is this normal

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Essex Lad
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Post by Essex Lad »

Kaz, I think many of the people on here who posted were genuinely concerned about Zarina rather than being prurient.

She doesn't help her case when on the Killergram video she is asked what turns on and she says being raped...
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Re: is this normal

Post by saintlegend »

This is wrong baby it has really pissed me off knowing someone has done this to you. This is rape because you said you don't do b/g. Go to the police and also get tested. Take care x

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Re: is this normal

Post by Emac »

Seems all is well in Zarina land, and I'm wondering if we've all had our legs pulled. New post from Zarina this evening, with barely any recognition that this thread exists!

Crying wolf??
Zarina Masood
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Re: is this normal

Post by Zarina Masood »

crying wolf? i'm actually insulted you said that. what happened happened a few months ago and im trying to do the best i can do get over it. believe it or not i have bigger problems on my mind. with uni around the corner i can't afford to think about it and i'm actually pretty good at putting stuff behind me.

what do u want me to say?

[edited by moderator]
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Zarina Masood
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Re: is this normal

Post by Zarina Masood »

he emailed me a few weeks back asking me to shoot again. i said no i never wanted to see him again and he had the nerve to act surprised. he said he watched the master tape and apparently kept asking me if everything was okay and i said yes. when actually he asked me if i was okay about the light spanking (which i was) and never asked me about anything else. he didnt reply to that comment but just asked to contact him if i ever wanted to work with him again. i replied saying no cos he clearly doesnt give a shit about what he does to models, hes rude and unprofessional and i said not to ever contact me again.

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Zarina Masood
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Re: Kaz

Post by Zarina Masood »

yea with my boyfriend thank you.

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Zarina Masood
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Re: Kaz

Post by Zarina Masood »

and just cos i said that doesn't give any guy to think they can just randomly come and stick their dick in me especially when I already said I don't do BG and they're supposed to be a professional photographer.

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Jo Juggs
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Re: is this normal

Post by Jo Juggs »

Ok now i'm seriously peeved. I cannot believe you have the nerve to write and I quote "with uni around the corner i can't afford to think about it and i'm actually pretty good at putting stuff behind me."

If you can put the allegation behind you then you must have some secret power that others of us who have been through the same or similar just simply can't forget. You was either raped or not?

No one would be able to put that behind them so easily and quickly. I'm all for supporting a girl/woman who has been through rape or abuse but I equally get as peeved with women who cry wolf just to get attention.

Please do not ever post anything like this again, like many people told you on here, you should have gone to police straight away and not broadcast it, well not until it had been proven and he had been convicted then by all means you can the reveal who the person was and what they had done via private email.

I don't think you quite understand the impact you had with original post. I hope you take the time to read every reply and see how much we (inc me) was supporting you. The decent thing would have been to post an update even if it was to explain why you was taking it no further and to thank people for supporting you.

Lets hope this post is soon moved several pages on as I for one am sick of seeing the posting keep popping up.

Take care

I am no longer active in the adult industry, but loved every minute I was a part of it.
Zarina Masood
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Re: is this normal

Post by Zarina Masood »

I have no idea why you're getting so angry with me. I did NOT make it up. I'll say it again shall i? I did NOT make it up.

And yea I can put it behind me cos I JUST can. I just carry on life with studying, working and living with my bf. I've had worse things happen to me. So believe what you want but do not openly accuse me of lying when you have no clue.

Oh by the way NO i wasn't watching the threads because I didn't put the post up in the first place it was my bf as I was at the clinic and told him to do it for me.

I didn't realise people still needed a reply which I'll admit and sincerely apologise for. I'm not the type of person to make up lies just for the hell of it,
I don't want to hurt or offend ppl in any way cos I know what it feels like so I'll do the right thing and apologise to you Jo if I insulted in any way cos I honestly did not mean to but I just wish you didn't think I was a liar.

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Jo Juggs
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Re: is this normal

Post by Jo Juggs »

It has been so hard to know what to believe as you have not been here to help put this all to rest.

I too speak from experience on a lot of levels and at the age of 42 I understand more about life than I should do, which is why I truly felt for you when this posting was put up.

You say you asked your boyfriend to put the posting up, so why did you not check to see if there had been more response n support. You must realise you can't have a posting like that and then leave everyone in limbo.

Maybe the best thing to do is to email bgafd forum and ask them to remove this thread (which i'm sure they would do) and then hopefully in time everyone can move forward and stop being reminded of this.

I truly hope you have been 100% honest but you must understand why some of us feel how we do after all this time of silence on the subject.

Anyway take care


I am no longer active in the adult industry, but loved every minute I was a part of it.