honest opinions please

The 'Promotions' forum is for the posting of promotional material relating to the British adult entertainment industry, as well as the seeking and commissioning of work by models and producers working in the British adult entertainment industry.
kaicee marie
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honest opinions please

Post by kaicee marie »

hi guys and girls, i had emailed someone personally today asking for an honest opinion and this is the answer i got

""""If your looking for honest opinion to how you can probably get more work... then I
can give that as advice. This is just from a producer eye:

- You need to lose another 1 stone at least, tone your body, puppy fat off your face
- As your losing weight your also losing it on your assets... boobs. So you need to
get a boob job to make them more full
- Have your hair at a more longer length, short hair isn't good

We have shot bigger girls in the past, however they tend to have more curves to
them.... like BIG boobs so we have something to work with. Young girls that are
slim and fresh looking.

Also... you have to understand that there are lots of girls in the industry looking
for work too that have fulfilled what I have mentioned above. So being honest if a
photographer/production is looking for girls they are going to go for them as I feel
your making yourself a niche if you dont look after yourself and look like a model.

I hope this helps and its just a personal view as I manage girls myself so a lot of
truths aren't nice. You have to work your visual looks very hard to carry on
modeling for a long time.""""""

i personally over the last 3 months have lost 2stone have been trying to tone, tho i do find it hard i dont know if its cos ive had 3 kids plus a misscarriage in 4 years but im trying, can you all give your honest opinions too as if this is how all the other producers see it i shall leave whilst the going is good, thanks for reading and please just be honest, i do appreciate it, this is just one persons percepition so if there are more that feel this way then that will answer my question


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Snow Patrol
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Re: honest opinions please

Post by Snow Patrol »

I think its just that persons opinion.

Personality presence and professionalism come first with me :)

If all girls were like that description... Then wouldn't the word be a boring place?
Variety is the spice of life etc... And, as you know, I think your lovely :)

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Re: honest opinions please

Post by justincyder »


You might not have the body of the most toned person in the world but hey neither does 99% of the rest of us. I wouldn't do anything that you didn't want to do yourself, well except shaving etc :P

Short hair no use, what bollox, tell that to Tilly Hardy.

i think that given the fact you've had 3 kids etc you look very well indeed

and make sure you take this the right way, but i'd certainly give you one given the opportunity!! :P


ps that producer probably just shoots plastic bimbo's and theres loads of blokes out there who can't abide them. Real FTW always
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Re: honest opinions please

Post by Storm »

Hi Kaicee marie, i personally think you are gorgeous and if i had your body after having 3 kids and 4 major ops i would be the happiest woman ever.
tat's it, just my two pennies worth :) xx

Dani Amour
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Re: honest opinions please

Post by Dani Amour »


I no your feeling a little down in your self right now, we all do from time to time, Hell im alot bigger than you and yes this gets me down when im called the fat Dani, or the big girl, but you no what i am who i am, i no im good at what i do and no im not going to fit everyone cup of tea, but i would not change my body on one persons view on you. Like i said im alot bigger than you babes but ill loose weight when i want to and for me. If some one don't want to shoot me because of my body size that's there call, but believe me there is alot more guys these days loving the curves than the bones baby. You have lost so much weight and i would never call you fat or to big you have a great little bod on you now.

Big hugs


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Re: honest opinions please

Post by johnsix »

Well said. Only change if YOU want to. The homogenized 19 y.o. blond with inplants and no hips that seems to be the stock in trade of US porn are all pretty interchangeable.
Most men prefer a softer, curvier more naturally feminine look.
Just keep on being as professional as you are.

ps. I'm from the 'vize' !thumbsup!
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Re: honest opinions please

Post by KazB »

Can I ask - he says you need to lose another stone for what? - a pro-rexia site?!

Personally I think curvy girls are hot as long as they look after themselves.

Perhaps he should have specified what market you would be appealing to to suit his vision, as there are plenty of producers who like a realistic body/look.

I know certain companies/producers will prefer tiny size zero girls for certain sites - just like other prefer amateur or curvy. If the niche doesn't fit you move on or like John says change for yourself but no one else.

Don't lose those sexy boobies! xx

Cum spray your spunk over my new HARDCORE site!


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erotic images
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Re: honest opinions please

Post by erotic images »

Hey Babe tell him Bollocks your a great girl good performer and dont deserve shit like that
I bet he drives a big car to make up for his small manhood
