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Re: Girlfriend and Porn

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 5:56 am
by golostruda
A completely pointless supposition this. If you had an average/small dick you wouldn't have a size queen girlfriend in the first place (any such burd would have long since dumped you for some 8-inched milkman).

Re: Girlfriend and Porn

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 9:01 am
by michaeldreamboy
i think that any man who lets his girlfriend have sex with anyone but does not make these porn films himself or have sex with other woman while she is making porn is a saddo loser

Re: Girlfriend and Porn

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 9:42 am
by Mojo
I couldn't cope with it. I would have to be in love with my partner before I had any sexual relations with her, and for her to have sex with anyone else other than me (and visa-versa) would make our relationship a sham and pointless.

Re: Girlfriend and Porn

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 10:38 am
by golostruda
"i think that any man who lets his girlfriend have sex with anyone but does not make these porn films himself or have sex with other woman while she is making porn is a saddo loser"

Absolutely. That's why I would never go out with a cleaner. The only house I'd let my girlfriend clean is mine, and if she went and cleaned other people's houses for a living, I'd be a real saddo - unless of course I set up a cleaning company and went round cleaning other women's houses while she was cleaning other blokes'. Then it would be OK. And obviously it is completely down to a bloke to choose what his partner does for a living, and you haven't just woken up from a coma you've been in since 1973.

Re: Girlfriend and Porn

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 11:06 am
by sandie
its called the BBD - bigger better deal.
suppossedly we are all looking for it and none of us are truely happy with our partners hence we are always on the look out for the BBD.
but what happens when we find the BBD? he/she would have to be perfect in our own eyes to be the BBD. can any one peson be expected to hold all the different qualities that go into a relationship in 100% perfection.

thats quite a huge demand. and when we are to demanding of people it all turns to shit anyway.

so we are all doomed.

as sally jesse raphael once said "u should never go out with anyone u feel is beneath u" (cos u'll always be looking for the BBD).

makes sence to go out with someone u aspire to or feel is equal to u.

anyway that is my rant over with.

now back to my self help book - how to work in porn and stay sane

Re: Girlfriend and Porn

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 12:02 pm
by fayerampton
can i borrow that book please sandie !
faye xxx

Re: Girlfriend and Porn

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 12:41 pm
by Cornish Chris
I am not really in a position to comment, but I should imagine that it is a situation that you would need to be actually addressing or have addressed befor you can even say what your feelings would be.
Come the day in question I doubt very much whether the guys who have a "No Problems Attitude" wouldn't start to get the odd niggling worry.

One thing is certain the husbands/boy friends who can cope with it all..have certainly got great stable relationships, and it is obviously a matter that they have fully discussed with their parners beforehand.
To those guys more power to your elbows, sadly I think I would fall into the "Green Eyed Monster" catagory.

Cheers CC.

Re: Girlfriend and Porn

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 1:03 pm
by Kev and Tracy M
Hi all My wife Tracy has been in a couple of fimes now with men and women I must admit to only being of average size and the men she has been with in the films have been alot bigger than me. I find the thing I enjoy the most is seeing Tracy enjoying her self and at the end of the day she comes home with me. You have to remember they are not making love they are only having sex.


Re: Girlfriend and Porn

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 2:11 pm
by Cerberus
Nice one Kev. My other half has now performed in lots of scenes for most of our pro producers on vid & sat TV........we've been together a long long time, so trust & jealousy aren't an issue. I sometimes attend her shoots, more often not. It's just a job, as long as she's safe I'm happy & she's happy. Whether it's solo, bg, gg, group, I don't mind. I enjoy watching her in action........after all I often benefit from her experiences lol. Long may she continue.........And to all the insecure, jealous doubters, grow up & trust your lady after all it's you she comes home to.