My New 32FFs!!!

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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My New 32FFs!!!

Post by jordanprycexxx »

Hiya! I'm in LA shooting super-hot scenes for you guys! Check me out on Twitter & here for my latest updates & exclusive photos from my shoots!


Jordan Pryce/ Alexandra Cat ( I know, my agent came up with this name, love it tho! )

P.S. & if u want to see my new tits, book me when I'm back from LA!

Here's the link to my new pics-!/jordanprycexxx
Daz Savage
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Reply with image!

Post by Daz Savage »

I disagree with Chris completely.
As someone who if 'reasonably' familiar with this industry I can happily report that the customer base is split almost evenly between those who love 'bolt-ons' (augmented breasts) and those who hate them... and as soon as you get them done you switch from one fanbase to the other.
The point is that if you're gonna get them done whilst working in this industry you may as well jump right into the big boob market because you the bulk of the 'bolt-on' lovers are in the big boob marketplace.

I know that already a whole new market for your modeling will have opened up and that people like SCORE will be crawling all over the competition to get you on the front-cover (I'll shoot it if you'll let me since SCORE have asked me to find girls in the UK for them).

Personally I like girls of all types and thought you looked lovely before but I shoot mainly the busty market simply because I am aware of how big the potential is in the world of the internet and publications. I wouldn't have known where to market you before but now I know instantly who, what, where and when!

Lastly I would like to add that I don't think the boob-job is a bad one at all. What Chris possibly hasn't taken into account is that you have a petite frame and have had some very large implants put in (possibly 800cc or bigger) and that these will look odd to some.
To me they look stupendous because you are going for the total-pornstar look quite obviously... and you have hit the nail on the head!
One of my models did the same thing:
[img] ... -002ed.jpg[/img]
Worked for her!.. and she's going bigger this year!

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
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Re: My New 32FFs!!!

Post by oli_cortez »

I think they're awesome also.

One thing that gets to me about you chris is fair enough you pay alot of compliments to people but when you voice your opinion it comes across very rude sometimes about very personal stuff (yes you could say the adult industry is the wrong place for someone who takes things personally).

Would you say all this to the models face? If so fair enough but don't hide behind an internet forum to be rude to people about stuff you wouldn't say to them.
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Re: My New 32FFs!!!

Post by derrick76 »

The stuff I believe you were available (namely IR) for in the UK you don't seem to be available for in the USA according to your card. Is it going to be that way when you return to the UK?
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Re: My New 32FFs!!!

Post by Tequila_Woods »

I'll say it to her face, hot hot body!! but awful tits! really awful!!!

Im not a photgrapher so i guess its not really my prerogative...but its an american thing i think. She might get work on that basis but from my experience british photographers/producers dont want that kinda thing.

Also.... Alexandra Cat... hasnt that alias already been used?? ....

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Re: My New 32FFs!!!

Post by derrick76 »

British photographers/producers in my experience do actually want it, in my experience. It is the Euros that don't.

If I had a penny for the amount of British models I've seen with odd shaped (and sized for their bodies) boob jobs I'd be rich, and quite a few of them are very popular too.
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Re: My New 32FFs!!!

Post by BigGuy »

I'm with you Chris

They are awful

Daz you are on a uk website and the general view of us living in a conservative (small c) society is we like the girl next door look not the Barbie enhanced look Jordan (aka Katie Price is bloody horrible) and the way she treats people is disgusting!!!!

There are other posts showing this

Good luck
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Re: My New 32FFs!!!

Post by kerrylouiselove »

amazzzzzzing xxxxx

[url=] - My Official Blog[/url]
Daz Savage
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Re: My New 32FFs!!!

Post by Daz Savage »

I'm amazed that anyone who has taken the time to read a post entitled:
"My New 32FFs!!!" can then presume to be part of the 'conservative' part of society.
I'm actually laughing out loud.
If you are conservative where would that put people like my parents I wonder?
My point was... and still is that there is a market out there for her look and since the model has done this for work then that is all that is important.
I think it's EXTREMELY unfair to make derogatory comments about any model's appearance whether genetic or enhanced when they have posted pictures and asked for opinions. Polite refusals are acceptable on forums but words like "AWFUL" may make a girl feel very bad and if other girls feel they are less than 100% perfect for everyone then they may prefer not to post here again.
This is simple forum etiquette employed on forums worldwide - the basic rule is if you can't say something politely and with tact then don't say anything.

I sincerely hope that the insulting coments here have not caused Jordan to decide not to post here again... I do note that she has not responded yet.

Lastly, you compare her to the 'other' Jordan and then start complaining about her behavior???
What has one thing got to do with the other if you don't mind me asking?
Is your assumption that if someone has boobs like Katie Price she will begin to behave like her?

(and just in case you're wondering, I am not defending Jordan as much as I am defending this forum as a whole... can we just try and not piss off the models who actually take the time to post? - if we do then we'll just be a forum of blokes griping about models who we don't think are perfect.)

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)