Watch Me....

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Daisy Rock
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Re: Watch Me....

Post by Daisy Rock »

I must have missed most of this programme, but I was interested in viewing it, I shall have to watch the next one.

It always makes me laugh when they show such extremes of any penis disorders, they must have dug out the worst cases ever known to man, the one at the end almost made me fall off the couch. Sometimes I think that if you go too extreme with teenagers with horror stories, they almost become unbelievable, I remember loads of those when I was at school, like don't run with the Javelin, someone once ended up spearing three of his class mates by fucking around, LOL, yeah like hell.

One thing that did surprise me, correct me if I am wrong but the edit I saw was Damien saying was that Porn was not that enjoyable? or not as enjoyable as sex at home?

I don't think that is strictly true. I think sex on film is enjoyable, I don't want young people to think that when I or we, make porn it is not enjoyable, it's not just under 18's that were watching that programme.

Yes guys are required to get hard ons and produce come shots, is that not the nature of the beast. All guys in porn have to do that and yes sometimes it is very difficult for them, however most guys I know in Porn f**king love it, that is why they are called talent because they are talented in that area. If it is that bad then don't do it, do something else.

Porn is not like real life sex no, but that does not mean it's not enjoyable, it's just different. Many of my co stars have real orgasms after we have been fucking whether its on camera or not, some guys I have worked with can easily come more than once even if they fuck up and come too soon.

You can be on set all day too, for 8 hours or more, however you are not shagging for that long, and it is still better than working for some corporate company who is raping you every day, for shit money.

It's a job that requires hard work like any other, but it is more enjoyable than most, and surely it is up to us to say no, with anything we are uncomfortable with, even if you do need the money.

In respect to kids looking at porn and being a mum myself, it really is not that hard to stop the majority of young kids or teenagers from looking at porn. Put on your filters, check what they are viewing on the net, and have some sort of relationship with them where you are actually in their lives.

Parent education is always the best way to bring up your children, teach them yourself about sex and emotions and safety in sex. Why are the majority of parents relying on TV programmes or schools to teach their kids. That kind of education should really be for kids with parents who don't really care.


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Re: Watch Me....

Post by jazzbone »

Saw the show last night,I thought Damian came across very well,as an outsider I had no idea what a male performer has to go though ( no pun intended)in his job to earn a crust.
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Re: Watch Me....

Post by hotmandy69 »

I watched and really enjoyed the show last night. I have to admit I was really, really impressed with Damian's honesty and very mature approach to dealing with the show's questions. I think he has represented the industry with a great deal of integrity and i hope people watching will appreciate his openess about the work he does. I have to admit I have a bit of a crush now! While I think the show would have way more credibility if it presented the facts more like Damian (as opposed to the obvious bias it has towards to the porn industry) I still think that mainstream media attention towards the industry is a good thing as it makes people more aware of how it is such a major media stream in this day and age. I love porn, a lot, but i do feel it must be managed and regulated appropriately. Its not healthy for people to be sexualised at too young an age. My biggest criticism of the show was that its main issue with porn was that it promoted an unachievable image of men and women (i.e all men should have enormous penis's and women should be a size 6 with giant breasts etc) and it related this back to the British porn industry. While I agree that American porn promotes this very false look (which in turn can encourage low-self esteem for those that watch this and compare themselves to) this is not something i associate with British porn. I guess thats why we are all here; we do not subscribe to the glossy and false American school of thought instead prefering "real" porn based on real people, real sex and so on. Certainly for me that is what I love, and I think it actually does the opposite of what the program suggests (GO The Brits!) To see an "imperfect" girl on screen being incredibly sexy and comfortable with her appearance actually promotes healthy sexual expression in everything regardless of boob size, knob size, dress size and the rest. I just wish the program had bothered to consider this. Mandy xxx

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joe king
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Re: Watch Me....

Post by joe king »

I didn't understand it, the prog said Damian is expected to do anything for his paycheck. Is that right?

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joe king
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Re: Watch Me....

Post by joe king »

'On the first day of filming with them they gave us links to where they found the videos and believe me when we watched them we were shocked!'

So, you've seen child porn? And what can the law deduce from that?

~~~~~joe king~~~~~
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Damian Duke
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Re: Watch Me....

Post by Damian Duke »

The clips that the parents saw! Don't try and be cocky if you're a bit thick!
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Re: Watch Me....

Post by stamford »

i watched the show and for them to get on to child porn with in one minute then they must do it regulary, the show was supposed to be educational, however at every possible chance they slagged porn off, if adults want to watch it then they have a choice to make that decision, but if they don't want children watching it then they should take control of what they can & can't watch, as they are their parents and are supposed to be bringing them up to the wats of the world. also better sex education is required at schools, from profesionals not silly teachers who are too embarrassed to speak the truth.
joe king
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Re: Watch Me....

Post by joe king »

Sorry, I've misread your post.

the main part was
'Coming across child porn within a minute is a bit unlucky/suspicious but if you don't know what you're looking for online you can stumble across such material.

As for the porn that the parents were watching it was actually some sick shit! On the first day of filming with them they gave us links to where they found the videos and believe me when we watched them we were shocked! It was miles away from anything we would even promote on this board.'

I am not sure what 'some sick shit' is in this context.

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Re: Watch Me....

Post by hotmandy69 »

I have loved seeing Damian on the show.... ... uke-rocks/ :-) x

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