bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

just to prove anti racism

Post by Rabc »

just to prove anti racism here is the link to a test site due to be up n running soon, thanks to my involvement with Mike from TMVid

ps please note the e-mail link on the site, although kinda working, doesnt get to me yet thats just one of the items on the to-do list LOL
Mayfair/MensWorld Editor

Re: o/t Re: bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?

Post by Mayfair/MensWorld Editor »

I've worked in this business a looooooong time, and in 15 years, I can honestly say I've probably only had the chance to shoot 10 black girls, and that includes Charmaine, Donna Collins, Antonia LaMore and a couple of others (there's that gorgeous Nigerian porn girl who's worked with Omar etc, but her name escapes me), oh, and a snake charming/fire-breathing one as well.

Bottom line is, there aren't enough black girls coming into the business. If there were stunning black girls sending pictures to me, I'd shoot them.

Mayfair regularly features Asian girls (we've even got Anjali from writing a monthly column for us, with pics) and MensWorld does the same. That's also true of Oriental girls.

Porn is an international language, and I don't care what colour a girl is, as long as she has curves in the right places and a pretty face.

Re: o/t Re: bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?

Post by TheProf. »

Remember my pictures of SYLVIA BAYO from the early edition of MAYFAIR...the then Editor took her under his wing-the next she was appearing at the Whitehall Theatre (London)in a sex farce in the late sixties.Produced by Paul Raymond,I believe.
Those were the days...

p.s.the mag was'nt with P.R.then.

Re: just to prove anti racism

Post by Crimpo »

cheers Rabc - good luck with the site!

Re: bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?

Post by Crimpo »

I think you mean Anoushka Steve - yum yum yum!!! She's on the database

Re: o/t Re: bias v black girls in UK Men's Mags?

Post by steve56 »

didnt sylvia make some softporn super 8 stuff or am i dreaming

Re: just to prove anti racism

Post by Ace »

Great pics Rabc, hot looking lady too!!!
Joe A

Seems I'm late to add to this thread..

Post by Joe A »

Beautiful black models are aplenty.. Here's one: and note the name of my site ;)I have other black models listed there as well.

But never mind magazines featuring ethnic models.. When was the last time you saw a black or Asian model on Page 3?.. I think it might be Amanda Forbes from a few years ago. If all of you who've posted before me take a moment and realise that we live in the UK which is a white country and so I think the majority of Sun/Star punters look forwards to seeing their daily blonde.. Lovers of etnic models are still a minority I'm sorry to say.

Then again if the editor of Asian Babes magazine reads this.. I gave you a list of ethnic models you asked me about months ago and you haven't contacted one of them yet and you're still publishing the same over used pics all the time. You just stick a different cover over the same old pages. I only realised this the other week when I was doing a shoot with a model who has featured in it and we found two copies with her and both were identical from page 3 till the end only they had different covers and issue numbers. We even spoke about you still using pics of Jade Newman and Balgit that were shot around 8 years ago..

So what hope is there for ethnic models in the UK when the editor of a leading magazine can't be bothered to try out new faces.

That's my 2 pence worth !

Re: Seems I'm late to add to this thread..

Post by Steven »

May be totally wrong here but do ethnic girls tend to make a deal of their rareness, or exclusiveness and charge more to work than a white girl would? If thats right then perhaps thats the reason for Asian Babes being happy to re-use old pictures over and over. Money saving perhaps.