Fantasy Channel - Is it worth it???

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Fantasy Channel - Is it worth it???

Post by Billy »

Are any of the sky porn channels worth getting or are they all softcore???

Re: Fantasy Channel - Is it worth it???

Post by alec »

The Adult Channel and TVX are softcore in the sense that you do not quite see penetration. However, they some of the programmes are harder than you would get in an 18=certificate video, especially the most recently produced stuff, Welsh Rare-Bits on TVX which began last Sunday night is a good example, showing from above the girl sitting on the blokes face, male fingers almost seen penetrating her etc. TVX's new series Ibiza Uncut looks to be similar. If that was faked then Melissa Walker deserves an Oscar. In some of the Adult Channel programmes you get middle-distance fleeting glimpses of dildo penetration and so on. The fact that they are pushing the boundaries makes it a bit more exciting sometimes than full-on hard core, but that's just my opinion.
However, on both about 60% of the time or more is filled with censored american videos which don't show as much.

Re: Fantasy Channel - Is it worth it???

Post by Billy »

I've seen some of the censored stuff before but wondered if they had changed it. If I pays my money I want to see whats going on. Is there any way to receive uncut stuff?
Phil Mc

Re: Fantasy Channel - Is it worth it???

Post by Phil Mc »

All my stuff for both channels is shot hard-core and you know it just cause you can't see the actual penetration does'nt hid it. Anyway think of the funn we are having with all that humping, Watch the channels for my stuff then find the vid's to match. Next one is Violet Storm on TVX real hard shot.

Phil McC

Re: Fantasy Channel - Is it worth it???

Post by Billy »

I know they\'re SHOT hardcore Phil but I cant watch it unless its shown as it was filmed. It would be like watching Arnie movies with all the action taken out.
Claire Fan

Re: Fantasy Channel - Is it worth it???

Post by Claire Fan »


I missed the beginning of the programme so I do not know if any info was given on the titles, so I would ask if you know anything about 'Welsh Rarebits'


Re: Fantasy Channel - Is it worth it???

Post by alec »

This episode began with shots of Welsh landscapes (mainly South Welsh - pits etc.) with pictures of models faded in and out as previews. The tile for the episode was 'Welsh Rare-Bits audition Jessica and Marc' (or Marc and Jessica, can't remember). Neither of the performers sounded Welsh (and I am Welsh so I speak with some authority) but the woman behind the camera had a South Wales accent. I don't think it sounded like Kirstyn Halborg who is Welsh and might be a candidate for making a programme like this, but I might be wrong. I'm sure I've seen the girl before, but my eyes are glazing over - there are about 700 girls featured on this site for example and I can't put names to them all on seeing a picture. If inspiration doesn't striek whe will eventually feature among the unknowns. That's all I know or can deduce.

Re: Fantasy Channel - Is it worth it???

Post by liam »

I presume striek is a Welsh word,can you please translate,sorry Alec,but I couldn't resist

Re: Fantasy Channel - Is it worth it???

Post by woodgnome »

try the adult channel. the live show has been indulging in a spot of the real deal of late. don't blink though!

also, unlike tvx, where you have to subscribe for a minimum of a year - with the adult channel there are no strings attached and you can come(!) and go as you please.

i spoke to tvx the other day about subcribing and asked why they insist on this annoy year long deal. the guy i spoke to said that it was the only realistic economic model for their type of subscription based channel. he also stated that tvx is currently ten times the size of the adult channel, in terms of its customer base.

can this be true. i've tried both and prefer the adult channel. if the economic model thing has any basis in truth, i hope it doesn't mean that in an effort to keep up with tvx, they're running the risk of going belly up at some point.


Re: Fantasy Channel - Is it worth it???

Post by alec »

No it's a bit of useless typing by a Welshman whose eyes were (and are) glazing over, just as 'tile' was for title.