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Re: Honest opinion please

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:42 am
by joe king
'But if you pick girls with flat chests - dress them in girly frocks and pigtails, have them sucking lolipops and shave their pubes your bound to end up with some pillock who can't recognise that boundary in real life that thinks its a green light to cross it'

Do you think there should be a law that stops 18+ old women shaving their pubes and dressing in pigtails and sucking lolipops ?

Re: Honest opinion please

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:04 am
by Pianaman
Of course not. What I'm saying is I strongly suspect some people who try to make very young women out to be kids or "barely legal" are deliberately catering for those who are attracted to children but don't want to face the risks of watching kiddie porn.

Re: Honest opinion please

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:44 am
by bfu
what is even more worring is the fashion industry who use catwalk models as young as 14 and these model are used to show adult fashions.

how will the new laws cocerning photographing under 18 yr olds affect them [see the other thread]

some of the fashions they wear are very scanty and often show breasts etc.
but as its big money will the powers that be bring a court case??

Re: Honest opinion please

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 3:34 pm
by joe king
'some people who try to make very young women out to be kids or "barely legal" are deliberately catering for those who are attracted to children but don't want to face the risks of watching kiddie porn'

Is that a good or a bad thing or are you neutral?

Do you think that people would be satisfied by this alleged 'pseudo-childporn'?
Some people have schoolgirl uniform fetishes - are you saying that they are paedophiles?
Would they just want to go to the real stuff?
Would this stuff lead to the real stuff?
We can identify paedophiles by them visiting this site?
Should we cut childrens hair because paedophiles are attracted to it (in long pigtails)?

Re: Honest opinion please

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 4:21 pm
by Pianaman
"Is that a good or a bad thing or are you neutral?"

I agreed with Stevie Celt saying there's a fine line morally between girls who look underage and those who are (as a parent myself). If you are attracted to prepubescent girls then a site catering such attractions is just making the situation worse because it promotes the view that its OK to have such feelings. Most adults can recognise that line, fine or not, but there will always be a few that can't and they are going to be encouraged if they are led to feel it's acceptable to lust after prepubescent girls.

I suppose there is an arguement that at least it keeps them doing something relatively safe compared to really abusing girls but I don't think the worst offenders will stop there - they will look for more and more.

"Some people have schoolgirl uniform fetishes - are you saying that they are paedophiles?"

Are you saying everyone who has such a fetish is not? In most people no - but I guess it depends on the individual and how far their fetish takes them same as anything.

"Would they just want to go to the real stuff?
Would this stuff lead to the real stuff?"

In some people yes, absolutely - I think the "slippery slope" arguement is far too simplistic but for some people there is a difficulty setting boundaries and recognising the differences between fantasy and reality. I know people like this.

Re: Honest opinion please

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 7:48 am
by Inspector Beaver
I seemed to stirred up a hornets nest with this post...I have taken a look at all the posts and also taken heed of all the points raised. I think I will stick to my original choice of and avoid any nasty visits or surprises.

Thanx to all who posted.

"I wank...therefore I am..."

Re: Honest opinion please

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 9:50 am
by DavidS
Although I am all in favour of strong child protection laws, I have to say that we are getting to the stage where it is difficult to know where genuine child protection ends and political correctness begins!

Re: US Law?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:32 pm
by Rude Boy
"I had heard on Radio 4 that US Congress is looking at a law on "deemed innocence" where it will be against the law to portray under age sex even if the model is well over the age of consent. Have to say not sure how in practice it would work - anyone else heard anything"

Yes I've heard about this too although I've not had any revised guidelines from the publishers who produce the "Young Girl Books" as yet though.

Re: Honest opinion please

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 2:23 pm
by Maurie
Didn't the authorities in California try to do Max Hardcore with this argument, i.e. Filming Pretend Schoolgirls was the Same as Filming the real Thing? I don't know what the result was, but I thought they failed. If you have a flat chested wife who looks young, can you expect a visit from the Old Bill?