Help - What hardware ?

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Help - What hardware ?

Post by rk »

Its about time I took taking pictures of naked ladies seriously

I've pretty much decided on the cameras I want

Canon 50D for stills
Sony Sony HDR-FX7E for movies

Can anybody recommend some lights.
I don't need accessories to achieve artistic lighting - I just need well lit, uncooked models. The lights need to be luggable but they don't need to be lightweight.

For stills is the Bowens Esprit 1000/1000 Two Head Kit good enough

I have no idea what continuous lights to get for the videos - budget ?1000 - ?2000. I doubt that I need the best on the market but I do want good quality.

If this isn't the forum for this kind of question can anybody point me to a more suitable one.

All advice gratefully received.

Daz Savage
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Re: Help - What hardware ?

Post by Daz Savage »

If you need the Bowens then get the Bowens - I would because they're top!
But one thing I learned in business is that you only spend what you need to spend. If you're spending up to 2 grand so that you get the light you need then great - if you're doing it just so that you have better equipment than other people then you're demonstrating a failing in business savvy.
David Bailey was once asked what was the best light and he replied. "The available light."
Basically, do you have a studio the size of a tennis court that you need to light precisely and to perfection? Do you expect to have this requirement within the lifespan of your lighting rig?
if not, shop around for something a hell of a lot cheaper.

Ps. In case you're wondering why I'm cautious about just saying yes to you splorging-out on the Bowens... it's simple - anyone that needs top-level lighting already knows it and is unlikely to be asking us hacks for advice.

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
andy at handiwork
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Re: Help - What hardware ?

Post by andy at handiwork »

For video work I swear by flourescents. You dont have to splash out for Kino-Flo, in the region of 1500-2500; there are numerous, un-dimable, much cheaper though not quite as light and well made, units around. You get a lot of light and little heat which helps in a small studio or location. I have a Videssence 'Kool-lite' which is very thin so will fit right up against a wall without intruding, and an Ianiro Ice, a bigger, lovely large soft source. The inexpensive tubes come in a range of colour temps so you dont need gels.
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Re: Help - What hardware ?

Post by rk »


Thanks for the advice.

I want something that I can use in hotels, model's homes, hired apartments.
I'm not after perfection but I do want brightly lit sets.

I already have my natural light source sorted for the outdoor shoots :-)

I don't want to spend money for the sake of it but I don't want to make any false economies. I've hired studios where the the kit is probably too good for me to need to buy outright. I've never borrowed any kit that has been 'just right'.

The bowen's I linked to come in at a grand. If I spent ?500 would I still get the reliability, quick recycling times and enough power for a high f-number. I suspect not. I didn't think it would go down well on a lighting forum if I asked which lights were suited to porn shoots so I thought I'd ask the experts.


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Re: Help - What hardware ?

Post by rk »

Cheers andy - I was struggling to find any good sources of information on modern continuous lightning.
andy at handiwork
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Re: Help - What hardware ?

Post by andy at handiwork »

Try these, rk

Daz Savage
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Re: Help - What hardware ?

Post by Daz Savage »

Being more of a stills person rather than video I'm always gonna advise flash over continuous, however if you video your shoots - as I'm finding that I now do (you see - even gits like me don't always think ahead - lol).
But regarding your earlier post where you made the assumption that a cheaper set-up wouldn't give good recycling times etc.

QUOTE "I want something that I can use in hotels, model's homes, hired apartments."
"The bowen's I linked to come in at a grand. If I spent ?500 would I still get the reliability, quick recycling times and enough power for a high f-number. I suspect not. I didn't think it would go down well on a lighting forum if I asked which lights were suited to porn shoots so I thought I'd ask the experts."

Firstly, I have used all kinds of lights in the 15'ish years that I've been doing studio work and basically if it has a name on the side of it then I've had a go with it. Frankly I have noticed little else with the hugely expensive stuff beyond increased recycling (or even continuous flash - nice), improved power, reliability and lifespan...
Okay, these are important but when you consider that I've had a pair of mid-range Interfit heads for 3 years now that I got for the very reason that you state "I want something that I can use in hotels, model's homes, hired apartments." you can't argue that they can last - and I have shoots that go on for ever sometimes and I often end up with anything like 1000 shots at a time... with a break and then we continue!
Okay, the heads are glowing in the dark by the finish but since they've lasted 3 years with only the modelling lights needing a change - ONCE! you have to admit that they work and they last... Oh, and they recycle in under a second - even after the way I regularly abuse them.
And I only got them because I, like few other people, wanted to take my prized Bowens out on the road!

I have had some of my views changed in this business. When I did fine-art stuff I was covered in Canon EOS bodies and lenses, I had a Benbo Trekker for the countryside and a 9 foot tall Manfrotto in EACH of my 2 studios!!! (what a prick I was) My arty stuff never made me a penny even though it was actually very good if I can put modesty aside for a moment.
Now I've ended up using what I bought as 'back up' equipment as my regular stuff and frankly I swear by it.

I remember watching a programme about mercenaries and a rather dangerous looking and certainly expert Father & Son team had - like everyone else of course - brought their own equipment. Some tw*t came over cradling his own rifle smugly... and looked down his nose at their AK47's and said derisively.
"They're shit!"
"Yes," said the son - cold as hell... "my shit!"

Get what you can use well at a good price and spend the rest on models - seriously. Girls don't put you at the front of their queue because you have top names on your lights but because you slip them an extra 20 at the end of every shoot!

(Not my site but I do the shooting and she'd love you to take a peek!)
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Re: Help - What hardware ?

Post by BNMedia »

I bought my first set of lights on Ebay for ?130. They are baranded as Photosel which is some sort of Chinese import I beleive and you can buy them at ... m153.l1262
Many may argue that this is stupidly cheap and can't be any good and you maybe right. Below is a sample image taken from video filmed with these lights and I think it looks OK.
[img] ... humb_1.jpg[/img]

Having said that, if I had a bigger budget I may not have settled on a cheap import.
If you want to save money though this may be worth a look :)

Producing fucked up adult entertainment.
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Re: Help - What hardware ?

Post by davey »

hello mate have you got an email address?i might be able to help you

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Re: Help - What hardware ?

Post by SimonD »

The Bowens 2 head kits are an excellent choice, and the 1000/1000 kit will be more than enough, plenty of power and fast recycle times, I doubt most sets you will need more than 50-75% of the power so you won't be trashing them which means they should last you years and years.

They are very portable and come in a carry case, easy to pack and lug around, they are bloody heavy but have wheels fitted to the case to you can drag em too.

at ?999 it's not a bad price either, I currently use the 750 watt Bowens and bought a set a year ago and they were just over a grand.

Not sure if your aware, but there's an exhibition Focus On Imaging 09 at the NEC in Birmingham 22 - 25 Feb which sounds perfect for you right now, you get to see all the lighting kit in action and some show deals while your at it, it's mostly aimed at photography but there are some video lighting stands also.

Hope that helps.

Photographer/Videographer for:
Stunning Welsh Model -
Busty British Milf -