Are you to blame for the HIV out break?

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.
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Re: Are you to blame for the HIV out break?

Post by crofter »

Tomsk + JP, nobody has proved that Darren James has contracted HIV through his trip to Brazil ? or by performing double anal, that just seems to be the easy option for a lot of the main people in the states, adult companies have been shooting porn safely in Brazil for at least the last 5 years without any notion of anybody testing positive, and performing anal sex has never been proven as putting you more at risk of contracting the disease to the best of my knowledge so let?s stop blaming Darren or Laura for that matter for the outbreak, Tomsk I find your remarks slightly offputting as in the one hand blaming the consumers for this happening and then advertising 3 links at the bottom of your page to ?your safe? porn sites, for fucks sake grow up, that is like saying the consumer who want faster cars are the cause of more accidents on the roads, or the producers of strong alcohol are responsible for every slaying in the street.
PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
Officer Dibble
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Re: Are you to blame for the HIV out break?

Post by Officer Dibble »

Well dude, I'd hate to sound like Ian Paisley. But all this Triple-gag, Mega-Anal Bukkake, With A Cream Pie Dressing bollocks has totally turned me off the American sex industry and much of the porno scene in general. It's not sex and it's certainly not the sex I singed up for. The American scene in particular just seems degenerate and debased. It's heading nowhere except the cesspit. As another poster further up said nobody out there on Civi St fantasise about the stuff these people are on with. They've totally lost the plot. Maybe their orgy of excess and irrelevant self indulgence (all this 'pushing the boundaries' bollocks) has lead to an inevitable implosion?

?And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place: For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it.?

Genesis, Chapter 19

Officer Dibble
Dive in the Dark
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Re: Are you to blame for the HIV out break?

Post by Dive in the Dark »

Tomsk wrote:

"I know first hand what happened"

That's quite an assertion. So you were there when (according to you) "Darren had anal sex with a TV"? And you also know for certain that this was how he contracted HIV?

Wow that's certainly impressive. Nobody else is so certain. I think we should put you, Tomsk, in charge of the whole industry's healthcare since you seem to know so much, so far ahead of everyone else.

Deuce Bigolo
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o/t Re: Are you to blame for the HIV out break?

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

What I want to know ...who buys the extreme stuff?

When this loses its appeal,which it will...what then?

Video footage made solely for Websites and DVDs being nothing but compilations with one or 2 new scenes?

The big studios hinted a while back that Websites & Porn in Hotel/Motel chains were the future and videos/dvds were the past due to the over saturating of the market

Hard to argue when you see the ridiculous prices that vids/dvds are being offered at

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Are you to blame for the murder of Rachel Nickell?

Post by DanG »

Tomsk, if people didn't live around Wimbledon Common, like yourself, then there would be no one to be murdered or commit murders, ergo using the same logic set out in your argument above, I believe that you are in some small way responsible for the murder of Rachel Nickell on Wimbledon Common.

I understand and empathise with the point you are trying to make, and God knows, I agree with you...but the logic of your argument is flawed, not to mention needlessly inflammatory.
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