Terminal Decline

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
Dave Wells
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by Dave Wells »

Yes and always I appreciate your concern Terry. It's just a terrible waste of a great talent.

I won my fourth porn Oscar (AVN) this year and how many of them are on my mantlepiece at home - none ! Because none were in my name !

What a waste !

Dave Wells

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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by Simon »

"Two of the biggest companies in this country turned me down last year - why ? Because they stated that they were happy with who was already shooting for them - TWATS !"

Why do you think they're twats? You state they're 2 of the biggest companies in this country and I take it they got there without you. It appears you need them more than they need you.

What you don't seem to realise is noone needs you and your over inflated ego to make money in this business. It's not all about big budget, best equipment and years of shooting experience.

I've seen you blaming everyone but yourself on this forum for 8 or 9 years and whilst others have come along, invested their time and money attempting to make it in this business you've sat around and let it all pass you by all the while crying that noone will give you a chance or that they're all getting rich on your work.
Well, you don't need other people to give you a chance. If you're THAT good go for it, invest some of your own time and money like EVERYONE else does and stop blaming everyone but yourself.
Problem is, the odds on putting up a website and watching the money roll in aren't quite as good as they were just a few years ago. It now needs a lot more experience and effort.

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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by videokim »

Hi Peter

There is no cure for the now dead DVD & what do any of us really care about the big compaines who have always dominated the industry, yes we do produce cheap because this format got us to the top of our tree in the amateur niche.
As there is no structure to the UK adult industry who can really say what works & what don't...its who's still standing that counts not how they are standing.
If you remember it was the big companies that started mass selling at cheap prices in newspapers etc & pushed prices down for everyone.
We could once sell a VHS tape for ?30-?40 but again the big boys pushed us out with low priced mass sold gloss & now the tide is turning which they now don't like.
Production cheap or expensive don't really matter if you have an outlet for it...if not your product is not wanted & don't work anymore & its time to change, as i said earlier porn is evolving & all of us have to adapt / retire & not make excuses.

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled

Dave Wells
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by Dave Wells »

"Why do you think they're twats? You state they're 2 of the biggest companies in this country and I take it they got there without you. It appears you need them more than they need you."

Simple because they gave those people a chance but refuse to give me one. And those people only started in porn because of people like me ! I am not jealous to them but just wonder why I have never ever been given the chance.

"What you don't seem to realise is no one needs you and your over inflated ego to make money in this business. It's not all about big budget, best equipment and years of shooting experience."

If I even had an ego, I'd be as successful as Ben Dover. It's probably the reason I don't succeed because I don't have an ego !

"I've seen you blaming everyone but yourself on this forum for 8 or 9 years and whilst others have come along, invested their time and money attempting to make it in this business you've sat around and let it all pass you by all the while crying that noone will give you a chance or that they're all getting rich on your work."

Time possibly, money no way. I have never had any money to invest into my own stuff - ever !

"Well, you don't need other people to give you a chance. If you're THAT good go for it, invest some of your own time and money like EVERYONE else does and stop blaming everyone but yourself."

I never blame individuals for there own judgements against me. But I certainly wouldn't blame myself. Blame myself for what exactly - for not being chosen - do me a favour !

"Problem is, the odds on putting up a website and watching the money roll in aren't quite as good as they were just a few years ago. It now needs a lot more experience and effort."

Wrong it just needs money to bank roll it just like the bird that flies over dover has ! FACT !

Dave Wells

Dave Wells
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by Dave Wells »

Bang on Kimbo, absolutely true !

Dave Wells

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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by marshman »

All good points and fair arguments you have made Simon,especially about starting a website now.


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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by videokim »

Hi Terry

You are a great guy who helps everyone & we have the highest respect for you but its about survival.
If you look on this forum lots of Pro stars are now doing content share after seeing how good it works with the amateurs so at last there is some kind of unity even if its not a favoured one.
We have non industry friends earning ?300-400 a week on AW, clips for sale & image stock etc & are quite happy with that.
The internet is a big place & with amateur being king at the moment people will take advantage of easy money..content share, parties & increased escorting are only the tip of whats to come & like the birth of internet there will be casualties but i know Terry like us you will survive as weve been through too much to give up.

Kims Amateurs The original & still the best UK amateurs...often imitated never equalled

one eyed jack
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by one eyed jack »

Wrong it just needs money to bank roll it just like the bird that flies over dover has ! FACT !

Youi can throw a lot of money at good product and still fail Dave.. Ive been reading case reports on various movies (cos I is nosey like that) and do you know movies like Dog Soldiers have made 2 million at the box office but the guys who made it never saw a penny.

Their dicks are hard because they just wanted to make the movie which is fine but that wouldnt work for most of us.

Hi Kim, I know were you are coming from and understand the content share is a necessity to those starting small but from my own experience I was the only one that benefitted from the content because the people I shot with all but got shafted by their lazy good for nothing thieving webmasters and I was more than fair to let the people I shot with have 1-2 years exclusive run with the content because frankly I had enough of my own.

Though my conscience is clear I still feel the content swap is inequitable and is being explotuied by those who are actually making more money than the people supplying that content.

All this excess of porn producing does is feed the tube sites but its true like you said, this business is constantly evolving and thi sis the sum total of its evolution thus far.

Im just wondering how bad has it got to get before people sit up and think that we have single handedly destroyed ourselves when everyone stops paying for it because everyone can get it fro free from the tube sites.

Is the next step to create another 100 million tube sites? Another tube site with the same content as the other 100 million tube sites?

To be honest I always thought this day would come, i just didnt know it would come the way it did

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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by BigMattyP »

I must confess that I am treating this like an expensive hobby right now. I have done a few shoots and I will start putting clips on AW or some such to try and at least recoup some of the cost (I know it won't cover it but hey....).
I will eventually start my own site I think just to see how it goes but I will certainly never remortgage my house to do it or anything daft like that. I am keen to have the site built in such a way that I can update it so that I don't have to rely on a webmaster but I am not sure if I will be able to do that..... New things to learn lol.
I agree with Kim though, the industry will have to evolve to survive I think, sadly I have no idea how to innovate that change but I will happily go along with a suitable idea if it comes along :)

This is the greatest and best porn in the world....... Tribute :)

Dave Wells
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Re: Terminal Decline

Post by Dave Wells »

I totally agree with all you have said Terry but you misunderstood my point with the money part.

What I meant was that if like the coloured bird flying over Dover it doesn't matter because you would be able to take the loss as he is proving, just have a laugh at everyone's expense, oh and get laid a heck of a lot like he does !

So my point is forget trying to make money (decent) at this game anymore. If you are rich enough, come in and exploit it and have fun..........why because you can............it's easy with money !

Dave Wells
