Just out of curiousity does anybody know of any Irish porn flicks?I am just wondering if we are perhaps the only country in Europe with no professionally made porn.Are there any Irish porn actresses?This is just out of curiousity as I suddenly realised I have never seen one bit of porn from the homeland,compared to the mountains of British,German,Dutch,American etc out there .Looking at the archives I see that Ben Dover was planning a trip across the pond to film-did it ever happen?
Irish Porn?
Re: Irish Porn?
I indeed wondered the same thing myself Ivan. Theres bound to be some. I reckon anyroad. I can think of many girls on the database with Irish roots and some who even advertise as so . But... fucked if I know
Magoo....About To Start Singing Pogues Lirics
Magoo....About To Start Singing Pogues Lirics
Re: Irish Porn?
Yes looking at the girls list there are a few with obviously Irish surnames and some with first names and surnames which would indicate Irish parentage if not Irish birth.The thing I hate is that when you enter any Irish porn terms into google you get a load of american sites full of redheads claiming to be irish(in case you are wondering Im not into redheads).
Anyway until the 80s the church effectively ruled Ireland and told the government what to do and so forth so commercial porn was probably illegal,if it isnt still.I mean,this country only lifted a ban on Playboy magazine in 1995!Obviously it was not exactly had to get hold of beforehand I dont think but it was nevertheless officially illegal.
The sex industry is only starting to take off in Ireland.Lap dancing clubs started in the late 90s and are becoming quite common.The first ever Ann Summers opened a few years ago.So perhaps a booming Irish porn industry is waiting to take off.
Hey,maybe I should fill the gap in the market heh heh.I could do interdenominational shoots.In the same way that US producers try to play off the whole bad black dudes after our innocent white chicks(honestly,some of those films/sites border on racist) it could go "Paddy the Long Langered Republican Irishman and the Unionist Sluts Gagging for his 5 inches"
I would be Irelands most famous porn stud,mainly because I would be the only one.........
Anyway until the 80s the church effectively ruled Ireland and told the government what to do and so forth so commercial porn was probably illegal,if it isnt still.I mean,this country only lifted a ban on Playboy magazine in 1995!Obviously it was not exactly had to get hold of beforehand I dont think but it was nevertheless officially illegal.
The sex industry is only starting to take off in Ireland.Lap dancing clubs started in the late 90s and are becoming quite common.The first ever Ann Summers opened a few years ago.So perhaps a booming Irish porn industry is waiting to take off.
Hey,maybe I should fill the gap in the market heh heh.I could do interdenominational shoots.In the same way that US producers try to play off the whole bad black dudes after our innocent white chicks(honestly,some of those films/sites border on racist) it could go "Paddy the Long Langered Republican Irishman and the Unionist Sluts Gagging for his 5 inches"
I would be Irelands most famous porn stud,mainly because I would be the only one.........
Re: Irish Porn?
You almost rant on as much as me! I am visiting West Cork next month to visit an old relative. Perhaps I could drop you off a few vids on the way? It all depends you see. Bantry Bay is where I am going but I do need to drop by and pay my respects to an old farmer in Co. Cork who helped me a lot when I stayed with his familly years ago. I hope he is OK. He was truly the nicest man I ever met.
Re: Irish Porn?
There was a gorgeous Irish lass in one of Ben's. I can see and hear her now but I damned if I can remember her name. Lovely eyes.