The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Shay Hendrix
Posts: 718
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Shay Hendrix »

I have received this e-mail which i believe to be a fake:

---- "Greeting Shay Hendrix,
I am planning two film shot with you, I need to know your willingness for the same....
Please find the details of the shot below..

1st Movie based on Femdom:

Its going to be a domination shot, where the movie will run to a length of at least 1hr 50mins. The story goes on with a guy loving a girl ( to be you), and after his marriage you dominate him the most in several ways.. I can explain the storyline more in depth upon the confirmation.

Location: London, New York, New Zealand & Switzerland.
Total no.of characters: 20
Budget: 700,000 GBP
Your Salary: 200,000 GBP
Nudity: Yes
No. of Days: 100 - 120
All expenses related to travel, stay, food, allowances, etc will cover under the budget of the movie.
Note: You won't be given any return travel once shot at London is over for 100days

2nd Movie based on Porn Life:

Its going to be a movie where sexual intercourse will take place often in the movie, and off course this will also run on same length. The story goes on a married man having sex with a beautiful girl (you) without the knowledge of his wife, whereas you are having sex in order to give him as a sacrifice for a soul to become alive. Its going to be a thrilling movie.

Location: Australia, Ireland, Mauritius & Bahrain.
Total no. of characters: 18 - 22
Budget: 1,000,000 GBP
Your Salary: 280,000 GBP
Nudity: Yes
No of Days: 150 - 180
Note: This movie may be screened for release in theatres of some region.
All expenses for 180days will cover under the budget, you will also receive a special shopping allowance may be around 10,000 GBP in Gulf.

NOTE: All settlements are final, you won't be given any money in future beyond your salary! And you need to sign an agreement before the shot, which states that "I have the rights to sale this movie at any cost without giving any share to you in future". You will be paid 50% of your salary before the commencement of shooting. All flight fares will be included in the budget of the movie.

Expecting your interest.

Regards." -------

When i asked for references/ examples of previous work he was not able to answer me, but instead insisted repeatedly that i meet him somewhere:

Okay Shay, if I am arranging a table in a Restaurant to speak with you indirect & pay you part of your salary will you be able to work on? You don't lose anything before the shooting commences you will receive 50% of your salary! If you are not interested then I will search a new person, but this is my first chance, please give me a chance I can prove myself! At any point if you don't agree with shooting process then you can discontinue without returning my advance.

BOLLOCKS!! Be aware out there girls. I don't know what this man wants, but i've got a feeling it's not right....

Still wrestling, domming and modelling up to art nude.
andy at handiwork
Posts: 4113
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by andy at handiwork »

Which bits in particular make you think it might not be on the level?
Shay Hendrix
Posts: 718
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Shay Hendrix »

1. It comes from a hotmail account, not a film company website account or anything to verify he's working for a company.

2. The amount of money being offered. Out of a budget of ?700,000 he's offering me as an actress ?200,000, but yet he has 20 other people to pay AND flights AND accomodation?! He's also offering this money, yet has no company name, no references and no examples of previous work.

3. This: "At any point if you don't agree with shooting process then you can discontinue without returning my advance". So i could meet him, he'd give me ?100,000 and i can then pull out without having to pay the money back?! I don't think so.

4. He can't tell me where exactly he located my e-mail address from, but does say it was from a forum and that as a model and a domme, i was "the only girl" to fit the bill. So there are no other models out there who domme?!

Still wrestling, domming and modelling up to art nude.
Posts: 2985
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by videokim »

It does seem very iffy, no one pays that kind of money in porn. As for the hotmail address we have used ours since the internet began, we have a few web-sites but everyone knows & googles our hotmail addy.

Kim x

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled

Posts: 2180
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Post by puretotty »

Yes these figures just dont add up I am afraid to say... No one pay's that kind of money... I doubt even Jenna Jamerson commands that sought of money !

They do say however that 50% will be paid up front... I would ask them how they intend to do that ? Into your bank via wire, escrow, or other means ?

If your going to meet him, tell him for security reasons you will bring along a male companion, tell him the male companion will stay out of the way... and is there just to ease your first meet, say to him "I know you will understand as we've not worked before that I need to guard my safety"

He might just be some rich billionaire type who wants to shoot you... but in fairness 99.9% nut job !

Shay Hendrix
Posts: 718
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Shay Hendrix »

I certainly won't be meeting him!!!!

Still wrestling, domming and modelling up to art nude.
Posts: 1085
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by william »

This is a scam - probably concocted on some schoolboys computer someplace.....

Common sense on the internet and if its unbelievable then generally it is...

Thanks for the laugh though the mail was funny indeed.
Posts: 5409
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by myson »

Definitely 1000% scam.

Unfortunately some other girls (who are not as experienced and savvy as you) who might also recieve the same email could fall for it (all they'll see are the ????? signs).

Well done for brining it to our attention but may I suggest that you also post it on other forums/model sites/Twitter/etc (or at least post a link to this post).


Dave Wells
Posts: 2714
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Dave Wells »

The figures are absolute BOLLOCKS !

Dave Wells

Posts: 380
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by SexySaucySally »

My little tips have always been

1) if it sounds too be good to be true then it is not true, and fi the numbers are ridiculously high then the offer is ridiculous, or a scam or from a time-wasting numptie

2) if the guy can't write in sensible English or it has lots of spelling mistakes and typos then it's a scam, time wasting muppet etc.. as wealth and those without intellect aren't usually connected except for some footballers ;)~

Sally x


Sally a 30-something Minx, & Midlands (UK) MILF.. loves posing for genuine photographers!