Testing Rumours

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Sam Slater
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Testing Rumours

Post by Sam Slater »

Thank you for the reply.

I agree, I'm no expert at all, but neither are you. I have my opinion, you have yours.

However, I at least was thinking progressively from what experience of STD's I have, and trying to minimise a problem. Where's your solution before criticising me?

You can have all the free testing centres and silly 'name & shame' websites you want, but they'll do nothing at all really about the problem. They'd just be places for people to push their chests out, preen their feathers and point the finger at people they don't like. UKAP proved that already.

Lets be honest (anybody reading this in the industry). I know, and you know, the outbreak is probably already over with, or nearly over with. 99% of performers will be clean and these threads will die a death. Everyone will be back to normal...............................

..................until next time where the same accusations, the same excuses and hypothetical solutions will be argued over. And around we go.

Nothing will be done until someone catches HIV and this isn't the valley producing 5000 dvd's a day. HIV will just about finish everyone here.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Posts: 31
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Re: Testing Rumours

Post by porngirlsxrated »

Sam Slater wrote:
> However, I at least was thinking progressively from what
> experience of STD's I have, and trying to minimise a problem.
> Where's your solution before criticising me?
> You can have all the free testing centres and silly 'name &
> shame' websites you want, but they'll do nothing at all really
> about the problem. They'd just be places for people to push
> their chests out, preen their feathers and point the finger at
> people they don't like. UKAP proved that already.
> Nothing will be done until someone catches HIV and this isn't
> the valley producing 5000 dvd's a day. HIV will just about
> finish everyone here.

Just one more post

You have not come up with a solution; you have come up with a suggestion, for it to be a solution you would have to successfully implement it

Even if you did implement it, the doomsday scenario that you are prophesising in your post could still happen

The suggestions you are making are not new, your not a pioneer so don?t be so sanctimonious ? talking is easy, let?s see some action from you

Here is my suggestion, start wearing condoms in porn films, what a great idea but totally unworkable

UKAP I believe are at least working towards a better tomorrow, but it will take time and a lot longer than it takes you to knock out a couple of posts
Sam Slater
Posts: 11624
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Testing Rumours

Post by Sam Slater »

Did I say I had the solution? Read my post again. I said I was at least 'trying to minimise a problem', while you didn't even try that. You were just critical of me because my opinion wasn't suitable to you.

I believe my suggestion would indeed be a solution. Not a solution of eradicating STD's, just a solution to minimise STD's. Something a 'name & shame' site would have no affect on.

A name & shame site, could only ever be 'reactive' at it's very best. My suggestion was trying to be 'preventative'. I'm also at a loss as to why you think my suggestion would be a, quote: 'doomsday scenario'?

The paper trail and hints as to your allegiances aren't that hard to follow (work out) porngirlsxrated, and there's nothing sanctimonious about wanting performers to be safer. I never said I was pioneering, and the point of addressing me as so is just a childish ploy to demean me.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Posts: 31
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Testing Rumours

Post by porngirlsxrated »

Sam Slater wrote:

> Did I say I had the solution? Read my post again. I said I was
> at least 'trying to minimise a problem', while you
> didn't even try that. You were just critical of me because my
> opinion wasn't suitable to you.
> A name & shame site, could only ever be 'reactive' at it's very
> best. My suggestion was trying to be 'preventative'. I'm also
> at a loss as to why you think my suggestion would be a, quote:
> 'doomsday scenario'?

You are not ?trying to minimise a problem?, because you have no intention of implementing your suggestion

The point I am trying to make to you is that people who work in the industry thought of your suggestion, long before you ever did, but you seem to think you are giving us all an education

Suggestions are easy, implementing them is hard

You?re a surfer, with a bit of STD knowledge ? not a UK Adult Industry trouble shooter

Okay I?m off to the gym

The 'doomsday scenario' I am referring to is were you said ?HIV will just about finish everyone here?
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Re: Testing Rumours

Post by matt414 »

I have read this post and had to think long and hard before deciding to reply to it.
I'll first of all say that I no longer work in this industry so I have nothing to gain from saying what I am about to say, and the flip side of that nothing to lose.
But I do believe in the truth, and It makes me cringe to see people trying to get so far up peoples arses when even they know the truth.

I worked for Bluebird on 5 separate occasions last year.
The first time I worked for them it was a huge set and a big scene involving myself, another male performer and 4 female performers.
I had already shown my certs to the guy that was dealing with them, I can't remember his name. I asked to see the girls certs, I was told I'd be spoken to.
We had all the costumes done and were about to do the scene when a guy that worked for Bluebird at that time turned around and told me that none of the girls had there certs. Would I still do the scene? Stupidly and irresponsibly I said I would do the scene, he gave me some bull shit excuse about how they had not got them back from the clinic but they had been tested and everything is ok.
I had traveled 4 hours to get to the set in Surrey, on a Sunday and to be honest did not want to go all that way for fook all.
Still that is not a good enough excuse, I know that and should of told him to bollocks.

Anyway the 2nd,3rd and 4th time I worked for them... Guess what no fooking certs!
The best I got off one of the girs is 'ring the clinic and ask them if you want!'

Ring the clinic!? why the fuck do I have to ring the clinic? I thought the industry ran through using these certs?
The 5th and final time I worked for them I did a scene with a Polish girl who actually had her certs.
But then Mr Chaplin himself wanted to do the scene with her, but he did not have any certs! He told her she could ring the clinic, she refused. One of the office girls actually went up to her and said well done for saying no and standing up to him.

I may get shot down in flames by the followers and sheep for writing this
(baaa baaa to you first.) but I really don't give a flying fuck.
That's the truth, and a non biased truth. Believe it, don't believe.
Your choice.
Posts: 153
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Testing Rumours

Post by matt414 »

Last thing I'm going to ever say on this is...
Thats really funny as one of the shoots I'm talking about you worked with both contract girls the scene before! So how did they have certs for your scene and not for the one myself and the other guy were in with them?!
So don't tell porkies mate.