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Re: How many UK performers are gonna stop hardcore now

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 6:21 pm
by DavidS
Was there a particular ' straw that broke the camel's back' in your decision , Denise? Or was it a combination of things?

Re: How many UK performers are gonna stop hardcore now

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 9:24 pm
by Dan Dares
Maybe you should give the whole story instead of making it out like she didn't know what she was doing...sounds very much from that update like while she was very drunk she knew EXACTLY what she was doing!

Re: How many UK performers are gonna stop hardcore now

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:22 am
by Dan Dares
The sad wuestion of course to add to this is how many UK performers will be lining up to take their place...coming in totally naive and often unaware.

The sad truth is some of these girls will do whatever they are told desperate to get in to the industry and make more money in a few hours than they can make behind a Tesco checkout in a week...and that includes having unprotected sex with a certificate if they don't know any better (and sometimes even if they do!)

Re: How many UK performers are gonna stop hardcore now

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:42 am
by Libby Ellis
The only thing regular testing does is make sure you know you have an infection as soon as possible and thus stop you infecting too may others. Nobody has ever said testing prevents infection! We are all taking a risk every single time we work unprotected so it is up to the individual to minimise that risk.

Re: How many UK performers are gonna stop hardcore

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:44 am
by readysteady
denise davies wrote:

> hi dive
> one floor in that reply darren james had adequate tests done
> on a regular basis but that didnt stop him catching HIV and
> infecting other people.Tests dont mean shit and not worth the
> bother

Tests clearly do work and protect other workers. If we didn't have testing
in the US, then the affected people would not have stopped working and
by now HIV would have affected a large percentage of the active workers
in the industry (must be several hundred) rather than just 4 (plus the
separate isolated infection of Jennifer).

I'd also like to follow up on the point about cars - of course they are
far more dangerous than an HIV-tested porn industry. While I completely
appreciate what the lovely Angel Long was saying about thinking about
her career, she should consider that her passion for fast cars is FAR
more dangerous :)


Re: How many UK performers are gonna stop hardcore now

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 9:45 am
by Dan Dares
and that is meant to say a) question not wuestion and b) unprotected sex without a certificate!