O/T Legal advice sought

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Faye W

O/T Legal advice sought

Post by Faye W »


(Trying again, last message failed to get thru)

I have been a lurker for several months since discovering this site. My partner and I are occasional viewers of adult material - especially Ben Dover, who seems to get natural performances out of the people he films - everyone sems to have a good time!

I need some advice....a friend of mine told me she had found some very dubious stories on her 14 yr old daughter's PC, featuring underage sex. She (like me) is confused about material like this - her daughter has promised not to correspond with the (alleged) girl who sent her this stuff, but is wondering if she should go to the Police about it. I told her it probably wasn't worth bothering about, but she is understandably kind of outraged. What IS the legal position on stories of this type, and perverts sending it to underage children? Can anyone advise?

Thanks in advance


Re: O/T Legal advice sought

Post by Lizard »

Youre on the wrong forum, this is the British Girls ADULT FILM database.and it deals with exactly just that.

Re: O/T Legal advice sought

Post by jj »

.....and is this Groundhog day?
I'm sure an identical post appeared recently (and has apparently been subsequently deleted)...........

Re: O/T Legal advice sought

Post by Ace »

A dodgy post to me, and why hide your e-mail address. One for the bin Woody!!

My Advice...

Post by John »

Well, I believe that the "grooming" legislation is now in place and I figure the character could be pirsued under this law - therefore one for the Police.

However, my advice would be to never allow a 14year old unrestrained access to the internet... Until the weirdos can be restrained - an currently they obviously aren't, I'm afraid it is all you can do.