SLUT! He was laughing his head off at the irony of it all.
Anyway you seem suspiciously preoccupied on what the studs look like rather than what the girl looks like if you ask me!!
Anyway I expect Jim isn't losing any sleep over your comments.
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Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Post by Autolycus »

True...we do concentrate on the girls but it is a bit (no, make that a lot) offputting when the camera focusses on the bloke's face as he is about to come. Who gives a toss what he looks like? Even if he is a handsome chap like Marino, I still don't want to see too much of him in the film. A film Wendy did with Kris Knight was ruined (for me anyway) by the cameraman shooting some ugly old git for what seemed like ages before he finished. For about a minute if not more, the camera was on this bloke's face as he finished himself off. Wendy might as well not have been there. It was like watching a very bad H&E film....

We don't care what the stud looks like but if we have to see him can we
just get an occasional glimpse - he isn't that reason we watch porn.

On the subject of humour I have to say that Marino's banter with Ben Dover was genuinely funny and didn't detract from the film in any way.
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Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Post by seymourpussy »

would agree Kitten, Jims a normal guy shagging some gorgeous birds. He's also a guy you can relate to.Wish i had the budget i would be doing the same and bollocks to the knockers...
Officer Dibble
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Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Post by Officer Dibble »

The ideal stud is one who is good looking, clean and smart. The sort of guy who might have a viable alternative career as a straight male model. Sort of chap you would see in GQ. The reason? You need someone who will blend - as has already been pointed out, the girl is the focus, there should be nothing about the guy that would draw a straight viewers eye. If he is to old, to fat, to thin, to short, to tall, to ugly, if he has tats or even to many muscles it will unconsciously draw the eye. The viewer should be concentrating on the fucking, thoughts like "Christ, he's an ugly fucker" or "Shit, he needs to lose a couple of stone? will pop involuntarily into the viewer?s head. This breaks the viewer?s concentration in a negative way - they unconsciously feel uncomfortable about the film and don't enjoy it.

The Europeans do male studs best - guys like David Perry and Christophe Clark, well dressed, clean, class guys. It could be that some Brit producers who do not meet the GQ ideal are still want to appear in their own movies. Two reasons for this - it's a cheapo production and they don't want to spend good dough on someone who fits the bill ? say, Steve Hopper, Tony De Sergio or indeed Marino. The other reason is that this is more the producer?s hobby than his business. He may feel consumed by the need to shag young birds of indifferent quality. This is a cost effective way of doing it - you can get your money back by selling the film. Also, I feel humour i.e. 'the chortling geezer' is used as a fig leaf by some producers to try and disguise the paucity of the movie they are flogging. The alternative - creating real sexual tension takes quality personnel, imagination, thought, real filmmaking skills and consequently expense.

Officer Dibble
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Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Post by artiste »

About time somebody spoke sense - Kitten - I don't hate Jim - good luck to him in many ways, but just don't pass the series off as particularly good viewing. If you can't see ythe "wood" for the trees, fair enough. If Jim's an "ordinary" guy looking, acting and dressed like that, God bless him.

But as Officer Dibble inferred, beter sex progs are generally peopled by better looking people - give me Tiffany walker (if only she'd make a come back) and say marino or Steve wotsisname any day.

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Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Post by fevrd »

Bless you Faye. I was hoping one of you girls would say that.
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Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Post by artiste »

Definitely MY last comment on this...........

Re Elize, Kitten, (like the name BTW)

I watched the whole episode again, and nothing will deflect me from my views. But, agreed Elize did slobber a bit - but then what do you expect??

The eastern european porn talent is seemingly never ending - for many what other way out of a poor life-style other than mainstream or other forms of prostitution?

Elize no doubts wants to be noticed, and follow in the footsteps of the likes of Monica Sweetheart, Sylvia Saint, Nikita Denise, Vanda et al (I do know the girls!!!) - she's also getting paid. So QED , shes got to put on a good show, if not someone else from the gorgeous talent pool will be the next and bye bye!!

That's all folks - have a good day.
kitten kong
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Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Post by kitten kong »

Its crazy, so Jim can't really win, what your saying is that if Eliz had been slobbering over Steve Hooper, it would be because of lust, but she was licking Jim from head to foot, out of a need to be famous! Jim seems to get slobbered over by alot of the girls and they certainly can't all be pretending.I think its because, if a girl works with some one like Steve or Tony, the first thing they think is "He wont like me". With Jim, they definately know that he WILL like them, so they are empowered. At least Jim looks appreciative of what he's getting and I think thats what the girls like.
The main studs always look like they're doing a job of work, because they are. In my opinion they look like they love themselves too much, and women definately hate that.
I've noticed in the Jim Slip stuff, he seems to be devoted to presenting the girls to the camera rather than himself, he's always behind or to the side, but never in front. Also the girls never stop giggling and laughing, women like men who take the Mick out of themselves.
Women are far more complex than men in what they like, looks is one thing, but far more important is personality, charm, humour and of course a big dick!
Anyway I think he's nice and I'd like to xxxx him, so there!
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Re: Crap blokes in UK porn

Post by NeilUK »

I am only talking from an outsider point of view but surely if the girl isnt enjoying it she can't perform aswell. That certainly is true in other walks of life, a footballer can't play well if he doesn't enjoy it, why not an adult actress. Yes I know the girls are getting paid but they have to be enjoying it or it would show in their performance. To say they have to look like that because they are getting paid just doesn't add up. We could easily tell if the girl wasn't enjoying it and my bet is the film director would stop things if that was the case as the product wouldn't be good

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