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Re: BAIHA Update

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 8:38 am
by Phil mCc
I will try to keep this short but inform,
We had a meeting before the HIV crisis at my studio in Brighton, the reason for this was to try and draw up a plan between us to help encorage everyone to screen for STD/HIV every 30 days, It was posted on here mailed to everyone we knew. The discussion on here was very long and at time good but at times bad, we had people stating ridiculas statments like there was no difference between 30 or 90 day testing. The point is I have not met many actors who don't read this forum or know who someone who does. The meeting was planned months in advance so everyone had the chance to attened.
About 25 did, various producers, Actresses, Agents....a good selection, Funny enough it was the reliable people, as a producer most of you will know what I meen, they turn up.
Ok loads who new did not,
The reasons given to me for not coming varied from "Its not my bag tell me what happens" to "Brighton is to far to travel from London" and a few genuine people mailed showed their support but could not attend.
Some people whined on about its to far and whined on about who else would be there , some purposely ignored it or even went as far as to put shoots on the same day.
We had a qualified STD/HIV counciler at the meeting who spoke up about all the things we needed to hear, we listened, we learned we made a plan.
After the meeting Jason (who started all this with Mike who then involved me) went began the pain staking task of finding all the info from goverment and getting pemision to use goverment web pages and documents. We asked Sandie to track down more clinic details aproach them and find out if they would be Adult Industry friendly.
I approached more members of the biggest STD/HIV organisation to get more advise and support.

We done all this before the HIV crisis in the USA. The HIV in USA blew the whole thing up into the current frenzy. We only wanted to move along at our own pace and achieve our goal. So thats why when people demand information or anything like a web-site I tell them mail me direct I will help, some inteligent people and some fuckwits can understand that, others would rather complain, these people hunt down threads and use them to whine on about something that does not affect them. Everyone knows I was at both meetings, knows I am involved so all they had to do if they don't like JFT or don't know Mike was mail me and ask. If you cannot find my e-mail address you are a fucking idiot as I have so many and I never hide them. When I mail you you get my phone number, everyone has it.
Now it's plain and simple. We have asked the talent who attened what they wanted as a way of tests, we will recomend this to everyone and most will accept it.
I have Sharron Mitchel (AIM) coming across to my show on 30th May to do a seminar and meet everyone. Joanna Jet organised this, she will add to our knowlege by telling us how she started AIM off and the problems she faced, and how she overcame them.
Now if you want to find out about anything else mail the people involved, if you don't want JFT spam then when you send him you details for further details ask that he does not, funny enough I have never had any spam from him, but plenty from other people.

If you ignore this post then your a professional funeral goer.

Phil McC (Jim Deans)

Re: BAIHA Update

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 8:52 am
by Dan Dares
Thanks Phil,

I have to say that may just be one of the most informative posts on here as it gives a background in to how things developed and therefore the ability to understand who is involved, why and what they have done.

I think a lot of the complaints are simply out of frustration due to information not always being too informative and trickling out. Just little things like comments about the information will be on the BAIHA website in a few days when people obviously want to know now.

One thought comes to a very great percentage of the UK industry are likely to be at your event in Brighton, myself and Denise included and it is well publicised, perhaps some time could be arranged to either discuss or give everyone a run down of events who wasn't at the previous meeting/s (whatever their reasons). Maybe even, as Sharron will be there on the 30th that would be the best day?

Re: BAIHA Update

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 8:55 am
by woodgnome

Re: BAIHA Update

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 9:09 am
by Phil mCc
Dan, having two threads going is hard work, there is a seminar onthe Sundat with Sarron Mitchel. BAIHA will be on BluePrint stand so you can meet and get to know them. They should have the web-site up real soon, Jason had to get goverment approval to use the official documnts,
Try to remmeber 2 things, we started this before the USA HIV shit. and second, I am involved so no-one will railroad anything, not that anyone has, sometimes I speak my mind to easy.

Phil McC

Re: BAIHA Update

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 10:24 am
by Dan Dares
Should be good Phil, I will see you there.

Hopefully BAIHA will be able to lessen some of the fears that we in the UK will lose out on some good and promising up and coming male talent (not me cos I'm too old lol) as well as possibly finding it almost impossible to get any new guys. The cost is fine for the girls but almost prohibitive for new guys who aren't likely to be working a few times a week.

Girls get paid well enough and should easily be able to get enough work to make it worth while for just about any of them...not much good though if there is no one for them to work with?

Re: BAIHA Update

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 6:09 am
by JFT Media
OK, I have been away this weekend from work as I went and watched the fantastic QPR win away at Sheffield Wednesday and gain promotion back to Div 1.

So I read with great interested all the post's above.

If people didn't know about the meeting, from this board or the email's I sent out I am very surprised but I do not have everybody's email in the business. With regards Denise not getting an invite, do I have a current email address for her, or didin't she see it here as she is always on the board from what I can see and has made many posted re the HIV problem in the States etc, and also stated that she know longer is in the business, or is that just B/G I am not sure.

If anybody wants an update on BAIHA and sends me an email it goes in to the BAIHA email list and NO other email list I have for the other area's of my business. Of course has links to porn related stuff, it is a porn news service and link site. If anybody has every had an email from me with regards one of our sites or services and no longer wishes to be emailed again, reply with the word 'REMOVE' and it will happen.

Some people did ask to come and were informed that we could not invite them as they are members of the public and this was a industry meeting.

The BAIHA web site is being worked on and will be up as soon as posible, but as Jim pointed out, the idea of BAIHA was going before the US scare and we had a small working party looking in to the best way's to move the industry forward. Then we had the problems of people not wanting 30 day HIV & STD test's. This it seems after the problems in the US has now gone away.

This will be a slow process, but it is one that we happen and get stronger the longer it is running. I will be spaeking to some performers today who contacted me over the weekend to update them and discuss with them what they want. It was stated at the meeting that the performers that turned up (some did contact to say they couldn't make it and offered there full support) now want PCR DNA test & full STI's every 30 day's.

As thinks change, we will update people via this forum, and email to those who want it.

I trust this put's my side across and you are all welcome to email me direct if you have any further questions.
