O/T The News In Brief (Please)

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

O/T The News In Brief (Please)

Post by Matt »

Evenin' all. Christ, I'm hot. Buttsie, I don't know how you do it. 43 degrees is just too muc for me.

So, I'm now on the countdown to my return to the United States of England and aside from the familiarity of the place, my mother and father, and good old Marmite (you can't beat the real thing) I also have a fair stash of porn to look forward to that I've ordered to my UK base while in Australia. Most of it has been found and raided by my brother, but it will be new to me.

I'm thinking of getting just another couple of titles before I head on back but I've been out of touch with whole scene for two or three months now so a kick in the right direction woulc be appreciated.

Hello to the old regulars by the way (and no doubt the new ones who have appeared in recent times) - how's everyone doing?

Re: O/T The News In Brief (Please)

Post by Buttsie »

You get used to it..Summer is only 3 months of the year

Maybe Tasmania would have been a better bet

Not that i really keep up with whats happening
the one stand out would be the second BGAFD party
Do a search...theres pics around somewhere

As for the regulars....they're still the same old bunch of drunks,misfits and perverts otherwise they would have been banned by now

JJ died and was resurrected...thats the second time..another miracle
Magoo tried the Kojak look...need I say more
I'm the forums milk monitor...moderator in waiting apparently

The forums pretty much as you left it
If you do a search under Author Lizard you'll find some pretty good jokes...never politically correct

I could go on but I don't want to place you in a coma

If you're looking to pick up a few more titles before you leave OZ try these two links

most vids are 5 pounds plus postage...

there new catalogue A101 has an offer buy 1 get 1 for free...call them for a catalogue


Re: O/T The News In Brief (Please)

Post by jj »

Welcome back, Matt.
And Max sends his love.....