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Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:50 pm
by sandie
here is a quote from a email i recieved on thurs from a porn fan.

"I mean, after all, EVERY OTHER site has guys beating their own meat 100% of the time. How boring. How gay. Straight guys are watching. Give us the women!!! "


Re: Check out....

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:59 pm
by Pianaman
There are some that come closer than others - for one. Pretty good example of a site where the sex can stiull be hard as it comes with anal, deepthroating and even some rough sex play etc, but done with an attitude that respects women and doesn't seek to humiliate or degrade them. It recognises that women like sex just as much as men and doesn't subscribe to the old fashioned view that if women are sexually active that makes them bitches or whores or animals like these misogynistic sites promote. Not all the sets are of real couples but those that are can be very tender and sensual as well as passionate and explicit.

Another good one is - they describe their "mission" as:

"We love porn. We think that most porn is a healthy expression of sexuality in our society. We do not debase women nor are we misogynistic. We love women and what women do for each other and us. We are dedicated to women and sex. We will always strive to bring you the best".

Again that doesn't stop them being as hard as you can get. Both sites give the lie to the view that "erotic" porn means somehow soft, wussy, non explicit, story based, etc. It's not about the content - its about the attitudes represented. It can be soft or hard, full of tender lovemaking or rauchy no holds barred fucking, but either way the difference is not in the content per se but in how it is presented and the message it promotes. For example, deep throating (something that I often find very enjoyable in my own sex life) can be presented as pleasurable for both parties, or as a means of inflicting pain and discomfort, often to the point of aking the woman choke, gag and even puke.

Re: Check out....

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 8:55 pm
by Harry Hardon

I agree that some models will be open to more outlandish suggestions for the right incentive however some models I've met and done shoots with do like things like gagging and watersports.

I just hope most of the time these girls are enjoying the shoots and not going thru the motions to get a bigger pay packet.


Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 8:58 pm
by Harry Hardon

Odd email, surely if the guys performing with a female model it's straight sex?


Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:38 pm
by Dickie Davies
Well, as an ordinary punter, all I can say is that this is another US development that disgusts me.

There are too many arseholes over there producing stuff that degrades women. People can say that the free market dictates all but, for me, bollocks to that. If the "free market" means humiliating women, then it's a case full of bollocks.

Funny enough someone on AVN Insider has recently posted an article calling the UK porn market sick. The only thing wrong with the UK porn market is that there isn't enough money in it.

Much of the US market is now sick with my pet hate - girls having their heads held for blow jobs - particularly prevalent. Two guy, one girl stuff is now common and neither sexy nor nice. And this is the tame end of the market.l

Many US porn makers seem to hate women. What I see on BGAFD says this is not the feeling here and, if it is, I will be happy to discuss it with those who take a different view. If need be, HM Constabulary would be involved.

People will say - don't hate the Americans, but from what I have seen of their porn, some of them deserve to be hated. There are some disgusting people serving up disgusting stuff over there.

They abuse free speech.

cue flame frome some total tossers!

Whatever the money , Europeans should stay clear of these arseholes.

Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 11:33 pm
by vila
Eh??? If he's tossing himself off he isn't performing with anyone except himself, whoever else might be on the set with him.

Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:39 am
by Pianaman
Dickie - If you have a chance check the links to the sites I mentioned above; and Both sites opposed to abusive porn but still able to deliver some really sexy and hardcore material - I like to think they are a step in the right direction. Both, I believe, are US sites so not all is bad - I think the majority of US punters are not into this either, its just a sick fashion in the industry that seems to reflect trends in society (especially the widespread aggresion and sadism in Hollywood movies and the sense of paranoia regarding "terrorism")

Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 9:43 am
by Number1
-"Whatever the money , Europeans should stay clear of these arseholes"

But Dickie, that's just where the arguament falls down. Sadly there are many girls, and a lot of our British girls at that who will allow themselves to be abused and degraded in this way for simply that reason; money.

Before any girls jump down my throat, I KNOW a few girls actually enjoy it, and do it as a hobby anyway, that is fine, it's not those cases I'm talking about. It's the girls who really don't like it but are putting up with it for the money that I refer to here. Wave enough cash in front of someone and you would be surprised what they will let people do.

-"These producers seem to feel that they have to abuse women to sell vids"

No they don't, they just like doing it. Despite being told I was talking bollocks last time I pointed it out, you have to realize that the mind set behind this type of material comes from having an ingrained belief that girls who will let themselves be used as sluts are dirty and should be punished, and the requirement for that punishment is used as a justification/excuse for enjoying the act of punishing them.

(I know a few people in previous threads have failed to understand what I'm saying there, but the people in this thread seem to have a reasonable IQ)

Re: Has the world gone barmy?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 10:24 am
by Pianaman
"the mind set behind this type of material comes from having an ingrained belief that girls who will let themselves be used as sluts are dirty and should be punished, and the requirement for that punishment is used as a justification/excuse for enjoying the act of punishing them. "

thats exactly what I was saying above. Its great that women can be much more assertive sexually but that isn't reflected in most of these films. Instead its like they are seen as dirty animals for wanting sex - like back to Victorian attitudes rather than the 21st century. If these producers really want to present women's sexuality in all its glory then stop having them crawling about on all fours and humiliated - lets see some really active and horny fucking instead with no one being degraded deliberatly in the name of "entertainment".