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Re: Why all the fuss about the HIV scare in the states
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 4:24 pm
by shock the monkey
spot on. people who play russian roulette by choice eventually get caught. others don't have the money, means or education to do anything about it
Re: Why all the fuss about the HIV scare in the states
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 5:54 pm
by Snake Diamond
Yes Libby does, try
Re: Why all the fuss about the HIV scare in the states
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 9:33 pm
by The Bear up a tree
how do you know i'm not, you ****** cracker?
Re: Why all the fuss about the HIV scare in the st
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:39 am
by joannajet
I had to jump in on this topic as I want to highlight some details about this event that are very positive and can be learnt from.
The first is about containement. By having PCR/DNA through AIM (The STD testing centre used by virtually all of the Californian adult industry, ), not just the first generation but also the second generation of performers who had worked with the performer who returned an HIV positive result (with the full cooperation of both talent and producers) were able to be tracked down and quarantined.
The second is about responsibility to the industry. This responsibility was displayed and acknowledged by the commitment from every major LA porn production studio to cease production until the "all clear" date in early June.
The third is about public relations. By having eloquent, reputable, knowledgeable key people to handle the media (e.g. Sharon Mitchell @ AIM, Tim Connelly @ AVN), who were able to effectively communicate the ability of the industry to manage such a crisis, the event became reduced to a soundbite for the majority of media channels, rather than becoming a loaded weapon with which the industry could have been targeted for scandal by the media or just cause for disdain by "family values" or Christian lobby groups.
An effective STD testing procedure in the porn industry is not just about protecting the health of talent (which should be reason enough but realistically and tragically is not) but is also a way by which the industry can avoid political persecution.
There is currently an effort to create this type of STD procedure in the UK but the grapevine tells me it is is encountering some resistance, most notably from a commercial standpoint.
I hope this US event will highlight that whilst there is a commercial impact in adopting such a procedure, it should be considered, not as a financial and logistic burden, but rather as an insurance policy for the prosperity of all involved in the UK porn industry.
ps, If this post happens to be read by anyone involved in working at bringing a standardised effective STD procedure UK, please contact me if you wish to draw upon the resources of AIM, as I have the contacts.
pps, my email address is in my profile.
I tell it as I see it.
Joanna Jet
Re: Why all the fuss about the HIV scare in the st
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:49 am
by Dive in the Dark
I don't see why anyone would be resistant towards standardised testing from a commercial point of view. As a producer and performer I would welcome a UK version of AIM as I have already stated in these forums.
We need to protect ourselves and our industry by grasping the nettle and instigating a rigorous and verifiable testing system.
Jason of JFT has been attempting to get healthcare on the forefront of producers' agenda and Ben mentioned something about the Regents Park clinic offering PCR DNA testing I think. We need to collate this information and come up with a coherent strategy.
Re: Why all the fuss about the HIV scare in the st
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 3:35 am
by joannajet
I am more than willing to manhandle Sharon Mitchell @ AIM onto a plane bound for England and pay for her flight and residence during her visit.
But I will only do so if she will be welcomed by a united UK porn industry. One that holds a genuine commitmment towards creating an effective STD procedure such as the one achieved by AIM in the US.
The BGAFD awards strikes me as an ideal time for this. So, should I book the tickets and hotel room?
Joanna Jet
Re: Why all the fuss about the HIV scare in the st
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 5:24 am
by DanG
That would be great....only I don't know if Sharron could realistically be out of the US if this HIV outbreak is still going on. As the US industry's first point of contact on this matter, I think she would be expected to be there to make the statements, co-ordinadinate the response etc. as you pointed out.
On the other hand, a busman's holiday to the UK could be just what she needs at present, and I would be hard pushed to think of anyone better qualified on the matter in our particular line of if there's any chance of making it happen, I say go for it!
re: African Aids Epidemic
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 12:35 pm
by David Lever
Re: African Aids Epidemic, here is a quote from a book I read, called "Vaccination and Immunisation", by Leon Chaitow. Yes I know, get a life david, anyway I quote:
"In many parts of Africa, because of the lack of testing facilities and the expense of applying these, an AIDS diagnosis can and usually is made based solely on the patient's presenting systems (fever etc) plus a degree of weight loss (at least 10% of body mass) over a short period.
There can of course be many reasons for weight loss and fever in Africa, ranging from famine to malaria together with a host of endemic parasitic,viral, bacterial and fungal diseases (some of which can cause a false positive HIV test result-malaria for example.)
However a combination of weight loss and fever have now virtually become, "AIDS defining" in Africa-partly at least because such a diagnosis helps attract funding for desperately need health facilities."
Interesting eh, what?
re: African Aids Epidemic
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 12:53 pm
by DavidS
I wonder when this book was written, David? Certainly about 12 years ago there was much discussion about how major the Aids outbreak was in sub Saharan Africa. The Sunday Times I believe did a number of articles which questioned the levels of HIV infection in Africa. The question has to be asked if there is a reason to falsify the numbers and the answer is yes there is. Many countries receive large amounts of foreign aid because of the AIDS epedemic. With so many African governments corrupt it is hardly surprising there is pressure to up the numbers. I have even heard of a case of a death certificate showing cause of death 'aids related traffic accident'! However, this is not to say that there is not a major epidemic in Africa, and unless clear evidence comes to light that that is not the case, we should continue to give Africa what help we can. The argument 12 years ago was that people were dying of a desease called SLIMS which has been known in Africa for years, however what is not clear is whether SLIMs was in fact AIDS and people just didn't realise. After all it was not until HIV reached the USA that it was identified in about 1983.
re: African Aids Epidemic
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 12:56 pm
by David Lever
The edition I have was printed in 1998. Its quite interesting that there are many eminent doctors who believe that HIV and AIDS are not connected. But they are not permitted ever to air their views, because of the hold the drug companies have over research budgets etc.