Warning for ALL in the sex industry!

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Warning for ALL in the sex industry!

Post by jimslip »

At present we in the sex industry are facing threats of almost biblical proportions. We are already dealing with the threat of Sypillis. This disease although a problem, can be contained with antibiotics.

The next threat looming however is far, far more serious. We now face a new strain of Gonnorreah which is potentially untreatable. Please read the warning from the World Health Organisation below and be extra vigilant, whether you are a performer, escort , party person or swinger.The new strain has been detected in the UK and in other countries. Please circulate the link below to anyone you can think of, well maybe apart from your grandma! lol

I am continuing to warn organisations in Europe of the impending threat and asking them to circulate the information. I intend to contact UK NHS GUM service providers with a view to them issuing written warnings and advice to all attendees, hopefully I will be successful.

If this information can be circulated virally (No pun intended) it may be possible to at least delay the progress of this disease long enough for an effective treatment to be introduced. This disease will almost certainly enter porn from outside and if and when it arrives will decimate the industry. Let's try to keep it at bay! I am sure some will accuse me of being a "Party pooper" or "Gloom merchant", but as far as I am concerned, we must act now for all our sakes.

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
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Re: Warning for ALL in the sex industry!

Post by WG »

Jim is not true that there is a cure but it is more expensive and more intrusive than antibiotics??jimslip wrote:

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Re: Warning for ALL in the sex industry!

Post by Paul_PRaymond »

Thanks for this info, Jim.

Performer health is a real issue many are too ignorant or apathetic to give the attention it really deserves. Performing is a high risk activity, and people need to be aware that these dangers are always looming.

Jim is quite correct in saying that this could most likely enter the industry from the outside, so please make sure certs are properly checked and that they are still within date.

Also, if your own cert is almost out of date, then don't be surprised if you are told that you can't work on the day and only your travel gets paid (if even that much). Your certs are your ever changing daily 'CV' to work. And we all know that if your CV isn't up to scratch, then you don't get the job!

Anyways - spread this message by Jim. Because if you get this strain, you can't get rid of it! (and that means no more working, as well as no good health!)
one eyed jack
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Re: Warning for ALL in the sex industry!

Post by one eyed jack »

Well done Jimbo...Heard this one too. Will circulate.

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Re: Warning for ALL in the sex industry!

Post by Gaslight »

I quizzed the Doctor at my local GUM clinic about this yesterday and she confirmed the issue. Apparantly the virus does mutate on a regular basis so the medical profession have to constantly monitor and adjust medication. However on this occasion this particular strain is proving particularly difficult to treat.
Her exact words were, "It has the potential to be catastrophic".

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Re: Warning for ALL in the sex industry!

Post by jimslip »

WG wrote:

> Jim is not true that there is a cure but it is more expensive
> and more intrusive than antibiotics??jimslip wrote:
Yes indeed, funnily enough I have always been fascinated by the world of viruses and bacteria and read alot of things about these pesky creatures. There are viruses called bacteriophages. well if you thought a bacteria was small, well imagine a virus is so small that it can live on a bacteria! Basically these viruses can be re-programmed to attack a particular microbe. So in the case of the new strain Gonnorreah microbe, a bacteriaphage would be used to kill it. It is an old technology, ignored in the West but the Russians and I believe the French have been stockpiling and cataloging them to fight many diseases for many years. Obviously they wouldn't have managed to do the new strain of Gonnorreah yet. Also, this technology is specific to a particular organism, so there is less of a problem with resistance.

In the West, it has been much simpler to just pop a pill to sort out diseases, but microbes are now winning the battle. Remember that these blighters have been evolving and protecting themselves for millions of years, so an attack by our puny antibiotics is no more than a setback for an offending microbe. He just, "Puts on a thicker jumper" as it were and says "Bring it on bitch!" lol

I expect there are combinations of antibiotics that might combat this new strain in the short term, but they will certainly fuck up your whole system and possibly not even work, so best be very, very careful for the moment.

I spoke to one of the guys at Paddington hospital this morning and he said he would speak to a consultant and discuss the idea of stepping up the warning procedures. Let's hope that this happens.

Here are sme bacteriaphages "Landing" on an EColi microbe, observe how they resemble a Lunar landing craft! Also observe how small they are!

[img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_9XAvbyXLhC0/S ... ion485.jpg[/img]

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
mark cremona
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Re: Warning for ALL in the sex industry!

Post by mark cremona »

My God, thats scary stuff, today's porn performers need to be made of stern stuff to keep going, they have my undying admiration thats for sure, I have seen some of them put their cocks where I would not put a dirty walking stick and they do it with a smile on their faces. Thank you porn performers everywhere for making lowlifes like me look good and for taking the risks you take in the cause of the 'perfect cumshot' I walk on the shoulders of giants.

Mark Cremona.

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Re: Warning for ALL in the sex industry!

Post by Charfan »

well said Jim.
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Re: Reply from a Biotech Company.

Post by jimslip »

When I asked a Russian Professor in a phage biotech company as to the efficacy of bacteriophages for the treatment of the present strain of antibiotic resistant Gonnoreah as per the WHO statement, the reply was:

"The problem is well known for a long time worldwide as well as other mdr bacteria. Phages may solve it effectively but the optimal strategy is to compose the tailor made preparation for each patient individually basing on his bacterial isolate."

So I am afraid it wont be as easy as popping an antibiotic pill, but in the end it can probably be cured.

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
Amber Freeway
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Re: Warning for ALL in the sex industry!

Post by Amber Freeway »


I've been reading what Jimslip has been saying and it is scary!

Syphilis is really hard to cure as well, and is a very nasty illness. In the later stages it destroys vital organs such as the liver and brain.

These bacteria are premier league guys....not just your run of the mill NSU etc!!

Personally, I think the problem is the fact that the industry is reluctant to use protection. Yes, you can look at cures etc. but as it has been stated, it is a very complex procedure for a cure for this particular strain.

The best thing to do is not to contract the illness in the first place. Unfortunately the only way you can guarantee that is by putting a barrier against yourself and the bacteria. This means condoms, femidoms, latex gloves, dental dams etc.

As far as certs are concerned....the moment you have unprotected sex, that piece of paper is null and void. You could have picked up an STD on that shoot and for the next 30 days, spread it around unknowingly.

In non-adult film making, which I also involved in, everytime we do a shoot we have to do risk assessments for insurance purposes. That is why the people I do non-adult work with won't cross over into adult film making because of being able to fully cut out the risk of a performer picking up an STD during a shoot.

Now I know there have been producers who say that Joe Public don't want to see people wearing condoms etc. The only other way around it, I think, would be to use couples in long term, monogamous relationships. I know a few producers who don't like working with real couples either.

It is up to the performers now to think....is it worth putting your life at risk...these are life threatening illnesses they are exposing themselves to.

My husband used to be in the health care profession and it used to piss him off when he heard the typical British attitude "if I get ill the NHS can find a cure". Instead everyone should be thinking the other way "lets not get ill in the first place"!

No matter how vigilant the industry is, this strain will find it's way into the industry, it is a sad fact of life.
