Podcast on AVMS regulations

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one eyed jack
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Podcast on AVMS regulations

Post by one eyed jack »

Podcast discussing the audio visual media services and change in legislation coming into effect December 1st....and more

andy at handiwork
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Re: Podcast on AVMS regulations

Post by andy at handiwork »

We are told by the anti-porn brigade that all these measures are to protect minors. Well if age verification is so wonderful for the authorities to prevent under age access, why do we also need further restrictions on what adults can enjoy. Do we now have a bureaucratic, cumbersome and anti-free speech measure in place that the government knows doesn't work simply so they can make things deliberately difficult for UK producers and force their closure. An admission from them that AV doesn't work for the purpose it was introduced and that its merely to close down the business would be honest though unlikely.
one eyed jack
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Re: Podcast on AVMS regulations

Post by one eyed jack »

I truly believe this s not about protecting children from seeing porn. There are glaring examples of this failure all around for us to see.

It serves the government well to have a quango do the dirty job of bringing all this porn to heel but the reality is really all about control.

Porn is just the window dressing to getting control of that serious piee of real estate called...The internet.

I once thought it was a stealth tax to future proof the BBFC with online media but then it hit me...The bigger picture is about control. Its been awhile coming but Ben and I talked about this on the podcast and I truly believe we are not far off the mark and if we are? Well its a staging post for discussion.

Take a look around with OBJECT winning small victories with getting Julien Blanc banned from the country and tell me if we're onto something or do you truly bellieve its about protecting young eyes from seeing sex? Because I can think of worse things kids could be looking at than seeing porn...

ISIS beheading their latest victim on Liveleaks for one. Mexican drug cartel chainsaw murders...Those things are likely to have a psychological impact than porn

Paul Taylor
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Re: Podcast on AVMS regulations

Post by Paul Taylor »

I agree with you Terry, it makes us all sound like conspiracy theorists but I think porn is the ladder for them to get into more control and porn is just small fry.

We aren't stupid and they can't see that we can see through there lies, they aren't protecting children from porn, because the tube sites are still there.

I get that industries should be regulated and theres more chance of doing that with official porn producers/companies than chasing the piracy links out there, there illegal and we aren't, but some on, where we asked?

Were we consulted on how we can make Children safe from porn.

Time and time again the government make decisions and laws on things they know nothing about and make them law, ask us, ask the people doing the job who pay their taxes.

Ask us for help and I am sure we would quiet happily work with them on a set of regulations to help protect children.

We know the ins and outs of the business so ask us for help and lets collaborate.

Off many chats we have had over the years Terry both at UKAP events/meeting and over the phone, we talked about things were coming in, and people were like, they will never be able to do that, they will never do that. I know your not one to say I told you so.... But I bet you wish you were wrong and look how quickly this creeped up on us eh?

I have ever understood why they are going after sites ran from the UK that have editorial control with this now AV and no debit cards, we just make the product, they should of forced the payment merchants into adding these things in place, all the billing side is done by third party like CCBILL and EPOCH etc.

They are the ones that make it possible for people to get there hands on it, so why go after the people that make it, the payment end is done by scripts and software working behind the scenes, so you could go to them, and 90% of porn producers won't even know how that side works anyway.

Why didn't they???, because its all about making money, why get money out of a few payment processors when they can get a bit of money out of each and every producer, large or small.

The BBFC online scheme that wasn't minatory, was always going to come back with deeper roots that was harder to get rid off and now we have ATVOD. Pete Johnson used to work for the BBFC didn't he?????

He's been a busy man since that had no legs, gotta give it to the man he keeps on going and he's quids in too.

People like Object try and say the girls are brain washed into doing porn or sex trafficked into the country and that its an industry lead by males.

We all know that isn't true in the age of web cam and content share where girls make their own content, but who's making the industry sexist and aimed more at men????

The government with banning some types of porn like squirting so I'm aloud to come but they aren't if they are a squirter?

Object and other groups who are anti porn will have a field day with that, they will accuse us of setting these male driven laws not the government, because lets face it all their facts so far of why porn is bad hasn't been right has it.

Hey the US site I shoot content for is on ATVODs complaints list for 2013-2014 a fan pointed me to it or I wouldn't of known?

Why is that on there? Its British content made by me, but I can make content for anywhere is the world if I want, and whatever country its for have to abide by they laws of their country. I

f I shot some content for another UK site, that site would have to abide by the AV and ATVOD laws not me, I just delivered it to the client, what they do with it and how they run there business is up to them.

I asked Ed over in the US who I work for had he heard from ATVOD and he said no, so I don't get it.

I do believe if other countries had AV in then it wouldn't put UK site owners at a disadvantage to the rest of the world, where it will effect sales.

So not only have poor UK web masters, got to worry about there content being ripped onto tube sites they now have to worry about there site putting people off with all the details they have to put in to prove they are over 18 and thats even before they are presented with the credit card details page to actually make a purchase.

I always said I could never be a webmaster as its not my thing and I'm clueless on that type of thing and I was back in 2004 and I hadn't a clue but now over here with all this in place I definitely wouldn't be.

Be interesting to see how this effects sales for the UK based sites that stay open.

Paul Taylor
Producer/Cameraman/video editor/Male performer for 10 yrs
PODCAST SHOW : www.ukpornpodcast.co.uk
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one eyed jack
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Re: Podcast on AVMS regulations

Post by one eyed jack »

Maybe the strategy is to put people off, get the present producers to quit but as I said I really dont thnk this is as personal or calculated as that.

If everyone does their jobs and financially squeezes what little left out of an ailing business anyway then surely the end game is about creating a wall high enough to not just prevent people coming in but keep people from getting whatever it is they are selling, out

Beyond porn I'm thinking, information, blogs, data, sites like WikiLeaks, whistle blowers like Bradley Manning...Take a look around, all this stuff is in the news all the time and if it means it can control that then it makes people easier to control

If you want your freedom then its not about defending porn. That will come part of the package. This is about civil liberties and you wot realise what you had until its gone.

No its illegal to have acts like face sitting for starters. Think thats ridiculous? Thats just for starters.

I saw this coming since the R18 online and hence why I'm in a better position before ATVOD came into effect

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Re: Podcast on AVMS regulations

Post by scotdan »

So I can watch Syrian beheading videos, but not female ejaculations clips in case I get corrupted.

What's next are moral outrage police are going to be banning the Littlewoods lingerie section!
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Re: Podcast on AVMS regulations

Post by scotdan »

I thought the whole point of being in the European Union was that it was a level playing field for all businesses throughout the continent. So if a mainland European producer can shoot, edit and sell content with face sitting/fisting/squirting/spanking shouldn't British producers be able to do the same?
andy at handiwork
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Re: Podcast on AVMS regulations

Post by andy at handiwork »

Of course they should but unfortunately member countries are allowed to prevent their citizens from accessing material considered by the powers that be a danger to morals. Clearly some nations take that responsibility rather more seriously than others. I am not aware of any other country in Europe adopting such a rigid view when it comes to regulating 'TV-like' services; no atvod and the odious Pete Johnson anywhere else in the EU. Similarly no Extreme Images legislation, nor a relation of AVMSRegs2014 to prevent adults watching consenting adults in non-illegal activities.
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Join The Protest 12th December

Post by planeterotica »

andy at handiwork
Posts: 4113
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Re: Join The Protest 12th December

Post by andy at handiwork »

Im going to try to get there friday work permitting. Its unfortunate that friday is the worst day of the week for a demo at H of P as most MPs have already gone back to their constituencies.