Brazilian Waxes - OT?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Officer Dibble

Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Officer Dibble »

Here's an interesting little quote from India Knight writing in the Times today about our naff popular culture. First she has a go at 'Footballer's Wives' by saying -

"The magnificent television programme Footballer's Wives is, surely, a brilliant satire on the cretinous vacuity of fame."

But more interesting and relevant to forumites are her comments on 'Brazilian Waxes'

"Speaking of looking like children, I give you the Brazilian wax. What's with this? I can't understand it. Why would anybody in their right mind choose to pay money and suffer like mad in order to have the genitals of an eight year-old child?"

Dibble - Scanning the broadsheets.
Elmer the Aylmer

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Elmer the Aylmer »

Dibble quotes some biddy from the Times:
> "Speaking of looking like children, I give you the Brazilian
> wax. What's with this? I can't understand it. Why would
> anybody in their right mind choose to pay money and suffer
> like mad in order to have the genitals of an eight year-old
> child?"

I know not of Ms Knight, but if I should happen to run across her at a beach somewhere I'm sure I'll be able to recognise her

LOL :-)
Officer Dibble

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Officer Dibble »

Actually she's not a biddy. From what I can gather from her regular small photograph she looks doe-eyed, curvaceous (buxom even) and quite attractive. In fact I wouldn't mind "running across her" in the dunes.


Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Lizard »

Born 1965. Dont know about doe-eyed she reminds me of a young Mike Tyson, I met her at a book signing in Waterstones.
I also met Nigella, now thats a different mug of tea!
Bill Malone

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Bill Malone »

Dear Ms Knight

Sorry to bring everything back to sex but since we're talking about WHY Brazilian waxes are so ppopular, let me confirm something: I can't imagine there is an open-minded woman alive who doesn't wmjoy a man/another woman going down on her? Well, if you were to try giving it yourself, you'd soon see that whilst the results are very enjoyable, the practicallity is often less than appealing if you have to stop every two minutes to retrieve yet another hair from the back of your tongue, or part your partner's lips time and again looking for something that's sitting in a mass of unpenetrable hair. It's not because you remind us of an 8 year old child.

If you wax it, we can see it, we can find it. Basically.

Yours sincerely

Bill Malone
and (probably) 70% of male population
(I know it's not unanimous, you see)

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by jj »

I'm pretty unanimous on this one.
That said, if the lady chooses not to oblige, I'll soldier on like the trouper I am......after a cuppa and a Rich Tea, of course.
Officer Dibble

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Officer Dibble »

Hmm, yes, but it seems funny how people managed until the mid 90's. If it was such a trail and ordeal licking a 'normal' fanny you would have thought that someone in the past few thousand years would have had that 'eureka!' moment and thought about Brazilian waxes or the equivalent. After all they built the pyramids, the coliseum, discovered mathematics, etc.

"If you wax it, we can see it, we can find it. Basically."

With regard to the principles of contrast, which the human eye is drawn to, if you don't wax it we can see it a whole lot more starkly and some would say, erotically. Some might also say that seeing that stark contrast immediately draws the male attention to the genital regain and fires up the 'sex centre' in the male mind. With the result that he feels 'horny' - In other words a basic sexual trigger. Some might say this was nature?s intent.

Bob Singleton

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Bob Singleton »

Pubic hair is one of several signals the body gives off that that person is ready to mate. Why mess with mother nature? Trim it... OK. Shave it all off... no way!

Bob S

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Ace »

Im with Bob on this one.
Officer Dibble

Re: Brazilian Waxes - OT?

Post by Officer Dibble »

Me to.
