Why is Purestorm so difficult?

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
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Re: Why is Purestorm so difficult?

Post by BigMattyP »

Thats true, I referred several girls to AIR and GF but now alas it appears I am booted from them. Oh well, AIR and GF are much better anyway :)
This is the greatest and best porn in the world....... Tribute :)

paul jones
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Re: Why is Purestorm so difficult?

Post by paul jones »

Contact me on the CS front - love to spend a day with the two of you, esp as have so far only met the missus. Who can never stop talking about how wonderful you are :-)

Oh my god I'm having a luvvie moment....

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Re: Why is Purestorm so difficult?

Post by SpannerProductions »

Will do mate - shes a good girl she is , except when shes very very naughty !grin! (which is most of the time lucky ol me)

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Re: Why is Purestorm so difficult?

Post by Peepster »

I have also been suspended from PS, a real shame as there is a great pool of models to choose from - especially local to me (although I think many are on there just for an ego trip).

I nievely posted an ad in their forum linking to my AW page and within 3 minutes, I was history. A nice email requesting that they reconsider was ignored and a re-list using a different laptop was noticed.

I have a plan though...........!
denise davies
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Re: Why is Purestorm so difficult?

Post by denise davies »

has anyone tried onemodelplace they are realy good i have been on there for years a big selection of models you shouldnt get any problems on there

Denise Davies

Holly D
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Re: Why is Purestorm so difficult?

Post by Holly D »

I was suspended before my account was even approved. Not because of any "offensive" or "adult" images or because or any reference to b/g work but just because in the experience box I listed some of the companies that I have worked for (just the names, not the urls) and because those companies shoot adult content, I was suspended.


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Re: Why is Purestorm so difficult?

Post by ihimages »

What a load of rubbish. Funny how the same rule doesn't apply for models, a girl can sign up for a model account with self taken pics no probs.

The reason for it all is simple, the site makes a lot of money for the owner for very little effort, that money is generated from the guys that seek tfp/tfcd and so the site has to keep those guys happy. The guys that pay to hire models mainly don't pay for premium memberships because there is no benefit to them from premium memberships, the need for premium memberships comes from the guy seeking models on tfcd arrangements, it is they who need to impress. The more guys there are who pay to hire models means less prospects for the guys seeking to blag models into the free arrangements of tfp/tfcd (if models are being offered paid work then they aren't likely to do TF?), so what happened is the tfp bandits realised this a long time ago and together they thought up every reason they could to drive the paying photographers out.

All the talk about it being due to CC company rules is BS, it doesn't stand up, how do you think all the zillions of adult paysites exist, d'uh.

PureStorm is a big money maker for the guy who owns it and it's easy peasy taking only a few hours a wek of his time. I counted one night recently and there was just over 400 premium members showing as logged in at the same time in the list of online members at the bottom of the forum page, and you consider that you're not likely to get too high a percentage of actual members all online at the exact same time it gives you some idea as to the actual number of premium members the site has, it's going to be considerably more than 400. Even if we allow for the fact that most of the guys seeking TF? arrangements spend virtually their full existence on such sites the number of premium members is still going to be well into 4 figures. Premium membership costs what, I'm guessing it varies from silver to platinum levels starting around a fiver a month for the cheapest and going upwards, so the site is easily turning over a five figure sum every month. Unlike a paysite, there is no content to pay for and no affiliates taking a percentage. The only real overhead is going to be about a hundred quid a month for the server. So, the owner of PureStorm is raking in ?1000's per week for a few hours of easy graft each week, that is why there is such a desire to please the TF? photographers and keep out the guys who pay.

Oh, and have you seen the customer service and how some paying customers are treated when they don't belong to the clique, the attitude of the moderation team is nothing less than disgusting. I've seen models (who by the way don't and never have shot even solo adult let alone b/g) do something as minor as upload a picture and not flag it as containing nudity (usually because it doesn't, but someone thinks otherwise), they get no warning just a ban or suspension, no means of appeal or mature correspondence so they post about it on the forum and the moderators talk down to them like something they've trod in. Dare to criticise any aspect of the site, merely making a suggestion which most business would be happy to get customer feedback but when it comes to PureStorm they get all attitudey and give the 'if ya don't like it then fack aff'.

I actually had an account on there, never did anything wrong always stuck to the rules, but they recently pulled my account and gave the reason as I didn't have a worked with history and hadn't posted to the forums. I didn't want to post to the forums as it served no purpose to me and I have little time to spend on forums anyway (probably browse them every few days but that's it), I don't want to get involved in all the stupidity (stupid people making the same one line posts repeatedly, pros belittling amateurs, guys jumping with lightning speed on any model who dares to post a vote for me with some childish 'bye bye' whilst they hit the report button on the poor girl, guys whining all the time about models etc., hell if you post a topic asking for genuine help it'll go virtually unnoticed, but anything stupid and pointless will often generate countless pages of nothing responses), I chose not to post to the forums, I had no need to have tons of images in my profile and no need to shout about who I'd worked with, I just went about my business within the rules, keeping myself to myself and for that I get my account removed. My crime was probably that I paid to book models, had I been seeking to blag models into TF? and paying for premium membership they'd have left me alone.